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cc-looper [2018/10/09 18:05] phatlinecc-looper [2020/12/24 14:14] (current) – [To Do] phatline
Line 27: Line 27:
   * Soldering Iron - with a Dip that can Handle SMD-Parts, Wires, solder Paste for the µC....\\   * Soldering Iron - with a Dip that can Handle SMD-Parts, Wires, solder Paste for the µC....\\
   * USB Power Supply with µUSB-Connector\\   * USB Power Supply with µUSB-Connector\\
-====== Building ====== 
-===== BOM ===== 
 ==== Set ==== ==== Set ====
Line 38: Line 34:
 Midi IN2 >>> Midi Out from Synthesizer  -  which sends out the Moved CCs\\ Midi IN2 >>> Midi Out from Synthesizer  -  which sends out the Moved CCs\\
 Midi OUT >>> Midi IN of Synthesizer input (Automated CCs merged with mididata from Midi IN1)\\ Midi OUT >>> Midi IN of Synthesizer input (Automated CCs merged with mididata from Midi IN1)\\
-==== Frontpanels ==== 
-FIXME - a clear Acrylic Frontplate, with NO Engravings, UI-Labeling is viewable from PCB\\ 
 ====== Software ====== ====== Software ======
Line 47: Line 40:
 FIXME Firmware not made yet FIXME Firmware not made yet
-===== To Do ===== +====== Building ====== 
-alot, beta test, programming the firmware, housing\\+{{:phatline:CCL-pcb.png?500|}}\\ 
 +==== Frontpanel ====
 +FIXME - a clear Acrylic Frontplate, with NO Engravings, UI-Labeling is viewable from PCB\\
 +==== Case ====
 +===== BOM ===== 
 +^Ref ^Qty ^Value ^Footprint ^MouserPart ^Link
 +|C1 – C7 |7 |100nF |0603 Capacitor |81-GRM33C71C104ME14D |[[|Mouser]] |end
 +|Rec--1 – Rec—4, UI--5 UI—4, led1, -1 -2 -3 -4 |11 |REC, LED, beat, CC-IN, |0603 LED |630-ASMT-RR45-AQ902 |[[|Mouser]] |end
 +|1-16 (LED-BAR) |64 |bar |0603 LED |755-SMLEN3WBC8W1 |[[|Mouser]] |end
 +|D64 D65 |2 |1N-4148 |1206 Diode |833-1N4148W-TP |[[|Mouser]] |end
 +|PTC1 |1 |Thermistor_PTC |1206 Resistor |576-1206L150THWR |[[|Mouser]] |end
 +|R1, R2, R19 – R34 |18 |10K |1206 Resistor |603-AC0603FR-0710KL |[[|Mouser]] |end
 +|R3 R5 R6 R7 R8 |5 |47 |1206 Resistor |603-RC0603FR-0747RL |[[|Mouser]] |end
 +|R9-R14, R36, R37 |8 |220 |1206 Resistor |603-RC0603FR-07220RL |[[|Mouser]] |end
 +|R15 R16 |2 |1K |1206 Resistor |603-RC0603JR-071KL  |[[|Mouser]] |end
 +|R17 R18 |2 |4K7 |1206 Resistor |603-RC0603FR-074K7L |[[|Mouser]] |end
 +|OUT1 |1 |Midi |DIN-8-SDF-80J |490-SDF-80J |[[|Mouser]] |end
 +|M1 |1 |DIPCORE32_CMPNT_48P|517-929870-01-20-RA |DIP-40 |[[|Mouser]] |end
 +|S8 |1 |Shift |DT6 |611-D6R00F1LFS |[[|Mouser]] |end
 +|S1 – S4 |1 |Part1 |611-SERWHAUOA |DTL2-1-LED |[[|Mouser]] |end
 +|S5 – S7, S9 – S10 |6 |X,C,V,Len,Pre,Tac |611-SERRDAUOA |DTL2-1-NO-LED |[[|Mouser]] |end
 +|ENC1 |1 |ENC_BOURNS_PEC11 |ENC_BOURNS_PEC11+SW |652-PEC11R-4215F-S24 |[[|Mouser]] |end
 +|IN1 IN2 |2 |Midi |Midi-Socket-MAB5SH-DIN-5|566-MAB5SH |[[|Mouser]] |end
 +|Foot1 |1 |Pin |PINHEAD-1x02_2.54mm  
 +|J2 |1 |BootLoad |PINHEAD-1x02_2.54mm
 +|AIN1 |1 |PIN |PINHEAD-2x03_2.54mm
 +|U1 U2 |2 |6N136 |SMDIP-8_W11.48mm |782-6N136-X009 |[[|Mouser]] |end
 +|-595 |3 |74HC595 |SO-16-N |621-74AHC595S16-13 |[[|Mouser]] |end
 +|U3 U4 |2 |74LS165 |SO-16-N |595-SN74LS165ADR |[[|Mouser]] |end
 +|M2 |1 |µSD_DM3ATDM3AT |ΜSD_DM3AT |798-DM3AT-SF-PEJM5 |[[|Mouser]] |end
 +===== To Do =====
 +a housing/case or frontplate\\
 ===== Resources ===== ===== Resources =====
 +KiCad-Data{{:phatline:ccl-dipcore.7z|}} \\ 
 its based on a mixture off: its based on a mixture off:
   * [[|msq-cc-lre]]   * [[|msq-cc-lre]]
cc-looper.1539108324.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/10/09 18:05 by phatline