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frequently_asked_questions_faq [2016/06/10 14:39] psykhazefrequently_asked_questions_faq [2016/06/10 14:41] (current) psykhaze
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 ====== General Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ====== ====== General Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ======
 +//FIXME Some updates needed out there//
 This page summarizes the most frequently asked questions concerning the projects found on the [[]] website. It will be enhanced with every new interesting questions and will be modified with every new awareness. Feel free to ask in questions in the MIDIbox forum [[]] or edit this document by yourself if you are missing an important question, don't understand an answer or if you found a better solution in order to improve this "living document". This page summarizes the most frequently asked questions concerning the projects found on the [[]] website. It will be enhanced with every new interesting questions and will be modified with every new awareness. Feel free to ask in questions in the MIDIbox forum [[]] or edit this document by yourself if you are missing an important question, don't understand an answer or if you found a better solution in order to improve this "living document".
frequently_asked_questions_faq.1465569588.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/06/10 14:39 by psykhaze