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home:mbhp:module:bootloader-switch [2018/04/01 20:08] – created phatlinehome:mbhp:module:bootloader-switch [2018/04/01 21:00] (current) phatline
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 ====== BootLoader-Switch ====== ====== BootLoader-Switch ======
 when activated it will force Core32 to bootup in Bootload mode, doesnt matter how buggy your progam is... \\ when activated it will force Core32 to bootup in Bootload mode, doesnt matter how buggy your progam is... \\
-you need:+ 
 +**you need:**\\
 2x wires\\ 2x wires\\
 2x 2Pin-Header\\ 2x 2Pin-Header\\
 On-OFF Switch\\ On-OFF Switch\\
-solder this like in this Picture:\\+**solder this like shown here:**\\
 {{:phatline:bootloader-switch.jpg?700|}}\\ {{:phatline:bootloader-switch.jpg?700|}}\\
-and connect it to following pins:\\+**connect it to following pins of CORE32F4:**\\
 {{:phatline:bootloader-switch-detail.jpg?800|}}\\ {{:phatline:bootloader-switch-detail.jpg?800|}}\\
-you maybe not need this, but when you need it, its good to have such switch on the backside of your midibox (@least when uploading, buggy betas, or you code your own program...)+you maybe not need this, but when you need it, its good to have such switch on the backside of your midibox (@least when uploading, buggy betas, or you code your own program...)\\ 
 +greetings - Phatline// 
home/mbhp/module/bootloader-switch.1522613328.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/04/01 20:08 by phatline