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home:mbhp:module:bootloader-switch [2018/04/01 20:59] phatlinehome:mbhp:module:bootloader-switch [2018/04/01 21:00] (current) phatline
Line 10: Line 10:
 {{:phatline:bootloader-switch.jpg?700|}}\\ {{:phatline:bootloader-switch.jpg?700|}}\\
-**connect it to following pins:**\\+**connect it to following pins of CORE32F4:**\\
 {{:phatline:bootloader-switch-detail.jpg?800|}}\\ {{:phatline:bootloader-switch-detail.jpg?800|}}\\
-you maybe not need this, but when you need it, its good to have such switch on the backside of your midibox (@least when uploading, buggy betas, or you code your own program...)+you maybe not need this, but when you need it, its good to have such switch on the backside of your midibox (@least when uploading, buggy betas, or you code your own program...)\\ 
-greetings +greetings Phatline// 
-* **[[Phatline]]**  +
home/mbhp/module/bootloader-switch.1522616358.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/04/01 20:59 by phatline