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loopa-eurorack-panel [2022/01/16 08:34] – [Building and BOM] phatlineloopa-eurorack-panel [2022/02/24 21:27] (current) phatline
Line 3: Line 3:
 {{:phatline:Euro-LoopA-Frontpanel.jpg?900|}}\\ {{:phatline:Euro-LoopA-Frontpanel.jpg?900|}}\\
 **I made this Breakout-PCB and Frontpanel for the midiphy LoopA [[|midiphy LoopA]]**\\ **I made this Breakout-PCB and Frontpanel for the midiphy LoopA [[|midiphy LoopA]]**\\
Line 34: Line 35:
 1x [[|USB-Socket]]\\ 1x [[|USB-Socket]]\\
 8x [[|3,5 Audio Jack]]\\ 8x [[|3,5 Audio Jack]]\\
 +12x [[|Round 3mm Thruhole LEDs-RED-Flat]]\\
 +4x [[|Round 3mm Thruhole LEDs-GREEN-Flat]]
 \\ \\
 And there will be some additional Fasting Material, like bolts, Screws, Standoffs, that i dont know right now, because the first protoype has to be built first...\\ And there will be some additional Fasting Material, like bolts, Screws, Standoffs, that i dont know right now, because the first protoype has to be built first...\\
Line 40: Line 43:
 {{:phatline:Euro-LoopA-Frontpanel-growing.jpg?900|}}\\ {{:phatline:Euro-LoopA-Frontpanel-growing.jpg?900|}}\\
 **I made a DXF File which you can send to:** (once the prototypestate is gone)\\ **I made a DXF File which you can send to:** (once the prototypestate is gone)\\
-[[|Formulor in Germany]] - for Acrylic\\+[[|Formulor in Germany]] - Acrylic ... 2Pieces incl shipping 42€\\
 [[| in germany]] my choose\\ [[| in germany]] my choose\\
 [[|The Beast - UK]]\\ [[|The Beast - UK]]\\
Line 46: Line 49:
 \\  \\ 
 **Recommend Material**\\ **Recommend Material**\\
-3mm x 128.5 x 188.58 Aluminium, anodised\\+2mm x 128.5 x 188.58 Aluminium, anodised\\ 
 +contact frontpanels:\\ 
 +====== Interconnection to LoopA ======
 +To most connections are Midi... so before start, take a look at some standards:\\
 ====== To Do ====== ====== To Do ======
loopa-eurorack-panel.1642322055.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/01/16 08:34 by phatline