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midibox_ay_patch_menu [2009/11/21 11:52] lemonhorsemidibox_ay_patch_menu [2010/03/29 10:06] (current) lemonhorse
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 ===== MIDIBox AY 3 8912 - PATCH MENU ===== ===== MIDIBox AY 3 8912 - PATCH MENU =====
-Access the **PATCH MENU** via **F1**+Access the **PATCH MENU** via **F1** (C64 Keyboard)
-|**LCD Menu**| | | +**PATCH MENU Options:** 
-|**Func.**|**Data**|**Memo**| + 
-|NAME: | PATCH NAME | Edit the Patch Name here| +  * Store A Patch (Patch 0) to Eeprom (PIC 18F Eeprom, no Bankstick1 needed) 
-|NR  : | 0 to 127   | Patch 0 = PIC internal Patch 1 to 127 = Bankstick Patches| +  * Store A Patch (Patch 1 to 127) to Bankstick1 (BS) 
-|DO  : | L W F      | **L**oad Patch, **W**rite Patch, **F**ormat Bankstick1 |+  * Format Bankstick1  
 +**The Patch Menu - Overview:** 
 +|**LCD ROW**|**Func.**|**Data**|**Memo**| 
 +|1|NAME: | PATCHNAME | Edit the **Patchname** here| 
 +|2|NR  : | 0 to 127   Select the **Patch Number** here (Patch 0 = PIC internal Patch 1 to 127 = Bankstick Patches)
 +|3|DO  : | L W F      | Do **L**oad Patch, **W**rite Patch, **F**ormat Bankstick1 | 
 +|4|status| (info)     | (**W**: OK, **L**: OK, **F**: BS PATCH 1-127)| 
 +**Patch Menu - Editing:** 
 +|**LCD ROW** |**EDIT**| **KEYS**      | 
 +|1|NAME |Use A-Z, 0-9, SPACE = "_", after Patchname Editing the user can delete the Patchname via INST DEL key| 
 +|2|Nr.  |Use crsr <- -> (+ / -)| 
 +|3|Do   |Use L W F             | 
 +|4|status| (info)              | 
 +  * Bankstick (BS) = Bankstick1 by default 
 +  * Bankstick Formatting: Patch 1 to 127 will be written with the **current Patch** data (!). For instance: set the MIDI Channel Tone A to 8. Now every Bankstick Patch (1 -127) will have the MIDI Channel 8 (@Tone A) after Bankstick formatting (in this way it is easy to **predefine a Patch Setup for all 127 Bankstick Patches**).  
 +  * A " **!** " before the [Patchname] (@LCD ROW1) indicates, that the Patch is NOT loaded yet.  
 +  * The Fx Data will be stored  
 +  * Patchname Cursor Pos. +1 = [CRSR ->] or [+] or [>  
 +  * Patchname Cursor Pos. -1 = [CRSR <-|(+SHIFT)] or [-] or [<]  
 +  * [INS DEL] or [CLR HOME] delete the patchname after patchname editing (this do not delete the patch data!). 
-|**EDIT**| **KEYS**      | 
-|NAME |Use A-Z (0-9)         | 
-|Nr.  |Use crsr <- -> (+ / -)| 
-|Do   |Use L W F             | 
-|status| (info)              | 
midibox_ay_patch_menu.1258804330.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/11/21 11:52 (external edit)