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pedal_box:pc_editor_manual [2009/04/26 05:59] Durisianpedal_box:pc_editor_manual [2009/12/15 06:05] (current) Durisian
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 In the not too distant future I plan to completely re-write it from the ground up - implementing some of the things I have learned along the way right from the start, rather than hacking them in place. But thats a long way off yet! In the not too distant future I plan to completely re-write it from the ground up - implementing some of the things I have learned along the way right from the start, rather than hacking them in place. But thats a long way off yet!
 +15/12/09 - 
 +A new PC Editor is on the way (written in VB - I know, I know, but it's so much easier than java ^_^) \\ 
 +It has some cool stuff - like: \\ 
 +  * ability to move items up and down the lists - and auto change the pedal/switch settings to match (sooo much simpler if you change your mind about the order of things)
 +  * Entire Expression Pedal swapping
 +  * Assign the same settings to a banked footswitch to the same number in all the banks
 +  * Movable buttons on the footswitch screen allow for a basic visual representation of your footswitch layout
 +  * + more
 +I have a few hickups though, namely with getting the MIDI side of things to work.
 +If anyone has experirnce with MIDI in VB - i'd love some help :-D
 ======PB PC Editor Manual====== ======PB PC Editor Manual======
pedal_box/pc_editor_manual.1240725557.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/04/26 05:59 by Durisian