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ssm2044_pcb [2010/03/11 08:37] seppomanssm2044_pcb [2016/06/22 00:25] (current) psykhaze
Line 1: Line 1:
-==== Dual SSM 2044 VCF ====+====== Dual SSM 2044 VCF ======
 [[|SSM2044 PCB Bulk Order]] [[|SSM2044 PCB Bulk Order]]
Line 29: Line 29:
 {{seppoman:ssm2044_schematic.pdf|Schematic}} {{seppoman:ssm2044_schematic.pdf|Schematic}}
-!! Somehow the new Firefox versions don't open this file the normal way - please use right-click - save-as instead !! 
 ==== Parts List ==== ==== Parts List ====
ssm2044_pcb.1268296620.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/03/11 08:37 by seppoman