This page will instruct you to install and configure Eclipse as your MidiBox Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Eclipse is supported on multiple platforms, including Windows, Linux and Mac OS. The long-term goal is for this wiki page to provide instruction for all platforms. As it stands today, these instructions are written for use on the following operating systems:
The following software versions were used when generating these instructions. As these free and open-source tools evolve, the user interfaces may change and appear different from those displayed here.
Eclipse is a Java application, and therefore requires you to have a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed on your computer. The recommended JREs for use with Eclipse, handily sorted by computer operating system, can be found on this web page. Download the JRE and install according to the JRE provider's instructions.
Download Eclipse from this web page. Eclipse comes in a few flavors. For use as a MidiBox IDE, you want to download “Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers”. This Eclipse package includes the C/C++ Development Tooling (CDT), which makes Eclipse C and C++ friendly. Be sure to select the correct version for your computer's operating system (32- or 64-bit).
Installation is very easy: simply extract the archive you downloaded from the Eclipse website and copy the contents to your computer's hard drive. Because there is no formal installation, you will need to generate your own desktop shortcuts, if desired.
Open Eclipse. You may be prompted to select a workspace. If unfamiliar with Eclipse, you should just use the default workspace location for now.
If you are presented with the 'Welcome' screen, click the “Go To the Workbench” link.
You should now be presented with the Eclipse workbench. To configure your workspace, select 'Preferences' from the 'Window' menu.
You are now presented with the 'Preferences' window where you will configure your workspace.
By default, Eclipse will build a project every time you open the project or switch to it. This “feature” can sometimes be extremely annoying. To disable this behavior, select General→Workspace in the 'Preferences' window and uncheck the 'Build automatically' option.
You can define Environment variables that will only be used by Eclipse. You can use this feature instead of modifying the operating system environment variables. To define Environment variables, select C/C++→Build→Environment in the 'Preferences' window and click the 'Add' button on the right. These environment variables will automatically apply to all projects in the workspace, and you can override them on a per-project basis by modifying the projects' configurations.
You can also modify the PATH environment variable that will be used within Eclipse. This is particularly useful if you want to switch between different toolchains, or use a particular toolchain for one of your projects.
For Windows, add a variable 'Path' and give it a value something like the following:
C:\msys\1.0\bin;C:\Program Files\CodeSourcery\Sourcery G++ Lite\bin;${Path}
For Linux, add a variable 'PATH'
Note the value you enter for the PATH variable may be different than the above depending upon where you installed the MidiBox toolchain.
It is assumed that you have completed the MIOS32 toolchain installation for your particular system (either Windows or Linux) and have successfully obtained the MIOS32 source code prior to completing the instructions that follow.
The Eclipse project files in the MIOS32 repository are created to make use of a relative path to the MIOS32 directories. This is required because the MIOS32 code can be located anywhere within a developer's file system. We will create the path variable in our workspace which is referenced by the project file, allowing Eclipse to locate all the directories specified by the project file. In the 'Preferences' window, select General→Workspace→Linked Resources from the tree in the left-hand pane. Click the 'New…' button on the right. Give the variable the name 'MIOS32_ROOT', then specify the location of your MIOS32 checkout on your computer (this may be something like 'C:\subversion\mios32\trunk', or for Linux '~/mios32'). You can also select the directory by browsing to it after clicking the 'Folder…' button.
Select 'Import…' from the 'File' menu or right-click in the whitespace of the Project Explorer pane on the left and select 'Import…' from the menu that appears.
You will be presented with the 'Import' window. Expand 'General' and select 'Existing Projects into Workspace', click 'Next >' button.
Click the 'Browse…' button next to 'Select root directory'. Browse to your MIOS32 directory and select the folder \apps\templates\app_skeleton_cpp, click 'OK' button. The app_skeleton_cpp project should appear in the 'Projects' field of the 'Import' window, its checkbox should be checked. Click 'Finish' button.
The app_skeleton_cpp project should now appear in the Project Explorer pane in Eclipse. If you've done everything correctly, you should be able to browse the MIOS32 source code in the app_skeleton_cpp project's linked directories. Repeat the above steps to import the app_skeleton project into Eclipse.
If you have performed all steps correctly, you should be ready to build this project. Select the app_skeleton_cpp project, right-click and select 'Build Project'. You can also select 'Build Project' from the 'Project' menu, or use the keyboard shortcut 'CTRL+B'.
The console output should be visible in the 'Console' pane of Eclipse.
The app_skeleton_cpp build produced a warning, you can see this warning is highlighted in red in the console pane. Eclipse is able to parse the console output of the build and highlight warnings and errors for you. Even better still, you can double-click the warning in the console pane. The file that contains the source of the warning will be found and opened, and you will be taken to the exact line of code that generated the warning.
Even more information is available to you… notice the icon next to the line of code that generated the warning. This icon also appears on the file icon in the Project Explorer tree. In the right-hand panel is an outline of the code in this c module. The function that generated the warning also has the warning icon. If your compilation did not generate this warning, add something to the code that will generate an error during compilation (for instance, delete a semi-colon), then build the project. The build will hault once the error is detected, and you should be able to trace that error in the same ways that are described above for the warning.
This section documents how to setup and execute debug sessions using a JTAG interface to a midibox STM32 core module.
The following is used in this section:
OS:………………windows 7 x64 WinXP should work the same use with OpenOCD 0.5.0 (non x64)
toolchain:……mios32_toolchain (mentioned in the wiki). Ensure that workspace environment PATH includes e.g C:\mios32_toolchain\bin
IDE:……………..Eclipse (Indigo) later versions will probably not work at this point
OpenOCD:…….0.5.0 x64 Download
GDB:……………..Yagarto (gdb version 7.3.1) later versions should workdownload
JTAG:…………….Amontec JTAGkey-tiny many other brands and types of JTAG interface are supported by OpenOCD
Open Eclipse:External Tools Configurations.
This config will have the function of simply running the debugger with a project that is already flashed in the midibox core (it may have been flashed using MIOS Studio in the usual way). It does not actually build the program or flash it. Frequently you'll want to run the debugger for various test cases without changing the program. This does it quickest.
target extended-remote localhost:3333
b main
monitor soft_reset_halt
monitor sleep 500
clear main
In this procedure we will debug by building the application and flashing it into the core using MIOS Studio, do this first then…
In this configuration the app will be built, then flashed into the core, then loaded ready to execute.
target extended-remote localhost:3333
monitor reset halt
monitor wait_halt
monitor poll
as well as in the “Run Commands” text box:
monitor flash probe 0
monitor stm32f1x mass_erase 0
monitor flash write_image MyProjectFolder/project_build/project.bin 0x08000000 bin
target remote localhost:3333
monitor soft_reset_halt