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this is a DAW controller for Ableton Live
in combination with some M4L plugins, you can can controll Macro-Racks, see Track and Macronames and so on
later more…\


  • DAW-BTN 3+3 LED Buttons, a PCB tu build a DAW-Controller
  • DAW-Encoder-Display SSD1306 and Encoders, a PCB to build a DAW-Controller (scaleable)



Material: 3,00 mm Acrylglas GS Matt
Color: Polar White, transluzent, matt (S2 030)
File: 24

Button and Encoders

Material: 3,00 mm Acrylglas GS
Color: mittelgrau, transparent (7C83)
File: 24

The Price for Faders and Button/Encoder Plates is summed arround 122€ incl Shipping

To Do

build an test a case

Community users working on it

  • Phatline = PCB & Shematic, UI-Programming, Documentation…

Just let a Private message on the forum to user already involved.
or join the forum: daw-controller-ableton

daw-ableton.1674175245.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/01/20 00:40 by phatline