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Welcome to the MIDIBox Knowledge Base

What is MIDIBox?
MIDIBox is a do it yourself custom midi controller solution. You can use the resources on these pages to build your own custom MIDIBox based midi controller. A more thorough introduction can be found here.

This knowledge base is a wiki
The MIDIBox community works hard to maintain and improve this knowledge base. You can help! Feel free to add or correct things. You need a MIDIBox forum account to edit these wiki pages. If you want to discuss documentation or wiki issues, please post in the forum. If you're posting a question in the forum, be sure you look for the answer first by searching this wiki,, and the forum itself.

Visit also the new wiki home. This is the root of the new wiki-pages, which will replace the old ones (in whose home you currently are). This idea is to move all the existing information from the old pages to the new wiki, and also to add new information in a more clear sturcture. Visit the wikify page to learn more about how you can help with this and to see the guidelines to the new wiki pages.

<box 46% left orange|About>

  • Introduction to - recommended reading! 98% of all newbie-questions in the forum are answered in here
  • MBHP Acronyms - Acronyms and abbreviations often used here. If you don't know what AIN or BS means… just look it up before you continue!
  • References - Links, Book Reviews and Specification References: Look it up!
  • FAQ - Questions and Answers - Find the Answers to the most frequent questions here!
  • The homepage of Thorsten Klose, the creator of MBHP & MIOS with loads of documentation


<box 46% left blue|MIDIbox Devices>

  • MIDIbox Projects - MIDIbox devices like Controllers, Synthesizers, Sequencers and all sorts of different DIY-projects. You will find tutorials, manuals, descriptions and links for over 20 both official as well as inofficial user projects - for example the famous MIDIbox SID Synthie or the MIDIbox Sequencer.


<box 46% left blue|MIDIbox Hardware Platform (MBHP)>

  • MBHP - the MIDIbox Hardware Platform with detailed informations about available modules (eg. the Core Module)
  • Parts - Where to order, part references (eg. how to connect an Encoder)
  • Basics - How to get started, things you'll need, Soldering, Tips & Tricks
  • Troubleshooting - If you're stuck


<box 46% left red|MIDIbox Community>

  • Users – Create your own page and show what you're doing with your midibox!
  • User Projects - Add your projects, codes, pictures here! You can find a lot of cool customized boxes!
  • MIDIbox Forum - Get involved!


<box 46% left green|MIDIbox Operating System (MIOS)>

  • MIOS - The MIDIbox Operating System
  • Tools - Available software and special helpers required to communicate with your Box, eg. MIOS Studio
  • Application Development - Informations for developers: Tutorials, IDE config and debug tips (C and ASM)


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home.1238888377.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/04/04 23:39 by this