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MotorFader NG


Official UcApps Page

the Motorfader NG module was designed with following rules :

  • High-quality faders (Alps K faders with “coreless” motors) Handling
  • Deliver stable enough ADC conversion results due to the reduced 3.3V voltage range
  • Handle touch sensors properly without heavy CPU load (without an additional external device or microcontroller)
  • PIC based projects Compatible for best usability
  • DIY friendly and not requiring additional gear for something which isn't part of the MBHP yet
  • Easy Testing and troubleshooting


  • Dedicated PIC controller controls the motorfaders directly.
  • Firmware can be updated via MIDI!
  • Motorfaders are accessed via MIDI - this allows standalone usage, cascading (to chain multiple modules), and the re-use of existing infrastructure such as MIOS, MIOS Studio and MIOS Bootloader
  • Can either be connected to a PC directly, or controlled from a second PIC or STM32 or LPC17
  • native support of various protocols (e.g. PitchBender, CCs, even Logic Control and Mackie Control Emulation)
  • support for 8 touch sensors
  • instead of TC4427 I'm using L293D now - not at least because of the integrated diodes.
  • due to the direct motor control connections, the PIC is now able to generate PWM with 50 uS steps for improved motor speed control while a motor is moved
  • Dedicated Firmware for this task, Enough memory free to integrate advanced features, such as runtime-calibration and motor position tracing

Compatible Motorfaders

mf_ng_board_parts_list.1467157338.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/06/28 23:42 by psykhaze