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Utility Functions
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The Utility Functions Menu is accessible by pressing MENU + GP Button #10, or the F1 button on the Wilba Frontpanel.
Some of these functions (eg: COPY, PASTE, CLEAR) are directly accessible from the Frontpanel without having to go though a menu. Some functions can be assigned to buttons by editing the MBSEQ_HW.V4 file, but aren't assigned by default (eg: UNDO).
Press COPY to copy a portion of the currently selected track into the SEQ's copy buffer. By default, the visible steps will be copied (ie: steps 1-16 if the SEQ's LCD is displaying the start of your pattern.) The COPY function works this way in most modes - if you're in any mode other than EDIT view, the SEQ will switch to EDIT –> Step View while the COPY button is held, and will revert back to the previous view when the button is released.
While COPY is held down, you can select the range of steps that will be copied (remember: by default COPY copies the 16 visible steps). Move Encoder #1 to select the first step in the range, and any other encoder (including the datawheel) to select the last step in the range.
Pressing PASTE takes the steps in the copy buffer and pastes them into the track starting at the selected offset position. By default, the offset position is the first visible step on the LCD (eg: step 1, 17, 33, etc.). But you can choose a different offset if you want - while the PASTE button is held down, the offset can be selected with any encoder, including the Datawheel.
Offsets and the copy range are displayed on the top line of the SEQ LCDs while COPY or PASTE are held down.
You can choose whether the COPY/PASTE (and CLEAR) functions affect only the steps of the track, or the entire track (including MIDI port/channel settings, drum layer assignments, etc.) This configuration option is available through the “Paste and Clear Button Will Modify” option on the Options Page (UTIL (F1) –> OPT).
COPY copies the settings for that song position. Move to another song position, press PASTE, and that position will become identical to the one you copied.
In MIXER MAP mode, COPY copies the entire current MIXER MAP into the copy buffer. If you move to another Mixer Map and press paste, that map will now be identical to the one you copied.
Press MENU+COPY to export all currently selected tracks into the /PRESETS folder on the SD Card. The resulting files are named COPY[track].V4T. The [track] numbers in the filenames are independent from the actual track position - eg: if you select tracks 2, 4 and 6 on the SEQ, then press MENU+COPY, those tracks will be saved as COPY1.V4T, COPY2.V4T, and COPY3.V4T.
Press MENU+PASTE to import “COPY[track].V4T” files from the /PRESETS folder into all selected tracks, starting from COPY1.V4T to (up to) COPY16.V4T - eg: if you select tracks 1 and 7 on the SEQ, then press MENU+PASTE, COPY1.V4T will be copied into track 1 on the SEQ, and COPY2.V4T will be copied into track 7.
You can use these functions to quickly copy and paste tracks between patterns and sessions, to create temporary backups, to duplicate tracks, or whatever. Note that you can also import these COPY[track].V4T files from the MENU→Event→PRESETS menu. You may want to do this if you want to exclude certain parts of the preset.
In EDIT mode, pressing CLEAR will instantly clear the selected track(s).
In MIXER MAP mode, CLEAR clears the current Map.
In SONG mode, CLEAR clears the current song position.
CLEAR Options
You can choose whether the CLEAR (and COPY/PASTE) functions affect only the steps of the track, or the entire track (including MIDI port/channel settings, drum layer assignments, etc.) This configuration option is available through the “Paste and Clear Button Will Modify” option on the Options Page (UTIL (F1) –> OPT).
The MOVE function (Accessible in the UTIL (F1) menu), allows you to move a step to another step position. While the MOVE button is held, use any of the 16 encoders to move the note (and all other layer data) currently in the step position corresponding to that encoder to another step.
The SCROLL function (Accessible in the UTIL (F1) menu), allows you to offset all of the steps in the track forward or backwards. While the SCROLL button is held, use any of the 16 encoders to move all the notes in the track beginning at the step position corresponding to that encoder.
A button is available to directly activate the UNDO function, but by default it is not assigned on the Wilba Frontpanel. You can assign the function to a button by editing the MBSEQ_HW.V4 file.
You can also access the UNDO function through the Utility Functions Menu (MENU+GP Button #10 or F1 Button).
The UNDO function reverts the most recent COPY, PASTE, CLEAR, MOVE, SCROLL, or Random Generator operation