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one of the Future Microcontrollers for memory intensive Applications

A special variant of MIOS is available for the PIC18F4620. The usage of this processor is (currently) only required for the next major step of MIDIbox SEQ (V3), most other projects are running fine on a PIC18F452 (MIDIbox SID V2 will run on a PIC18F4685)

Biggest advantages of this microcontroller: 64k internal flash (2 times more), 3968 bytes RAM (2.6 times more), 1024 bytes internal EEPROM (4 times more), and hardware compatibility to the PIC18F452 - therefore the same MBHP_CORE module can be used.

Please note, that Rev A3 and A4 of the chip are affected by the EUSART Bug. It has been fixed in revision B4 (meanwhile we reached B5)

The PIC18F4620 is almost software compatible to existing MIOS applications. There is a special MIOS version which needs to be uploaded, the major differences are different memory limit checks (e.g. code upload to addresses >= 0x8000 are possible).

For information on developing or converting applications to use the PIC18F4620, please see the page on Application Development


Do I need a special Core Module for the PIC18F4620?

No, the PIC18F4620 is pin-, hard- and softwarecompatible to the PIC18F452

Can I run an old PIC18F452 Application on a PIC18F4620?

Yes, all applications are binary compatible, which means, that you don't even need to build a new .hex file, just upload the precompiled code. Only the Bootloader and MIOS itself got some small adaptions in order to allow to program the upper flash area, and the extented EEPROM range. Therefore you will find special versions in the MIOS update package within the pic18f4620/ directory

Can I use my old JDM burner to burn the bootloader onto a PIC18F4620?

Can I use my old JDM burner to burn the IIC MIDI firmware onto a PIC16F88?

Also See

mios_pic18f4620.1205482486.txt.gz · Last modified: 2008/03/14 08:16 (external edit)