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Request List for the 6th bulk order of “GM5” - this is an Atmel AVR based USB chip with preburned USB-MIDI firmware (out-of-the-box solution)


This product has been developed by
Schematics and Eagle file of the PCB:

The chip works under Windows/MacOS/Linux with the common USB-MIDI-Driver, but there is also a custom driver for Windows available to overcome the Microsoft driver flaws (a drawback of the old MBHP_USB module)

Per chip you will get 5 physical MIDI IOs. The dedicated Windows driver makes it multi-client capable. Under MacOS the interface is multi-client capable by default.

Package: TQFP32 (SMD, but can be soldered with a good soldering iron similar to AN2131SC (→ MBHP_USB))

Prices (inclusive 19% VAT):
4.50 EUR per unit for a batch of 250 chips
3.50 EUR per unit for a batch of 1000 chips

Minimum quantity: n x 250

First come, first serve! We need n x 250 chips, if more than 250, but less than 500 chips are preordered, you need to wait for the next run

Beside of the GM5 chips, Ploytec also provides PCBs especially made for for 3.00 EUR pp. (incl. 19% VAT)
Please specify the desired quantity at the third column.


Bulk OrderGM5 QuantityPCB Quantity
—IN STOCK—250100

Update 2012-10-10: I got a new batch of 250 chips + 100 Mini-PCBs from Ploytec! :-)

If you are interested, just send a PM to forum user “TK.” with following subject:

[MBHP_USB_GM5] batch6 <your-forum-username>

And add following infos to the mail:

GM5: <quantity GM5 chips>
PCB: <quantity PCBs>
<your complete postal address (not more than 5 lines, please!)>
PayPal: <yes|no> (if no: national/international bank transfer))
<PayPal EMail address if required>

Example (sent with subject “[MBHP_USB_GM5] batch5 tk”)

GM5: 4
PCB: 2

Thorsten Klose
xxxstreet 303
12345 xxxtown

PayPal: yes

Once I got your reply, I will send you a PayPal money request, or second PM with my bank account number.

Estimated costs (in EUR)

 4.50 * <number GM5> + 3.00 * <PCB> + <shipping> + <paypal fee>


 Inside Germany: 3 EUR
 Outside Germany: 5 EUR

<paypal fee>

 5% of total costs
tk_gm5_bulkorder.1349900645.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/10/10 20:24 by admin