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Posts posted by MaG2k
thanx for that hint monokinetic,
i looked arround in the settings of inkscape and saw that the prefered resolution for import/export is 90dpi...so i think inkscape is working with 90dpi.
But i have a new problem. i started to edit around in the design form this thread in illustrator and tried to open the in illustrator saved svg-file in inkscape...but it doesnt work. i can't open the illustrator file in inkscape again. so i think i have to stay with illustrator :-)
I think i use the next days to edit around a little and try to find out how inkscape an illustrator work! :-)
Thanx again for you help!
hey Arkay,
i found that Adobe opened it's old software for free download and use. so i installed Adobe Illustrator CS2 and opend the original design from here...everything is perfect...but then i tryed to open my svg-file that i allready modified in Inkscape till i realized that the measurements are wrong...and what happend...opend in Illustrator the measurements are also okay. its a little bit strange.
I downloaded the master-layouts from formulor/ponoko for Inkscape and opend them in Inkscape...they have the correct measurement...only the Illustrator-Layouts opend in Inkscape are to small.
But now i have found a way and think that i make it with Illustrator. i have to learn a little bit at first because i dont know how i can make exact measurement in Illustrator. i will try next time to create a layout in Autocad and export it as DXF and reimport it in Inkscape to make an svg-file...if that works with correct measurements it is better to design it in Autocad.
i make the first steps with boxmaker and importing the pdf in inkscape or illustrator but does anyone has experiences with lasercutting-width? i ask because of the correction-factor that can be set on boxmaker to make the case fit better.
what kind of value is good for that correctionfactor?
Thanx a lot!
Back again...with new problems..
the design of smokestacksproductions is an Ilustrator svg-file. because i have only Inkscape i opend the file of smokestacksproductions and edited a bit around to "bend" the case to meet my demands as i realized that the P3 template (790x384mm) is to small in Inkscape. If you open the casedesign of smokestacksproductions in inkscape the outlines of P3 template is only 640x315mm in size so the rest of the casedesign is to small too...can anyone help me?
I only have inscape and it would be nice not to design all from the begining.
can someone tell or discribe me how i get casedesign made on boxmaker (PDF) into an svg-file...i tryed to import the on boxmaker created casedesign in inkscape but i only got the text in the PDF-file end not the caselayout. how can i import it so that all the measurement are correct after import?
Can anyone give me some hints?
thanx a lot!
i got it...:-)
sorry for the question befor...the import was okay but i didnt saw the outline of the Case cause it had no color and no thickness! :-)
Yes, its normal...
The Main LED only flashes when something (datatraffic) is happen on one (, two, three, four or all) of each MidiPort (input also as output)...its only shows that there is traffic...its not like a power LED! Connect the MidiPorts...make something traffic on the MidiPorts an you will see that the MainLED is flashing in rythm of the Data of the traffic on the MidiPorts :-)
hey Polykobol,
were do you got the LRE8x1 from? Did you builded it for your self or with the help of Fairlightiii's PCBs...if the last one...as i remember correctly Fairligtiii isnt ready designing the LRE8x1 or did you mean you finished an LRE8x2?
for the firmeware of the 32bit cores you have to use the MidiBox NG Firmeware http://www.ucapps.de/mios32_download.html
and on the SD-Card you have to store the LRE8x2.ngc file http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=/trunk/apps/controllers/midibox_ng_v1/cfg/templates/lre8x2.ngc from T.K.
You have to change the file to fit your configuration.
I didn't testet it with an 8bit core. because thatswhy i don't know much about the software and configuration on that...you should contact fairlightiii for that topic!
hi LRE8x2 builders,
the problem i had with the glowing LEDs in the LEDrings is solved and documented here:
Hi MIDIbox'ers,
once again a video of me...showing the LRE8x2 now working correctly. The problem with the untriggered but glowing LEDs in the LED-rings is found and solved with the help of T.K. now.
The problem was not a problem of defective LEDs or liftet grounds. It was a problem of the SN74HC595 and the UNLs (darlington transistor arry) it selfs. I first exchanged the 74HC595 with some which i bought from an other distributor and the result was that the glowing was extremly much darker after that and only localy. After i kicked out the ULNs and bridged them the problem was completely gone!
So here is my warning: don't buy IC at "tayda electronics". The LEDs i used are also bought at "tayda electronics" but they are okay...not all are good but look at the price...they cost half of that what LEDs costs at mouser, reichelt, farnell,....so if you buy those LEDs at tayda please calculate that 1-5% can have a problem! Of my 256 soldered LEDs i found 4 with defective LED-housing (broken LED-housing). what i tink is that "tayda" sells the parts directly from the factory without qualitychecking them!
Once again...be warned!
Best regards
Hi Martin,
all the knobs have reached some minutes ago...everythings fine...all knobs are counted and have the correct amount!
Once again...thanx thanx thanx...great job!!! Thanx a lot!
Let assembling beginn! :-)
Best Regards
thanx for your fast response Thorsten!
because of the shadows on the LED-rings...i will check that this weekend again but in can't imagine that i soldered wrong...but what i can imagine is that the ULNs itself has a problem because i ordered them too at tayda electronics and as i said in the video the LEDs aren't all the same quality. What i can imagine is that they have a little fault. but i will try it without the ULNs again.
about the device_ID...i will check it right now! :-)
Thanx for your help!
as i told some post before here...i uploaded a video-documentation of the first run and problems of my LRE8x2.
you can find it here:
Hi "MIDIboxer's"...
to day i partly finnished my LRE8x2 PCB driven by an LPC17 Core with uploaded Bootloader v1.011 and the MIDIbox NG application (and configurationfile http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=/trunk/apps/controllers/midibox_ng_v1/cfg/templates/lre8x2.ngc).
I recorded two videos (german and english version) of the first run. What you can see is a documentation of brightness of four different typs of LEDs. I allready updated the LED-Blacklist on fairlightiii's wiki-page: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=mb-lre8x2cs_pcb#whishlist
But now the videos (english version):
(german version):
As i red on tayda electronics datasheetpage for the red T1 LEDs they shall have 3000-4000mcd! I can't realy imagine that because they arn't that bright. If you use them standalone driven without PWM (only DC). What i can imagine is that they are around 300-500mcd.
As you can see i have some little problems and hope that you have ideas to solve that problems.
Can it be that the glowing of the non triggered LEDs comes because i didn't assembled all the LEDs in the LED-rings of encoders 2,4,6,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 and 16?
I used the ULN2803 transistor-darlington-array!
@ T.K. do you have an idea why one off my cores isnt answering via USB-MIDI-ports and as well not on the native MIDI-ports?
what i did was that i red about changing the USB_name of the Core (after uploading the bootloader-firmware) and the device_ID to. I changed the name to "MIDIbox NG LRE8x2" and the device_ID to 126 (because i will use more LPC17 Cores at the same time). What happend is...the bootloader starts and on the display is written "bootloader is up and running"...in the system is now a USB-MIDI IN and OUT port named "MIDIbox NG LRE8x2" but if i try to connect with MIOS Studio i get no connection (the core doesn't accept any upolads and he isnt answering to commends at the command-line). The only life-signals i get from the core is (if i connect him via native MIDI IN/OUT) in MIOS studio (if i choose the native MIDI-ports of my soundcard) is that the bootloader is up and running and the bootloader-version...but i can't send any commands also not via the native MID-ports. What can i do to bring him back to life? what did i wrong?
For the LRE8x2 project that you see in the videos i used an other fresh core were i didnt changed anything.
An other problem i realised was that if i connect the board which is not answering anymore to the PC and then connecting the GM5x5x5 device i also builded than all ports (the USB-MIDI port of the LPC17 Core and the USB-MIDI ports of the GM5x5x5 device) has the name "MIDIbox NG LRE8x2" in MIOS studio. The LPC17 Core starts with "MIDIbox NG LRE8x2" than the GM5x5x5 device starts with "MIDIbox NG LRE8x2" too followed by "MIDIbox NG LRE8x2 2", "MIDIbox NG LRE8x2 3"...and so on.
Does anybody of you do have input for me?
Thanx a lot!
P.S.: please excuse my "not the best" english in the video!
how can i embedd the youtubevideos here?
okay thats correct...once you start the BO you will definitly havn't any time to change designs! :-)
But it is nice to hear and notice that "i am in" (i would like to take all different types of your new designs)!
We all should test more different LED typs cause my video later today will show four differnt typs (that i allready added to the blacklist) and only one is okay for the LRE8x2 on an MIDIbox NG Core.
is there a kind of timeline for an BO of the 8x1, 4x2 and 4x1 Jerome? Would be nice to hear that you do an BO again! :-)
later today i post my experience about the LRE8x2! at the moment i upload two videos on youtube!
I updated the LED Blacklist...later today an other post of me will come with demonstration videos and questions.
wow...crazy...thats a huge load of knobs! :-)
Great Job!!!!
Thanx for counting!!!
wilba...if there are spares left or new batch is started...please contact me...i am still interested in one of this nice little FM-Synths!
Hi Martin,
sorry for all the english speaking peoples here...the next sentences i have to write in german.
Danke für deine lieben Wünsche und deine Lebensweisheiten...du kannst dir nicht vorstellen wie sehr mich deine Worte berührt haben und das scheint einen Grund zu haben. Ich habe auch aus meinem familiären Umfeld in den letzten Tagen zu hören bekommen das ich sehr depressiv bin und mich häufg schnell aufgebe, auch wenn ich das selbst gar nicht so empfinde. Ich versuche mich mal deiner hier niedergeschrieben Weisheiten anzunehmen und betrachte das alles Positiv. Eines muss ich aber sagen...auch bei mir ist es so das ich selten Krank bin, wenn dann höchstens mal eine ein- oder zwei-Tage-Erkältung oder wie du auch sagtest Kopfschmerzen aber ansonsten habe auch ich keine größeren Probleme gehabt...bis jetzt. Wobei das was ich jetzt habe ist auch kein unlösbares Problem und es betrifft durchaus viele Menschen. Es kam ultra plötzlich vom einen auf den anderen Moment. Peng...plötzlich begann der extreme schmerz und hörte nicht mehr auf....Diagnose...Nierenstein und Nierenriss. Der Nierenriss muss jetzt erstmal verheilen so dass die Entfernung des Steins erst in etwa 4 Wochen erfolgen kann. Du verstehst jetzt sicher warum ich nach dem Zeitplan frage. Sollte es wiedererwartend anders kommen und ich genau in der Zeit der Zahlung wieder im Krankenhaus liege dann versuche ich dir per Handy hier zu posten...dann müsste man entweder per Paypal versuchen oder ich lasse es dir von meiner Frau überweisen....wir bekommen das schon hin! :-) Ich denke da einfach mal positiv! ;-)
Danke für dein großes Verständnis, deine lieben Wünsche und dein Entgegenkommen!
Herzlichen Dank!
Best regards
yes Peter is right...thanx a lot to you martin for your hard work. i hope the timetable will not change to much cause i yesterday came out of the hospital and have to go back for surgery in four weeks. so i hope that i catch the payment and the reception of the knobs in that time if not i hope that the payment date is befor the 24th of february.
So thanx again for your great work. i hope that it will not overcharge you!
Are there any news about pricing from albs
hey fairlightiii...
i allready thought that the integration of the PCB is that high that no integration of displayports is possible. Your idea of an 8x1 matrix is also realy good...so it is easyer to stack more encoder matrices in the amount of distance you need. thats pretty cool. :-)
oh you are using a full featured version of eagle...that costs a lot of money at all. :-)
i do understand that a PCB desing change is only intersting i more people are interested in an other design...thats why i brought the idea about 4x4 matrix and LCDs here on topic to discuss it. :-)
So if you think it is not interessting for more persons than me you can erase the wishlist entry of me in the wiki-page.
i hope that you don't understand me wrong...i like the PCBs Fairlightii made very much...its great job and i think it was lots of work!
Thanx for it fairlightiii!!!
Best Regards
Hi Duggle,
the 6x1 LCDs in my opinion can be enough for short label and (switching to level value if the encoder is turned) and level. do you always need a long label like cutoff, sustain, release...for me it would be enough to see labels in short like cut, rel, sus...
But as i told there is a problem getting the 6x1 LCDs at the moment...the seller has no offers at ebay at the moment.
But you are right...you shurely kann use a 16x2 LCD covering two encoders as shown above in T.K.s post.
i also think about that solution but i think it would be nicer if the displays will find its place on top of every two encoders. in the momentary solution you only can place 4 16x2 LCDs above the top 8 encoders and 4 other 16x2 LCDs under the buttom 8 encoders.
hey fairlightiii...
i will start too bring some other improvements to the wishlist for a newer revision of the PCB.
Some days ago i discussed with T.K. about the new firmware option to hook up up to 64 16x2 LCDs because some weeks ago i found on ebay a seller who sold nice 6x1 LCDs for around 2,50€ each. The seller don't have any offers on ebay at the moment as i postet in the "MB NG" section under "display options" a link to the polish homepage of the distributor.
So wouldn't it be nice to have an CLCD above each encoder (+ LED-rings) that shows the encoder lable (auto label or userlable) and the exact value if the encoder is turned. I don't realy know if this is possible by the software but as i understand T.K. right it is imaginable. It would be nice i T.K. can loose some words on that topic and the feasibility of that "daydream".
I calculated a little around and came to the conclusion that the 6x1 displays i found are a little to big for the actual PCB layout. the encoders are to close together. So the PCB must be bigger and if it is possible the LCDs could get an connector directly on the PCBs???
The second wish could be a little bit easier (i hope so)...is it possible to do a makeover of the actual PCB design so that the encoders and LEDs are aranged in a 4x4 matrix instead of 2x8?
can you tell us which layout-software you are using?
if you want to have a building-plan...tell me and give me your email via PM. I can send you a PDF-file today in the evening with the dimensioning!
Optrex 40x2 Display
in Parts Questions
Posted · Edited by MaG2k
Hey @ all,
i am searching for a green negative display with 40x2 characters for my second SEQ V4. I found one at mouser that fit my parameters but i didn't found if the NT3881 controller of this optrex C-51850NFQJ-LG-ACN
display is compatible to the HD44780 standard display driver.
Does anyone of you used that display allready or isn't it working with this application (SEQ V4)?
Thanx for your help!