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Everything posted by Phatline

  1. Buttons and PCBs for the "Matrix": 2 PCBs - 1x for LED 1x for Buttons > Reasons why: -to get all Routies on a Single Sided Board (Garage-CNC Friendly) -to replace the whole Button board if they buttons are going "dead" > resolder them is horror... the livetime of the cheap Tactial-Switches is short, but when I do LEDs and Buttons on seperate boards, i could change the whole button board when its "done" Maybe I find any with better lifetime-cycles "Dead Solutions" by the search off different button-systems, i tried a layout for my DTL Switches: but it´s to big and not a SQUARE-because the buttons are not SQUARE....I had byed 300 of them years ago in a even bigger Bulk-Order.... --- but for this Matrix? nope! for a nother one. is such a matrix also possible with "touch sensors" like shown in this diagram: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_din_touchsensors.pdf ?
  2. is there a possibility to change the Note/Frequency Calculation? Change to a indian System where the Octave is splited in 22 Tones, where the notes and its frequencys are stored in tables - not all of the 22notes are used, some are taken for a song - this selection is for playing a "Raga"... In which part of the Application is this Calculation, and where I could put tables instead (note 1 is predefinied frequency > variable > integer...)
  3. THE MATRIX PART: First i will build the matrix, because its the main function of this, & without any hardware to get into Program is boring --- so build the hardware in order to get a 10x10 Matrix i need 2x mbhp dio_Matrix_modules? --- i have troubles with this shemata: http://www.ucapps.de/midio128/midio128_v3_dio_scanmatrix.pdf > is it wright that the diodes that are shown are 1n4148 & not LEDs > so the leds get driven by a seperat DOUT module? in a way of "LEDRING" > http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_doutx4_ledrings.pdf?
  4. have intrest in 2boards a.4x16 or maybe 3 depends on price
  5. i have made a wiki for this: http://wiki.midibox.org/doku.php?id=triggermatrix You have spend time to program a cool rythm, and you already know which chords/melodys you want to play, and now its time to programm the timing/steps/the rythm in the melody... after quite a while of trying and looking on your drumline you have a fitting melody line for your drums... now you change the drums a bit... o no i also have to change the melody now... i make a break, a intro...oh no so much work and time...and all because, the melody is fixed in arrangement, you want a melody line that goes with beat? you want to change the beat note stream also (noteprocessing)? > read more... i have a tool for you!!! it will change your live!!! really! hear that track: Phatline -the king will go it is played with a static drumline, and a static melody line, all other is live... you hear it? thats trigger matrix - get ready for JAM! Basic Idea: Merge a Drumsequencer with a Melodysequence so the melody only sounds when a specific Drumtrigger comes > like a arpeggiator on a keyboard, but not fixed > trigger relativ and doe that changing with the drumline The Drumsequenc give the timing the velocity and the Sustain > the tribe. The Melody only give the chord notes., instead of a drumsequencer you could use a human drummer with triggerpads, instead of melodysequencer you could play a keyboard, a guitar synth, a flute controller, a theremin... how ever - you get it? awsome is?t it? yeah! of course there is not only the melody output, of course also the trigger output for more Drum-synth modules... so you drive your whole setup with that, also a Programchange for 16 Midichannels is integrated as well 512 Songs (routings) with each 8 songparts (intro outro break), i have tried chordsets, but i dont found it usefull, also it consume more CPU and RAM... with the LPC uController i use all of it with 5 Melody tracks(with 128 chord notes) and 3 Drumtracks... so back to a drumsequencer, you should use some playable, realtime changeable drumsequencer, or you use the functions of the triggermatrix > note processing! track rolls, main rolls, velocity depending trigger kills, velocity offset, velocity invert, random note kills, matrix routing song presets, sustain length, track mutes, and a whole array off trigger in and output LEDs, and a of course matrix 8x8 up to now, 16x16 at the end off 2015 - so the plan (build for the 16x16BLM...) so i can say all is done up to now, go ahead with 16x16 Growing Details > TriggerMatrix for Drummachines Triggermatrix built in a analog 70s E-Home organ "CRUMAR 198": or as Drum-Trigger-Matrix built in a 80s Analog Drumexpander "Tama Techstar 306" a talk about making live music, and what the trigger matrix do for me (german > austrian): Drumnote retriggert Synthnotes: https://vimeo.com/98954975 (For that i have more ideas like Note-Random-Kill, Velocity Kill, Accent) UPDATE 140720: https://vimeo.com/101245089 So now whats Working in this Video: * Velocity depinding NoteKill-Switches (kill notes under 46, from 46-96, greater 96, -this values can be Offset -+64 by an VelKillOffset-Encoder) * Velocity Offset -+64 - decrease encrease the Orginal Trigger Velocity Value in a Range from 1-127 --- so it is somewhat of CLIPPING * Random-Note-Kill --- by each new Trigger - a Random generator is startet - and kills the trigger or not... with the Modwheel I change the Random-Range UPDATE 140711: https://vimeo.com/100537805 TM MBHP-Based-RETriggerpart UART0 IN1 = Korg Electribe Rythm = TriggerSource UART1 IN2 = Midi Keyboard = MelodySource GREEN-LEDS: Input Trigger RED-Leds: Output Trigger Buttons+LEDs: select the triggersource=triggernote
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