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rosch last won the day on March 29 2015

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About rosch

  • Birthday 01/04/1972

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MIDIbox Guru

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  1. Très chic! I've played a lot with Xfer's Cthulu, a real arpeggiator in HW would be awesome. Is there a way to get some boards / case to build one?
  2. Ready in November I hear? I happen to have 3 weeks holiday just in this month coincidentally
  3. This is fantastic! The case is often the point when a build goes in the backlog boxes, at least for me. This looks amazing, will be fun to build (and play). sign me up
  4. rosch


    you mean the MAX525 Aout? I bought 2 boards yesterday from Mike, but that's the other side of the pond.
  5. yeah the waldorf knobs are gone. but DIN/DOUT still there!
  6. Damn, sorry guys, I've missed your posts. I only got notification for PM's, quite a surprise! well, the LED boards have both been sold and shipped today. 512er bankstick chips are gone too. LPC17 and 2x Aout (yes it's for Max525) are spoken for. The rest is still up for grabs. If you guys are interested in the rest please just shoot me a PM, i get that immediately on my phone and it's reserved! Thanks for your interest! cheers
  7. If you like to buy more, we can make prices even cooler, but should be low anyway. Prices without shipping and paypal. If you feel like you would buy more DIN/DOUT boards if they were cheaper let me know, I basically like to get rid of my backlog, that's all. 1x MB diode matrix board, normal price, i bought it accidentally. 1x GM5 board + GM5 IC 10€ 8x DIN boards assembled but check before powering. They have been in the box some time. the ones without ICs have the bypass caps soldered, the ones with ICs on board don't have them yet 5€ each, as is 8x DOUT boards assembled but check before powering, they have been in the box for some time. one seems to have been for MBSeqV3 (the bigger bypass circuit), one was for the FM Synth (right) ICs missing but they're just a few cent and available everywhere 5€ each, as is. 4x SID board. The brown ones are known working, had them for 8580 stereo setup (Cables are prepared for it). Epoxy ones I haven't tested, just assembled. You need to check if everything's ok. Let's say 8€ that's well below kit price. ULTRACORE assembled, no ICs, 15€ 4x CORE8, 2 known working (had one in SID, one in FM to test) the other 2 i can't remember but i think i never had problems with any cores. 10€ As is. I2C board for 4 MIDI outs, built, not tested yet, As is: 15€ the PICs 4685 and 4620 i will give with the 2 cores that have no PIC yet, you can choose which one you like 2x AOUT boards LPC17 Core AOUT_NG just built, I can't remember if i tested it. As is. Material price. MB FM board 8x Bankstick board 8x 256er Banksticks 20 grey Waldorf Knobs 8x 512er Banksticks 2x LED Rings boards Rev 2.5 Boards for free: SID x4, CoreV3 x2 CoreV2 x2 if you like to try it. I had some cores and sid boards from Mike that had bad drilling, I have no idea if these are such, or if these are fine, so i just give them away for free, if you like to try them no risk. I also have some modular stuff for sale on Muff Wiggler's if you like to have a look!
  8. built ones?
  9. like he said you need 9V DC for the 8580, instead of 12V for the 6581 i don't know how the sammich is built in detail, so you might need to change a 7812 to 7809. the 8580 needs different filter caps (2 for each SID) you'll find the exact values here
  10. my band mate is expecting very much from this device and keeps talking me into buying it http://www.beis.de/ however i have no clue about pc and audio, so what do others think about it?
  11. added my MBFM stuff. see at end of first post.
  12. added stuff to 1st post, reduced some prices
  13. just get any 8580,it's just the same thing just cheaper and you can be sure that it's true when they say they are used which you couldn't be sure about when they are said to be NOS since after Wilba's megasales.
  14. give me a week then i can sell you one :shocked:
  15. hi, and welcome! yeah you basically need only the core nd sid modules to hear something. if you want to use an OPL3 you'll need another core, but you can have 2 sids (a stereo pair) controlled by one core with the V2 firmware. the newest firmware is posted on the ucapps page. of course it would make life easier if you already have a display and the minimal control surface (which requires 1 1/2 DINx4 with 1 encoder and 5 or 6 switches) i think all of the modules would be easy enough to do on pad per hole boards but i've never tried personally. about midi keyboard, i'm not sure what's cheap or good etc. i bought some big sampler keyboards for 100 bux or less on ebay (vz-1, fz-1, or ensoniq samplers, they're ridiculous cheap)
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