I wish all best to everyone @ midibox.com
I have problem to find (sammich_base_rev2.brd)
I found only (sammichSID_Base_PCB.pdf) and (sammichSID_CS_PCB.pdf)
I need PCB in*.brd format but i have googled 2 days and nothing...
C:\Backup Data\MIDIBox 2\lcSID\sammich_base_rev2.brd i found link on bottom of PDF file
But where to search?
Does someone know or have 2 PCB in *.brd format for sammichSID
If you know how to convert PDF to BRD please help.
There is software FAB 3000 for converting PDF to BRD (I saw on Youtube and FAB 3000 site)
Unusual this FAB 3000 is IMPOSSIBLE to download trial mode, because ask company name, address etc...
BUT only if you are company, other wise is impossible :(
I cannot find direct download link...
I'm searching for sammichSID PCBs in *.BRD format