Hi All,
In my build thread I designed and built a Ponoko enclosure and promised to make it public with a proper thread on it. That enclosure had some bugs which prevented me doing so until I'd revised and verified the design. So here it is. Nearly.
This enclosure is designed to reduce the amount of screws exposed on the top panel as much as possible without deviating too far from the original Wilba/Midibox design. To make it fit you will need some extra parts listed below. It comes with an option for rear panel power switch and socket cutouts. Also included is a "Paintme" piece for testing label painting.
Parts Required
All screws, spacers and standoffs are m3 (3mm thread)
10mm screws and nuts. I like black hex socket heads.
1x 25mm standoff (f/f)
1x 5mm standoff (m/f)
Many 10mm standoff/spacers
If using 10mm spacers beneath top panel you'll need 20mm screws to reach the standoffs under the CS)
4x 35mm standoffs
2x 10pin angled IDC male connectors
Note: You can make up standoffs from smaller lengths. Buy a kit from ebay around 200 pieces for <$10
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