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Found 18 results

  1. Midibox Seq4 running everything.
  2. Seq v4 SOLD. I bought it here in the forum about 2 years ago (for 695€) and sadly never really took time to get really warm with it. :( It is rarely used and was closed away most of the time, but caught a bit dust anyway.. It has 4 Midi In and 8 Midi Outs. SOLD
  3. Hi, I've noticed that CC tracks, once enabled send the CC layer value every step that has gate enabled. This means that whenever you enable a step you have to adjust the CC to the value you want, even if it's the same as the previously set value. This is a bit disruptive to workflow but may be mitigated a bit by using ALL to set an initial value for all steps in the track. However, it also does this with PrgCh's which isn't what you want at all if you have a slow changing synth. If these tracks had a default position of Null meaning don't send data unless specifically set to a value, instead of the current situation it would help a lot. I had great fun forcing my A-90 piano to prgch to a random patch every step for 256 steps at 200bpm. :)
  4. Okay. I'm pretty sure I've got my head around how this should work. This is my first, and probably only, MBHP SEQ build. I've got a handful of basic boards on hand, and a couple of almost-complete parts orders (recently moved, so I had to throw all of my resources at that). This is going to be my winter project. Initially, I was thinking of doing something more custom as far as a layout goes, doing crazy stuff like a harmonic keyboard and such, but now I've scaled it back a bit and am focusing on function over form. Using WIlba's frontpanel as the control surface. I've got a fair amount of MIDI gear I'll want to control, so I'm going for the maximum MIDI ports I can - from what I can tell, that's a total of 12 outs, and 4 ins. There's also some custom DIY synths that I'd like to control, so 8x CV outs and 8x Gates would also be nice. I'm also looking to do weird clock division stuff with some Korg Volcas (total of 8) and to use the BLM16x16+X as an extended control surface later on. So here's what I'm thinking will be required for modules: CORE_STM32F4 running MIOS32. WIlba's Frontpanel taking up the first modules on the DOUT/DIN chains (J8 and J9, respectively) Four additional DOUT modules after the frontpanel on J8 for an additional 16 SRs - 8 for analog synth gates, 8 for the clocks to the Volcas A single AOUT module on J19 for CV outputs 2x MIDI_IO Modules on J11E for a total of 4 INs and 4 OUTs. 2x Quad MIDI_IIC modules chained on J4A for 8 dedicated MIDI outs (bringing the total to 4 IN and 12 OUT) Two LCD displays on J15A/B TPD Module on J1 Does this all make sense and fit within the specs of the platform? I'm so pumped to get this together...
  5. Inspired by Hawkeye I thought I'd document and photograph my MidiSEQv4 build in the hope that it helps others. I'm planning a fairly vanilla SEQv4 with Wilba's CS and 2 MIDI IO boards. I'll add the Raystar OLED displays instead of LCD. I intend to build a Ponoko acyrlic enclosure and will publish the SVG for once done.. I'll edit this post as I go. #0 - BOM and Excitement #1 - The Core - Storage for baby voles #2 - The Displays - Trust datasheets #3 - The MIDIIO's - Chill to the bood #4 - The CS - Time is neither created or destroyed. Merely borrowed and given back. #5, #6 - The Enclosure - Fat Tabs #7 - The CS - Alps Encoder Edition #8 - LED's - Aaah #9 - Fitting and Finished - Dun dundun dundun NOTE: This is not a build guide. It is a documented summary of my attempt to build a SEQv4. Some parts from the BOM below may, and indeed already have, changed as the journey continues. Full BOM Summary I'm in Australia where the AUD makes this quite expensive. I'll include costs in AUD and the original currency. | Qty | Component | Source | |-------+---------------------------------+--------| | 16 | Knobs | Mouser | | 58 | Switches | Mouser | | 58 | Switch cap | Mouser | | 8 | Ceramic Cap 100nF=.1uF “104” | Mouser | | 12 | 10k 6 Pin SIL resistor network: | Mouser | | 58 | 1N4148 (small signal diode): | Mouser | | 16 | Bicolor LED's | Mouser | | 1 | USB Socket | Mouser | |-------+---------------------------------+--------| | Total | $120.45 AUD | | | Qty | Component | Source | |-------+--------------------------------+----------| | 12 | 220R resistors | Reichelt | | 6 | 74HC165: | reichelt | | 2 | 74HC595: | reichelt | | 1 | Red 5mm LED | reichelt | | 28 | Green 2mm LED | reichelt | | 8 | 16-pin DIP IC socket: | reichelt | | 4 | 16 pin IDC connectors | reichelt | | 1 | 16 pin flat ribbon cable | reichelt | | 1 | 16 pin dual inline pin headers | reichelt | | 2 | 10-pin ribbon wire | reichelt | | 6 | 10-pin crimpable IDC socket | reichelt | | 1 | 10 pin "box-header" angled | reichelt | | 17 | ALPS STEC12E encoders | reichelt | | 2 | Raystar OLED's | reichelt | |-------+--------------------------------+----------| | Total | $98 AUD | 69.07 EU | From SmashTV's Midiboxshop Ordered: 20/1/2016 - Processed: 26/1/2016 - Shipped:12/2/2016 - Received: 22/2/2016 SEQ CS board $35.00 CORE STM32F4 Kit Board $30.00 2xMIDI I/O module Kit Board $46.00 Shipping and handling $27.29 USD Total $138.29 AUD Total $209.88 (ouch!) From RS Electronics (free delivery in Oz) STM32F4Discovery Kit $23.45 AUD From TM Electronics 2xRaystar OLED 40x2 displays REC004002AYPP5N00000 EU Total 90.04EU AUD Total $144.86 AUD (double ouch!!!) From Conrad Posted to mumsie in UK who'll forward it on to Oz. Conrad wanted $80AUD to post a $4 part. 1x ALPS-863002-Rotary-Knob-With-Finger-Grooves (Datawheel) UKP: 2.69 Build Status It's time to turn this... Into this... Let's do it!
  6. I have the MBHP_CORE_STM32F4 ready with the board, no MIDI_IO, no CS yet (Wilba's CS board is on the way). Board is powered via USB, LCD power jumper is on 5V. The LCD's I try to connect are Raystar 40x2 OLED LCD's, the same When I connect them both, I get random characters/dots. If I connect only one of them, no matter which slot (J15A/B), they display the appropriate content (left/right display stuff). I tried swapping displays and cables, all is fine, it's just that they don't run/initialize? together. When browsing the forum earlier, I have the vague feeling that somebody already had similar issue but I'm not able to find that thread again. Can somebody please give me a hint what to check? Thanks in advance.
  7. So I got my Mouser order together for my CORE and SEQ_CS builds (both PCBs from @smashtv) and I'm bumping up against a little confusion. When it comes to the SD socket on the CORE_STM32F4 board, it looks like it's intended for a through-hole component. But when I look for a through-hole SD card socket on Mouser, I'm not seeing anything that fits the bill. Almost everything I'm finding are SMD components. Can anyone recommend a good part number to use with the SmashTV CORE_STM32F4 board?
  8. "Short" Intro: Years ago i thought that the sequencer i need isn't just build. So damn it...i have to build it... but not deep enough into electronics, i started with coding a software sequencer... Since i also wasnt deep enough into coding i did the "lazy" thing and started in C#... yeah... But i "finished" something that is definitly not that bad. In fact, i implemented some features i do miss in every other peace of equipment... While i wrote my program and did other things in live i completly overslept the whole midibox thing... Until a few years ago... I was stunned. I organized myself a sammichSID kit from Willba and from then i was hooked on. I wanted to build a SeqV4 but never found time or money or whatever. After buying a built one here in the forum i'm stunned again... "I'm unworthy." For real...what a nice peace of electronics! And the BLM... A big thanks to everyone who made those things possible! :) And now to the "interessting" part: I spent some nights in my life thinking about options and functions... and some of them even had to do with sequencing. ;) Here are some things i managed to let become reality and now want to disucss with the forum and T.K.: - increase/decrease in the echo intervall per step. So you can have effects that sounds like a ping pong ball on a table. (I hope you know what i mean) - option to say that the increase/decrease only occurs every nth step. - the possibility to change the notevalue in the same way: Increase/Decrease notevalue+n every nth repeat. So you can have one step/note played as "bam bam bam - bim bim bim - bom bom bom". If you know what i mean xD) But here comes the real part i want to see the Seq be able someday. I will try to help as much as i can to make it possible! ;) The first "easy" part (sry if the seq allready can do that, i only have it since a few days.....much to read/learn): The possibilty to "record" notevalues over a Slider while playing: You enter the possitions where notes should be played and you "control" the melody over a Slider. Sounds crazy. And it is! You can have the rythmic of 4 bars and just improvise over a slider. Believe me, that is improving creativity! In my prog i have it this way: You can "play" the melody over a slider just whenever and for how long you want. One option is that it can record over the running track. And if you sop record it just playes the last thing you did. I "just" activate record when slider is used. I kind of managed to do this in hardware with the faderport. It has a sensitive motorfader... but wait... i think i didnt realized that yet... but you get the idea. ;) If you have a melody over 4 bars and 1 and a half bar are "messed up". totally in the middle of the 4 bars. You can just use the slider in that part u wanna change and the moment you let loose of the slider the "recording" stops. But this feature becomes really crazy with the following: I also implented musical scales. And a "notefilter" that only allows notes to be used that are in the chosen scale! That means that you can "rape" the slider and every note you play/record is in harmony! Really...this feature is so damn nice if you are not a "musician" like i am.... It's just hitting the keys (or rape the slider in this case) and allways be right. xD And wait....it gets even better! I implemented the possibility to assign a scale as a "base" to every step. So you can say: This track is completly in CMajor. Or the first bar is CMajor and bars 2-4 are in Dminor. If you did that and programmed a nice melody you can transpose the whole pattern into every scale you want! And that via keyboard in realtime! What does that mean? You program a track with 4 bars and a nice melodic motive in F#Minor. You mark the track as F#Minor. Now you just loop this and transpose the melody while playing with just one key on the keyboard. For example you have all minor scales in the 2. Octave, all the major in the 1. etc... When you now press D2 your track is transposed into Dminor. If you press A1 it will be played in Amajor, etc.... And for our example: If you have a track that is part one scale and part other scale, the whole track will be played in DMinor if E3 is pressed! And of course: If a track is EMajor only, you can transpose every step into another scale if you want, live while playing, or be triggered by another notetrack. This features in combination does make creating good, inovative and "lifelike" melodies so fu***ing simple and fast...! I really made motives that were so much better then everything i programmed or tried to play before! And creating a really lifelike melody over 64, 128 or 256 steps? No problem! And randomizing doesn't even get close! ;) I hope my explanation is good and don't sound like "I did, i did"... I just want to make clear that that is not just a "fun idea". It is something that exists and can make so much fun. At least as a Prealphaversion in DebuggingMode. xD My only dream is to bring this feature into "reallive"! :) My problem: I only learned csharp and i only have my SeqV4 since a few days... so my active "code-changing" part will be probably have to wait a few days... :( I don't know yet if it would be possible with T.K.s actual code and structure. But im totally willing to learn everything about the Seq and participate as much as possible! And i allready wanted to learn a programming-language since i know c#. ;) So i hope you guys like this nice musical and very inspirational feature and of course i hope even more that T.K. will read this and write his view on this point(s)! :) Oh and another feature: When you start with the feature as above you will quickly come to tracks that are "perfect" but not in time. So... i added the possibility to "move tracks" steps to the right/left. Well... i have to learn more about the Seq and i definitly have to communicate with T.K. at some point. ;) So what do you all say? Am i crazy and are all this things that nobody wants/needs? Or do you "feel" me and and can't wait to finally use this features? Whatever it may be: Thanks for taking the time to read! :)
  9. first of all: thanks to TK for all your great work!! so i finally got a seq v4 and soldered everything yesterday. i got a MBHP_CORE_STM32F4, Wilba SEQ CS board and MBHP_MIDI_IO. i used the wilba MBSEQ_HW.V4 file without any changes and the newest firmware version (088) no magic smoke after the first power up, but not all the buttons are working. only step 6,7, 10 ,11 of the step buttons are working and some of the other buttons also do nothing. (i didnt check which ones exactly, because i am unfamiliar with the user interface and never sure if every button should do something in the menu page i am in) the encoders all work fine. i didn't solder the leds yet, because the panel is not ready and it will be easier to get them in the right position if i do them later. i did check the solder joints visually and the orientation of the ics on the CS Pcb -no obvious problems there. my roommate also build a unit for himself and we sourced all the parts together. his unit has the exact same problem. thats why i think it is not a simple solder error like a short or wrong orientation of some part. (because that would be unlikely to happen twice.) please help me with troubleshooting. i don't really know where to start looking. i am a midibox noob by the way. (only did a seqv4lite in the past) so it is probably a noob mistake...
  10. Hi Guys I have one "semi kit" for sale for the Track Position display. Ponoko Laser Cut Front and Rear Panel in Transparent Acrylic PCB 2 x LED Matrix displays 7 x Kingbright 7 seg displays (I am fairly certain they are green) 1 x knob 1 x encoder 1 x 74HCT165 Buttons, switches, BiLEDS, 74HCT595, IDC header and SMD passives are missing - I simply never got round to building it up. PM me if interested. Please make an offer on PM (ideally I am looking for £30 GBP, buyer pays Postage/Paypal fees. kguy<dot>wilkinson<at>gmail<dot>com Please dont reply with offer on this page. Cheers Guy
  11. Live melodic techno performed in my studio 126bpm... Finally got my set done on the new sequencer SEQV4 and have made a vid... Still need to do some work on transitions and shortening the track length... https://youtu.be/xjLsN61yHDw
  12. I have noticed an issue when using the Pattern Remix with the SEQV4 sending midi clock to my Acidlab Bassline which causes the clock to go out of sync on the Bassline when de-mixing tracks... To remedy this I have to stop and start the sequencer which is a drag as the Bassline is an integral part of my live set... Any ideas what might be causing this? Thanks... bri.
  13. My freshly finished MB Seq V4 with Wilba's standard CS is working nicely except that a few LED's are constantly lit. Affected LED's are: Track Group 3 Track 2 Track 4 Trigger Layer B Parameter Layer B Step View (fully lit) Solo They are all a bit dimmed (except Step View) and they become fully lit when their button is activated. There is 2.27V going through these dimmed but lit LED's. I can't see any bad solder joints. The only clue I've come to is that all affected LED's are assigned to pin 1 of various SR's (shift registers?). Other normally working LED's are using different pins. I have no idea if this can be related somehow. Here is the excerpt from the config file. ################################################## # LED assignments to DOUT pins # SR = 0: LED disabled # SR = 1..23: directly forwarded to DOUT pin # SR = M1..M8: forwarded to a 8x8 LED matrix ################################################## # SR Pin LED_TRACK1 M7 2 LED_TRACK2 M7 1 LED_TRACK3 M5 2 LED_TRACK4 M5 1 # SR Pin LED_PAR_LAYER_A M4 2 LED_PAR_LAYER_B M4 1 LED_PAR_LAYER_C M4 0 # SR Pin LED_BEAT M1 1 # SR Pin LED_MIDI_IN_COMBINED 0 0 LED_MIDI_OUT_COMBINED 0 0 # SR Pin LED_EDIT M5 3 LED_MUTE M6 3 LED_PATTERN M6 2 LED_SONG M7 3 # SR Pin LED_SOLO M6 1 LED_FAST M6 0 LED_FAST2 0 0 LED_ALL M7 0 # SR Pin LED_GROUP1 M8 3 LED_GROUP2 M8 2 LED_GROUP3 M8 1 LED_GROUP4 M8 0 # SR Pin LED_TRG_LAYER_A M2 2 LED_TRG_LAYER_B M2 1 LED_TRG_LAYER_C M2 0 # SR Pin LED_PLAY M1 3 LED_STOP M3 3 LED_PAUSE M2 3 LED_REW M3 2 LED_FWD M1 2 LED_LOOP 0 0 LED_FOLLOW 0 0 # SR Pin LED_EXIT 0 0 LED_SELECT 0 0 LED_MENU 0 0 LED_BOOKMARK 0 0 LED_SCRUB 0 0 LED_METRONOME 0 0 LED_RECORD 0 0 LED_LIVE 0 0 LED_UTILITY 0 0 LED_COPY 0 0 LED_PASTE 0 0 LED_CLEAR 0 0 LED_UNDO 0 0 # SR Pin LED_STEP_VIEW M3 1 LED_PAR_LAYER_SEL 0 0 LED_TRG_LAYER_SEL 0 0 LED_TRACK_SEL 0 0 Any tips or suggestions are welcome. Thanks!
  14. Looking for a seqv4 pcb to complete my project. Anyone? I realize these are rare right now. i figured it wouldn't hurt to ask. ;)
  15. Hi you all! Doing some gear setup checking before traveling to berlin came out with this little 5 minutes jam. This Jam was recorded using Midibox SeqV4 using 8 tracks, Inversed Shuffle for all tracks with 16% of intensity for all of them. 1 pattern loop only. https://soundcloud.com/midilab/berlin-system-checkup Gears list: 8 Channels Virtual Analog Mixer Harrison Mixbus (Running on a miniitx PC headless and armless, controlled via MIDI used as main mixer, effects and emulations). MIDI Sequencer MIDIBOX Seqv4 4 voice analog synthesizer Davesmith Tetr4 Emulated 303 and 808 - VB303 and TS808 2 Channel Sampler loop machine Controllers - UC33 and Nanocontrol
  16. cosmosuave - Boom Chuck SEQV4rmix 126 BPM live hardware techno track recorded straight from the mixer no edits no post... This is the first track made with the MIDIbox SEQV4 which is an amazing sequencer... I am looking froward to making more tracks with it as I have barely scratched the surface on what it can do... https://soundcloud.com/cosmosuave/boom-chuck-seqv4rmix
  17. midilab

    SeqV4 Lite Remote

    From the album: SeqV4 Lite Remote

    Adaptation of SeqV4 Lite to run 8 tracks and be controlled via MIDI IN by a common midi controller.
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