the concept is to control acoustic drum...or anything else
I see some people asking on uCApps forum to drive solenoid from a core module.
the problem is solenoid need a fixed timing to have the proper action!
whith MBseq or a software you could control the lenght (decay) but you've got to redefine at each note the good value and if you change BPM the parameter change (stretching).
to have the desired fixed timing two solution:
-edit the log (too hard for me)
-fixed circuit:
at the output pins of a DOUT 74hc595 you plug this circuit:
R is a pot
with a TIP122 at the output of the NE555 (1k resistor between)
I build 8 of this circuit for a DOUT for a special project and it rocks!
next step is the roll action:
one solenoid haven't the possibility to roll a snare
the concept is to use 2 (or more) solenoids on the sna from one DOUT output!
the trick is to use a CD4017 clocked by the DOUT output and configured for the number of solenoid (like analog seq).
to do