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x0xb0x panels


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i guess i did miss out on the front panel. are there any extras? did not follow this thread too closely

The front panels are specific to the PCB as Sasha has modified them with a slightly improved layout. I doubt there are any spares at the moment as there's been some unfortunate circumstances but Sasha will be able to tell you for sure.


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I have some news finally.

The story was... German friend came to Serbia and didn`t realized his passport is outdated. As he needed to stay longer in Serbia he late on work and lost the job he started to work few months before and he was very satisfied with it. The fact he lost it, devastated him, and he thought about not even back to Germany at all. When he back to Germany, he had a open arm brake and ended in hospital on already very bad emotional condition. Somehow fire happens in hospital, and he with few other patients burned. He had a skin transplantation and a nervous brake down.  :'( He is now in psychiatric clinic on rehabilitation. As far as I know he is in very bad physical and psychical condition, so I don`t expect he will recover very soon. As his local friend told me, he was very disturbed before the trip to Germany and there might be the chance he never took the packages with him. It is good to know that PCBs and panels arn`t destroyed in a fire as I was suspecting. I get a phone number of his sister yesterday and tried to call her but she don`t answer. I`ll try again. I`ll post some news as soon as I know anything else.

If the packages are left in Serbia and if there are no chance to get it somehow, I would try to make one x0xb0x and sell it so I could make at least one set for those of you that pay for few sets so you can start building it. I hope after some time things would stabilize and i will somehow reach him.

Thank you all for patience and I`m sorry one more time for the inconvenience. I`ll do my best to get you your packages.

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welcome back friend!

thanks for update.

The guy from Serbian x0xbox batch offered me to send it from there

As his local friend told me, he was very disturbed before the trip to Germany and there might be the chance he never took the packages with him.

hope this guy's current psychic/physical condition is significantly better now.

but thanks for the news Sasha, again.

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For what damn reason he should leave them out if he supposed to take them with him?!

If this is the case, this is a major lack of responsibility and contradicts with what said about him before.

Vlad, I wouldn`t say it would be lack of responsibility if i know the condition he was in when he heard he lost a job. I`m sure x0x wasn`t on his minds in that time. He almost stayed in Serbia even he has wife in Germany. He was obviously very disturbed and on the edge of the nervous brake down before he even went back. As far as I know Germans are investigating his responsibility for the fire in hospital, so I just can imagine how bad his state really was. I don`t wanna speculate with no much facts but I can`t say I`m mad about him now even I was before I heard some details.

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I really hope this works out OK. It sounds like there's a good chance these panels/pcbs could turn up eventually.

Mental illness/depression is awfullcuts/breaks/wounds can be fixed quite easily but with something in the mind it's usually years before it's recognised there is a problem, let alone working out what the problem is and being in a state to repair it.

This project has had a lot of issues so far. It's all going to make that acid bassline sound extra phat when the boxes are complete though.


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Shane, I just sent you dxf export from corel. Hope it works.

hope that guy turns out alright. thanks for the update. it is never good to hear when a good guy gets into a string of bad things :(

thanks for thatdxf sasha. i guess you still have my pcb or does that guy that had the breakdown?

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still filtering you?

I don`t understand what are you saying.  ??? What filtering? Seams you still suspecting about what really happens and that somebody is avoiding me intentionally.

I reached her finally and she told me some more details. Nothing relevant to x0x. She is going to visit him around 20. so hopefully I`ll have some more concrete news. She said they want to bring him back to Serbia for some time after he come out of the hospital to be with the family. So, things will surely sort out at the end but not sure when exactly it will be.

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let me summarize the things: The only person who knows where is our stuff is the guy in clinic.


I`m 99% sure the packages are in his house in Germany. His sister said she`ll check his room in case he left it in Serbia but he obviously didn`t. As fire happened in hospital we know packages hasn`t burned in a fire, and we also know he haven`t mailed it, so we pretty much know where are the packages and we know they are safe. Time is the only X here.

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first let me say i am not worried one way or the other. and as far as i can say if something bad did happen and my stuff is gone, i do not want it to fall on sasha. he is tops. it is a small amount of money to me and most other people. if it all works out for me cool if not, no sweat. i am sure that i have saved enough of of single bulk orders to break even on one thing not going well. that is life.

the main thing is that people do not get too stressed out over insignificant things.

i am not worried. my last post was more of a " where do people think thing will end up at" kind of post.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry everybody I didn`t notify you about the situation. I was in a mess myself.

His sister visited him in a hospital and they allow her only 1 hour. She told me he is recovering slowly and he remembers he took packages from me but he don`t know where they are now. The packages are probably at his home, but he is not allowed to make a phone calls from hospital and I don`t have any contacts of his wife. His sister ensures me that he wan`t left us short no matter what happens to packages. Only bad thing is the time. We need to wait more until he went out. If I manage to make and sell x0x before that I`ll run another batch of boards and panels and send it to the pople that didn`t received it and I`ll sort problems with him myself when he got out. Thank you all for understanding and patience.

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"His sister visited him in a hospital and they allow her only 1 hour"......

"but he is not allowed to make a phone calls from hospital "

one day, i was in the same situation....but i was in jail....

julienvoirin and i ordered 2 panels and 2 pcb ....reveived 1 panel and 2 pcb

Sasha, the panels had to be in metal ....they are plastic with sort of decal... :-\...stay cool

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