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I'm making new sample banks, but I can't put more then 256 files on the FAT card ?! Is this normal, and how did others deal with this. I would like;  64 files x 8 banks is a max of 512 samples on my card



If there is really a file limit, it could make sense to change the application so that it uses a dedicated directory for each bank

Best Regards, Thorsten.


It's not really as I said before. I downloaded Jjonas his mellotron zip, and unapcked on a SD Card. There were 346 files on the Root, I put it in my MBSD Card player, anf it worked like a charm. So I checked the card and it was FAT32 formatted. Anyway, it seemed to work, so I'll investigate this further.

Only thing I'm sure of is that my windows PC said that the max number of files was reached on my FAT card. It was around 250 files, and there was enough room left...

Cheers, Roel




it might be outdated information, but back from old DOS days i remember there was a limit of how many files might be allowed in the root directory of a FAT filesystem - and it was around the 8-bit barrier, if i remember correctly :).
This limit did not apply to subdirectories - so the underlying filesystem might be the reason? There might be differences between FAT16 and FAT32 - and TK's recommendation should always work - use subdirectories! :)

Many greets,

17 hours ago, Hawkeye said:

and TK's recommendation should always work - use subdirectories! :)

I know you're right, but I'm not sure how to do that. I guess the application checks the root directory, so I should make a change in the application, and for me that still is hocus-pocus most times.

I tried yesterday with the FAT32 card and that seems to work OK, so no problem anymore. 

I like to develop my MIOS skills, but I have a hard time with it. For example; I'm struggling with the Clockbox application for 10 years now, I got it slaving to masterclock, but that took me months/years and  it's an ugly hack, but it works.  Now I want to load an initial set-up at start up, wich is saved on the internal eeprom. But I dunno were to begin.....any idea's

Cheers, Roel


If you want to modify the clock box, my visual metronome project was based on it, it has been a while since I looked at it but think there was some code for using the eeprom. Hopefully it will provide a few pointers.


@Elektruck yes, with a FAT32 formatted SD-card you should be fine, there should be no root directory file limits using that filesystem, only the older FAT12/FAT16 filesystems impose such a limit.

Many greets, Peter

2 hours ago, gomiboy99 said:

If you want to modify the clock box, my visual metronome project was based on it, it has been a while since I looked at it but think there was some code for using the eeprom. Hopefully it will provide a few pointers.

Thanx, I'll look into it. I use the eeprom now, but I want my clockbox to startup with the settings from the eeprom. Maybe better to start another topic ...


Hello friends, it's been awhile. I decided to pick this project back up the other day and I'm struggling getting the sampler to play my samples in their entirety. It only holds each note for about 2-3seconds whereas my samples are approx. 8 seconds long... I assume it's my audio files. I probably have a setting messed up in audacity? Anyhow, aside from trying to solve that, I was curious if anyone could link me to a download for those mellotron samples posted in this thread awhile ago. I missed out and thought it would be nice to give those a shot. If someone wouldn't mind posting a new link or attaching them here that would be amazing. When I get the time, I'll try to sort out whatever issues I'm having on this end and if I can't suss it out, I'll post here.


Hi Buhler,

HERE is a link to the original downloaded zip file from Jjonas

and last week I've been (very) busy with extending the octave ranges from the mellotron sounds. I made a samplerbox with raspberryPi for my daughter, and I was amazed how good it was. One pretty neat function is that the samplerbox extends the octaves automtically. The mellotron samples have a range of only 3 octaves or something like that, but samplerbox plays them over 6 or more ocatves. And especially the lower sounds are really cool, like steamboats.

So I loaded the samples into ableton and converted them to get more octaves, then into audacity to get the right format etc. 

HERE is a link to my current SD Card set. I only have 5 banks so far, but it took a long time, now I want to do something else:)

I don't know about your lenght issue, I just checked mine, these are about 6 seconds long, and play entirely, if I play the right lenght of notes.

Good luck and have fun with the samples


Thank you so much for the links! That was very kind of you! 

I will figure out the length issues. I know I did something to make that happen I just need to sort it out. Also, this project doesn't run so well solely powered by the usb port, which is obvious, but is helpful when making frequent changes. Not so good for optimum performance though. 

Anyhow, thanks again Elektruck!

  • 6 months later...

Hi guys!

First of all - I'm very impressed of what you do here. 
Even if I'm an embedded engineer, things you do is like a magic.

I'm looking for portable sampler preferably based on STM32 as I mostly work with them.
With keyboard input, sample bank selector, maybe some potentiometers and maybe MIDI capability.
And seems like this device is what I search. 

Can I expect for some introduction or intro\demo firmware + schematic of what you're continuously update here?
I won't be useless copier - want to take part into development AND have a nice compact sampler.

Really hope you'll answer.
Best regards,


yeah welcome darkkat!

It is like Antichambre/Bruno said, all information is here but you have to find out the basics yourself. If I had a schematic I would sure give it to you, but I don't have one. In the first post of this thread you'll find the link to the wiki. There you can find most recent stable code, and some hints, like bank selector switch is attached to J10. If you go the the ucapps site you can find the schematic of the core board for stm32  and there you can find to wich pins of the stm32 J10 is attached etc......It's quiet hard in the beginning to get overall information, where to start, how the system works etc, but if you just start you'll find out soon how it works and how versatile the MIOS system is. That's also one of the reasons why there aren't any tutorials,  (exept for this supurb new video tutorial for midiphy SeqV)

So I would start reading about the core board: http://ucapps.de/mbhp_core_stm32f4.html together with this thread and the dokuwiki in the first post. You'll have enough information to start, and if you have any questions you'll know a lot better what to ask...

ps, I'm not a programmer at all, but a patient puzzler and I got quite far midiboxing

goodluck and cheers,


Posted (edited)

So as I see, there is a microcontroller core - old PIC based and new LPC and STM32 discovery based.

Is it really comfortable to use discovery boards? Haven't you thought about nice PCB with place for MCU (as STM32F103 one)?

I wonder if any part of discovery board is used except the microcontroller - thing is STM32F4 cost locally about $35 and the chip itself is about $12.

If the schematic for STM32F4 core board is tested, I can make the tracing for separate MCU and share it. Same thing is for in/out, analog, midi and other modules you connect to main board - haven't you thought to use SMD components, place them at both layers and make PCBs really small to fit into a portable device? (because I'm seeking for it at least) - like AKAI APC KEY 25.

So if such thing is interesting - I can do that.

Edited by darkkat
Updating the comment
Posted (edited)
46 minutes ago, darkkat said:

So as I see, there is a microcontroller core - old PIC based and new LPC and STM32 discovery based.

Is it really comfortable to use discovery boards? Haven't you thought about nice PCB with place for MCU (as STM32F103 one)?

If the schematic is tested, I can make the tracing and share it. Same thing is for in/out, analog, midi and other modules you connect to main board - haven't you thought to use SMD components, place them at both layers and make PCBs really small to fit into a portable device? (because I'm seeking for it at least) - like AKAI APC KEY 25.

So if such thing is interesting - I can do that.

Hi @darkkat
It's a bit more complicated than that ;)
We've got standardised ports we use with standardized modules(everything is in ucapps pages).
There's already alternatives to the discovery or the lpc too.
Latigid/Andy already designed a new core based on waveshare 407(stm32f407) which fits into the new SeqV4+. the wCore. Like I said everything is somewhere you just have to take the time to dig all that.
More than that, you're not the first to complain about the size of the cores, then I spent some time to design a new one, a compact one, which will perhaps bring the answer, I hope(worked a lot on it), the dipCoreF4 is already prototyped and based on a stm32f405.

TK has produced a lot, people have added a lot to his work too. It's a gigantic knowledge base dedicated to MIDI, electronic and music. I can admit that it can take a certain time to integrate, assimilate the essential. but take your time so that you can bring your stone to the building too. Should be great!

Best regards

Edited by Antichambre
  • 10 months later...
Posted (edited)


I've (perhaps foolhardily) bought all the components to build a Midibox Sample Player with a "minimal circuit"-style LPC1769 core, since this thing looks like the best option to fill a percussion-sampler-shaped hole in my music setup.

This is the first Midibox-related thing I've tried building, but I have some general electronics experience (advanced Arduino stuff and so on).

The first problem I've run into is... The tutorial for the LPC1769 core says to download the LPCXpresso IDE v5.2.6 (not a newer version!) from a specific website, but that website seems to have been bought out by a different company, and they only seem to be offering the latest version of the LPCXpresso IDE instead, and requiring an oddly strict signup process to download it as well.

Also I'm on a Linux computer right now, which I vaguely remember hearing might be a problem for the LPC1769 core setup process?

I don't want to just rush forward and try things blindly, because in the past I've screwed up a couple projects that way, and I don't want to repeat that sort of scenario. So... Hopefully someone can shed some light on these problems?

Edit: I went and made an account on NXP Semiconductor's website, and they only have versions of the LPCXpresso IDE going back to 6.0.x. Hmm... Still not sure what angle to approach this problem from. Should I just get a newer version of the LPCXpresso IDE and figure out how to load the LPC1769 core's precompiled binary onto the LPC1769 from there? This seems like the obvious next step but I'd prefer to hear from people who know what they're doing first.

Edited by vit
  • 4 months later...
On 9/21/2019 at 2:49 AM, themodulator said:

Hello, I had the same questions and found the answers here:  http://midibox.org/forums/topic/20590-lpcxpresso-ide/  

The subversion repository for the sample player mentioned here: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=midibox_sd_card_sample_player has been migrated to github. Just follow the links from here:  http://svnmios.midibox.org/

Very belatedly: Thanks for the context!

(Just now getting back to this project after a few months, since some other stuff was going on in my life.)

Even version 8.2.2 of LPCXpresso IDE didn't work on my version of Ubuntu (19.04), so I downloaded the MCUXpressoIDE instead (which was a task in itself, since it requires a custom install procedure on newer Ubuntu). Then I figured out how to upload the Midibox LPC17-core firmware to the LPCXpresso1769 board using MCUXpresso IDE (pretty straightforward actually).

My next step is to reread all the info on the Midibox Sampler's circuit, then build the circuit on some perfboard.

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