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Control surface PCB for 16 encoders/LEDrings Bulk Order

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hope I'm not too late,I've added another 4 boards and sil networks to match (my original numbers (sils)were wrong).



Not too late Paul, there is still sometime left.



Posted (edited)

On the http://www.taydaelectronics.com shop (...very good shop) you can buy:

2 ULN2803 Transistors Darlington arrays

4 74HC165

4 74HC595

10 Ceramic Cap 100nF=0,1uF “104â€

1 Polarized Electrolytic Capacitor 100 uF

1 2x40 Pin 2.54 mm Double Row Pin Header Strip

1 40 Pin 2.54 mm Single Row Pin Header Strip

10 Socket 16 pins

2 Socket 18 pins

256 LED 3mm Red

For $10.89 or 8.40€ including shipping to US or Europe.

You have only to add encoders and RNs.


Also Tayda has coupons, one should be coming soon, follow them on Facebook.

15% Discount Coupon Code : 877888

Valid till 26 November 2012 ( 12pm New York time ).



Edited by Fairlightiii
Posted (edited)

Hi members.

The list is officialy closed but you can put your name in the list until monday november 26th 8:00 AM (forum time) if you send me by email (jeromebo at free dot fr) in the same time your personal informations:

  • Username
  • Paypal mail address
  • Real name
  • Postal address
  • Country
  • Level of shipping insurance you want to take.

Best regards,


Edited by Fairlightiii
Posted (edited)

All the Paypal invoices have been sent except 2 (personal informations not still arrived in my email box). [Edit: 1]

You have until November 30th to pay.

For latecomers, I will send invoice as soon as I receive your informations.

Best regards,


Edited by Fairlightiii

The list of this bulk order is closed but I have bought some extra PCBs for latecomers so if you want ones, email me (jeromebo at free dot fr) the quantity you would like and your personal informations:

  • Midibox username
  • Paypal mail address
  • Real name
  • Postal address
  • Country
  • Level of shipping insurance you want to take.



Posted (edited)

hi fairlightiii...

little story about tayda electronics and german customs.

I ordered on friday evening a lot of parts (in sum around 3500 parts), many resistors, LEDs, IC...for a realy good price. It was around 90$...with the discount coupon code it was arround 77$. Because i saved a lot of money with that discount code i ordered it via DHL express delivery...it made an extra of 35$. so the grand value was around 111$. the delivery tayda and DHL made in lightspeed. ordered on friday at 10pm (GMT) delivered at 5pm (GMT) on monday and the delivery was all the time trackable. Great job...but!!!....then came german customs and calculated a tax and fees about 33€ that are around 47$...and is more 50% on the merchandise value (90$-14$=76$ and around 62% on the by discount code reduced merchandise value).

but overall i can say it is allready much cheaper to order at tayda electronics than here in germany at reichelt. not for all parts but for those tayda has. Packaging was okay, no visible damages. Had no time to test the parts till now but if you can see in many unboxing videos at youtube about tayda there is all okay. :-)

For all german forum users in here:

Ihr könnt bei Tayda bestellen, aber bestellt recht viel, damit sich das am Ende auch lohnt. Bei mir lag der tatsächliche Preis durch den Zollaufschlag (bei 3500 Einzelteilen) pro Teil 1ct höher. Beispiel 3mm LED: im Shop bei Tayda 0,02$ (entspricht etwa 0,0154€ +0,01€ = 0,025€).

Günstigste 3mm LED bei Reichelt kosten 0,06€ pro LED also 0,035€ gespart...macht bei 1000 Stück (trotz hoher Zollgebühr) schon 35€ aus :-)

(Ich denke mir der Zoll hat da nur Mist gebaut und einfach den Gesamtbetrag auf der Rechnung (inklusive Versandkosten) von 111$ als 111€ angesehen und darauf mal eben 30% Steuern und Gebühren berechnet!

Trotzdem ist Tayda ein guter Tip wie ich finde!

but all in all tayda is a good hint for those of you who will order a lot of parts like resistors, LED, sockets or ICs! don't forget to search for discount codes...that saves on top a lot of money! :-)



Edited by MaG2k

Hi MaG2k.

....then came german costums and calculated a tax and fees about 33€ that are around 47$...and is more 50% on the merchandise value (90$-14$=76$ and around 62% on the by discount code reduced merchandise value).

Custums calculate their fee on the merchandise value AND the shipping cost.



Posted (edited)

hi jérôme,

that would be okay...but its allready nearly 50% on the grand value...and thats a little hard...when i order from smashTV its always around 20-25%.

you wrote that we are arround 181 PCBs to order...so if there are only 19 PCBs left to 200 you should fill them up...i think there will be some users out there who wants to have one or to more PCBs later or there will be some latecomers. :-)



Edited by MaG2k
Posted (edited)


I fear, it is quite common, that some people won´t respond or pay in a bulk order, so I guess we are safely above the 150 pcs limit, which is already great ;-).

It will be lotsa work shipping out all these parcels.

Thanks again for your work and many greets!


Edited by Hawkeye

Hi Hawkey,

from that point of view you are right! its save to buy that many because to buy more without any interessted person at the moment its only more cost for fairlight. And as Peter said....thanx for the work! it will be hard work to handle all the parcels!




I just have another order (I'm waiting personnal informations) so it will be 185 PCBs.

What I meaned in my previous post is 189 PCBs at 8.50€ is the price of 200 PCBS at 8€.




100% of the Paypal invoices have been paied (181 PCBs).

I will order today or tommorow because my manufacturer doesn't begin his work before monday (and I'm working on a better accuracy of LEDs positionning on the board, I will say much later).

Best regards.


Any possibility of getting on this order for 2 boards?

Hi Orbitalgun.

Send me quickly by mail (jeromebo at free dot fr) the quantity you would like and your personal informations:

Midibox username

Paypal mail address

Real name

Postal address


Level of shipping insurance you want to take.

Best regards.


Posted (edited)


I have ordered the PCBs.

My manufacturer think I could receive them near the december 17th, maybe more early.

For your information the revision is now 2.5 with a better accuracy positioning of LEDs.

The wiki is updated with the new coordinates files.

Best regards,


Edited by Fairlightiii
Posted (edited)

Hello Fairlightiii,

are there some news about the ordering status?



Hi MaG2k.

Fedex has tryed to bring me the Mouser order but I was not at home. I will receive the parcel probably tomorrow.

My manufacturer informed me that the PCBs should arrived near the 17th of december.

Best regards,


Edited by Fairlightiii

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