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[ B ] Looking to buy a Midibox Seq (V4 or V4 lite) in the EU


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Hi there fellow midi heads.


this is a very genuine request for anyone on this forum who has a Midibos Seq V4  or V4 lite that they are contemplating parting with or building for a little extra funds.


I am a very serious dedicated all live musician, my act MyOneManBand revolves around me building EVERY track live from the ground up...to do this I use LOADS of MIDI equipment, a lot of them with very lack-lustre sequencers.


So I guess, this is a plea. I'm not a builder or a solderer, I wish I was, but Im just a humble musician who loves what I do, and now I have found what looks like the best tool for the job, but I am hoping that one of you has a Midibox going spare, and which you would be so kind as to sell to me to genuinely help me in my own music making.


here is my work www.youtube.com/phillwilson and more about me www.myonemanband.co.uk


I am not arich musician, I am just a normal guy but I will always try to pay what is fair for the tools I use.


thanks for reading, please PM me or email me at phillwilson@hotmail.com if you have anything for sale.


I am currently based in Belgium but will be returning to the UK in a short while.




Phill MyOneManBand.

Edited by phillwilson
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi again,


I have just seen this one Ebay in the UK




is this a legitimate sale from someone on the forum?


is £250 a reasonable amout to pay? it seems considerably more than the guide prices I have seen considering it looks vauguely not working in the description, but I am pretty despairate to own one so I am tempted.


any advice or infomation would be appreciated, and of course, anyone looking to part with either a Midibox Seq v4 or v4 lite, please get in touch.

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Yer, that was my worry too, also I don't see a relevant request to sell on the forums so I was taking this as a slghtly dubious bid ...he other part of me is still tempted though cos it is everything I need, mostly assembled...don't know, might have to sleep on this one.


thanks for the infomation

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I wouldn´t buy it. First, it seems overpriced. Second, checking an already assembled box for errors can be a pain in the neck and very time consuming. I think it would be faster to build it yourself. And way more fun too.... The error could turn out to be a badly soldered part on one of the modules. In that case you could end up searching for days or even weeks before you find it. No fun, trust me...

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