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[FS] MB-SEQ Control Surface PCB, Encoders and Parts Kit


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Parting ways with MBSEQ Control Surface PCB and parts kit and most of built and to be built DIY audio projects.  
Comes straight out of my DIY audio box which seemingly have been left for far too long unattended, and life moves on at its own pace. 

What you receive:

  1. MBSEQ Control Surface PCB in original plastic wrap

  2. MBSEQ Control Surface Parts Kit in original plastic wrap (SmashTV)

  3.  Encoders (17)

!!! After taking the photos, I realized tactile pushbutton switches do not belong to this kit and you will need more anyways. They probably belong to another cool DIY project i had collected for many years. Anyways, if you think you'll have a use for them too, tell me so otherwise they wont be included.

Crossing fingers so these terrific board, encoders and the parts kit would be a fast-forward track for somebody with true DIY spirit out there who could  enjoy it as much as one dreamt of.  


Not looking to profit, Shipping from Canada or US at cost.






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