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(Bug?) Song Mode breaks track´s divider settings when tripplet is used

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Hi everyone,

I may have found a bug in Seq4 version 096 (still present in 097).


I have created and saved a pattern on track 1 (48 steps, divider 8T). Then I went into Song Mode and set song position A1 to 3 repeats. I also set track 1 as the guide track.

Now when I hit play the song seems to be played with divider 16, the step counter increases faster than the steps of the 8T pattern. So when the song step counter reaches 48 the pattern is not yet finished and restarts prematurely when looped again.

The worst thing is that this breaks the tracks divider settings. When I go back into Edit Mode, after I cleared all the song positions, the track is played back with the wrong divider. The track is still set to 8T but is played as 16, so the track is not played back completely anymore. Setting the divider to 16 and back to 8T does not solve the issue. I have to power down the Seq and start it again for the track to be played correctly again.

I hope the description is comprehensible.

Best Regards


I wouldn't say it's a bug, it's more like an imperfection. The guide track mechanism only works for a track which plays 16th notes; it just matches the length of this track with the song position, and once reached, it increments the song step.

There is currently no way to change this without rework at some places where hardcoded dividers are used for the song "ref_step"

Best Regards, Thorsten.


Thank you for clearing this up. I suspected that the song mode and/or the guide track might work with a fixed divider.

I also understand now why the track played back with the wrong division after I (allegedly) cleared all the song configuration. I didn´t deselect it as the guide track, so being a guide track in a song takes precedence over the regular divider settings.

Just to be sure though: I then tried to use another (empty) track as a guide track, I left the divider at 16 and set the length to 64 steps which fit 48 steps with a division of 8T. I thought this way the guide track would give me the 64 16th steps (= 48 8T steps) I need for one loop of the 48 8T steps pattern. But when I select it as a guide track the length is automatically reset to 16. Am I doing something wrong or am I misunderstanding the idea of a guide track?

I got it working another way: I set Option 1/33 and 2/33 both to 64 steps, so my song is working fine now.

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