Artesia Posted December 3, 2006 Report Posted December 3, 2006 Quote
DrBunsen Posted December 3, 2006 Report Posted December 3, 2006 You know, when you provide a link, we can always click it and read it ourselves. Quote
Artesia Posted December 3, 2006 Author Report Posted December 3, 2006 indeed.. tho sadly, not everyone does. Quote
smashtv Posted December 3, 2006 Report Posted December 3, 2006 First I'm hoping you read the copyright statement (and have permission).......otherwise we need to pull this now:© 2002 2003 2004 Up & Running Technologies IncorporatedIf you want to use any images or text from this site you must get written approval first. Click HERE to send an email request explaining your intended usage.Second this should be a wiki entry so the gaps in the info can be filled in to correctly paint them as profiteers rather that hero innovators.....The chip fab was an EPA "superfund" site, meaning American taxpayers are still paying big for the precious SID chips, and people were made sick and caused genetic damage due to VOCs and other nasties leaking into the public water supply.........all to produce stuff based on stolen IP.When someone teaches you something (and pays you like a rock star while you learn) do you turn around and immediately compete with them using that skill? These guys were a bunch of salesmen, and everyone who knew about the leaky tanks not being emptied as needed should be made to live on the site, with families......Sorry for the rant, but this is too much revisionist history for my taste.Dude having his hot wife act like she is pushing the greatest CPU ever behind a table full of fab rejects is a peek at the true nature of these people. :/To be fair almost everyone in that biz and time frame were just as bad, the good stories come from the quiet engineers who really created this stuff, not the pushers who capitalized on it.Besides, these reposts are making my novel-length posts look short......can't have that! ;)BestSmash Quote
Artesia Posted December 3, 2006 Author Report Posted December 3, 2006 Ok,Pulling as there is a potential copyright issue on the reproduced content.Although its highly unlikely to be infringing in the ways that they might feel compelled to enforce it. I will remove the content & people will simply have to read the post on the site.Thanks for the extra insight, and yes.. articles written by people in a fashon which does not allow them to be contested; allows for unfair bias at least in discussing that here, we can go half way to righting that..Maybe if such a post does not exhist on wikipedia; maybe someone can start it ? :)Regards,Artesia. Quote
smashtv Posted December 3, 2006 Report Posted December 3, 2006 A link to info about the ongoing cleanup for those interested: Quote
Artesia Posted December 3, 2006 Author Report Posted December 3, 2006 heres something else in a similar vain ..tho mostly tieing into the dodgy dumping business & sordid business practices aspect..Its an ongoing investigation by an Atari fanatic who wanted to know weather the stories of Atari dumping 12million ET carts & a total of 12 truckloads of other stuff in a new mexico dump & concreteing 'em over in the 80's where true...So far he seems to have confirmed that it actually happened...oh, it also has to be said that it is true that as you might expect at the beginning of the silicon computing era, big companys overcharged for their products & where certainly not keen on making cheaper revisions. This could be partly explained by the huge size of such companys, their need to keep paying for staff & facilitys & the huge past R&D bill to get the product onto the table in the first place.And whilst it is nessursary for companys to offer parts at prices that allow manifacturers to make and sell their items at a price the market will take an interest in & sustain ...whilst allowing enough room for a meager profit... There will always be loads of cowboys who take up the oppertunity & go about business anyway they can; with no regard for the impact & damage they leave in the process steal the market and make a quick buck.Having said that.. This goes on allot ...even these days, at all levels of business; at a huge unsustainable cost to our enviroment.Tho to be honest of the situation, theres lots of dodgy people in these sorts of business.. Just that often the really shifty ones get attracted to the sort of oppertunitys that MOS took. Quote
DrBunsen Posted December 4, 2006 Report Posted December 4, 2006 sworded=sordidsorry i'm in a persnickety mood Quote
Artesia Posted December 4, 2006 Author Report Posted December 4, 2006 hehe yeah... plese excuse the dyslexia.. (& general insanity) Quote
smashtv Posted December 4, 2006 Report Posted December 4, 2006 This goes on allot ...even these days, at all levels of business; at a huge unsustainable cost to our enviroment.No doubt.....its a constant thing, at this rate environmental cleanup services will be much more profitable (and costly) than the businesses that caused the damage.The worst is a lot of these look the other way actions are supported by the business/lobbyist/government chain. Did you know we still have/use asbestos brake pads in the US, and that OSHA (who is supposed to be looking out for worker safety) was pressured to remove exposure warnings?How about the gold business, where a cyanide/water mix is sprayed in the open air on beds of mined ore so the the gold will leach out, giving up an average of less than 1 ounce per ton of ore.......producing mercury (solid and vapor) that ends up in the soil and water.Crazy stuff, makes you think none of the people engineering these practices have kids or anything but a will to bake the planet and line the pockets. All that said I really do miss the fun of writing ASM on the 6502, and knocking up some fierce BASIC programs on the 64 :)BestSmash Quote
moebius Posted December 5, 2006 Report Posted December 5, 2006 Nice to see Smash on ranting moode ;DThe actual subject is rather fuzzy to me, but hey, it´s not dumpster on MY backyard! (Yup, irony)I´m not sure what the case was here before the edit (how much text was copied), but I beg to differ in one matter:First I'm hoping you read the copyright statement (and have permission).......otherwise we need to pull this now:This is one-sided statement by the names of the webpage which is overruled by "Fair use" defined in the law in the every civilized nation.. ;) The line is thin, but it´s there: I´d say, for informational purposes with link provided to the original source and clean citation You can push it pretty far. Or are we just being rational for not sueing each other for quoted forum post of emails? ;D Yes, I do know bad examples from the blogging world, where the information strangely bends and bends.. beware of FartTrixSynth Quote
stryd_one Posted December 5, 2006 Report Posted December 5, 2006 Yeh tell me about it. Check out a friends old back yard:The Kalgoorlie SuperPit, once the biggest open cut mine in the world, visible from space, blah blah blah. You wouldn't believe the health problems that go with a few years in a place like that. My favourite gripe is cars.... the fact that people will stand next to a 12 lane road full of cars and make laws that say I can't smoke a cigarette there because it's bad for their health, is just more evidence of how completely stupid people really are. beware of FartTrixSynthOh totally 90% of the blogs are 90% junk ::) Heck that goes for just about all the media ;D Quote
Artesia Posted December 5, 2006 Author Report Posted December 5, 2006 yeah, i know all about things like the mining trades.. it is insane.. but people will do whatever it takes, if they stand a chance of getting stinking rich ...greedy shallow bstrds. ..tho there you go.Mercury, well talking of this obscenely dangerious heavy metal; and noting with irony how stringently regulated some areas are to avoid exposure to such substances... did you know that it is used in those shiny silver amalgam fillings at dentists & also as a preservative agent (thermosil ?) in a number of vaccines ...and someone saftey stamp approved it !...even if there was no -theoretical- risk ...i sure as hell want to stay well away from heavy metals regardless ...hmm better be careful processing pcbs then ;) :) Quote
Therezin Posted December 12, 2006 Report Posted December 12, 2006 did you know that it is used in those shiny silver amalgam fillings at dentistsI thought they stopped that years ago? Quote
Artesia Posted December 12, 2006 Author Report Posted December 12, 2006 not entirely sure, will have to ask my dentist when i see him next.Which wont be long, as i need a little bit of work doing... Quote
AndrewMartens Posted December 13, 2006 Report Posted December 13, 2006 It's still optional at some dentists. When I needed a filling a few years back, they told me that my insurance only covered the cost of the cheap (toxic) ones, and if I wanted the better ones I would have to pay the difference. Well, I was still in school and all I could afford was the ones that I got for free. The dentist took pity on me and gave me a higher-quality filling at no charge... what a nice guy! :D Quote
Artesia Posted December 14, 2006 Author Report Posted December 14, 2006 lovely bloke :)Did you know that apparently the mercuary based ones where judged to seep 75% of a persons permissable ammount of mercury ? ..according to some impartial investigations by goverment organisations looking into the matter...hmm with a mouth full of fillings / something dodgy going on overall ..that could easily be exceeded drastically ..concerning really. Quote
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