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The MB6582 Panel Group Buy : FINALLY!!


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Oh DUH, i dont need screws for the faceplate...I'm a little slow..i've been breathing solder all day  :D

Black screws? There are no screws showing on the front panel.

PLEASE everyone review the MB-6582 construction guide before starting construction. Any questions, please ask me on the forum (so I can explain to everyone at once).

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Goblinz gets ONE set of PCBs.

robwillis passed on the other set, so there's ONE set of PCBs still up for grabs.

Offer ONLY open to people in the current bulk order for panels. That means the order being arranged in this thread (which is why I posted here in the first place).

Wilba, I haven't recieved a paypal invoic for you for this. You should have my details in your PM inbox, but if not then my email adddy is edliddle at hotmail dot com.


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Hello Everyone,

Got my panels as well ;D . Very clever how you taped them to the center of the packing box -- I'll remember that trick the next time I need to ship something flat and protect the corners in transit.

Thank you again Altitude for all of your research and hard work in organizing this bulk order. Now my MB-6582 will look so much nicer than if I had to make my own panels (you should see my hand writing  :-\ )


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I have to say that the quality of the silk-screening leaves a lot to be desired, and I am not happy with the result at all.

First, the paint is uneven, with the black showing through in places like the label backgrounds, bleeding into the black text making the black text thinner than the white text, and generally not what I expected from silk-screening. When I think of silk-screening, I expect the same kind of quality that you see on consumer products, essentially as fine-detailed as laser or inkjet printing. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Maybe the super-glossy paint makes it look worse, I don't know... but surely if you specify a solid white area, it should come out solid and not show spots of black.

Secondly, the artwork is not what was specified by me. I discovered many alignment faults on individual labels and the lines are not where they should be. To demonstrate exactly how bad this is, I scanned the front panel I have and overlaid the original artwork (in red), along with the corner registration marks and hole placements.


If it was an alignment error for the entire artwork, you would see every line and label slightly out of alignment by the same amount. Likewise, if it was a scaling error for the entire artwork, you would see it incrementally change in alignment error across or down the panel.

However, what you see in this PDF is how individual labels and lines are out of alignment in different ways, which can only happen if these things were explicitly moved by the printer either before they printed the screen or possibly after... I don' t know exactly why or how someone has done this, but I am extremely annoyed that it has been done without informing the customers (everyone participating in this bulk order). If there was some issue with the first printing they did, instead of moving things around to make them "fit", they should have consulted the customers (us) and requested a solution, new artwork, a different file format, not deciding to do a "fix" themselves and hoping the customers (us) would not notice or care about it being exactly right.

Take a look at the filter mode labels (bottom left corner) and the LFO waveforms (right side). How can these be exactly aligned but everything else on the panel be out of alignment?

Take a look at the labels for the bottom row of knobs. How can the words CUTOFF, RESONANCE, DEPTH, ATTACK, DECAY, SUSTAIN, RELEASE which are supposed to be vertically aligned (see red text) have different vertical alignments?

This last alignment fault is the most annoying, because the labels are now too close to the knobs and shows up clearly when you put the knob on the hole, there is no longer a constant gap between the bottom of the knob and the label underneath it.

I don't think I'm being picky or perfectionist about this... I spent hours fine-tuning the original artwork for my MB-6582 and then later with this silk-screen version, manually placing everything perfectly aligned so that labels are centered with LEDs and gaps between lines are consistent. I see these alignment faults as no less than explicit tampering of the original artwork by the printer and a complete disregard for the customer's expectation of quality and meeting the specifications they were given.

Please post them here. International shipping for something as light as the panel should not be to expensive so I can definitely have them redone.

Redone by who? The same people that have stuffed up this silk-screening two times?

I would prefer to send it back to the fab and get a refund on the whole panel set. They had two chances to get it right. I don't trust them at all to meet the spec, not after the deliberate "tinkering" of the artwork that took place last time. This, more than anything else, is what I am really annoyed about, and I don't see why they should get another chance.

I'm just being honest with everyone here... it would be a lot easier to just chuck my two panel sets in the bin and forget about this whole mess... but I felt that everyone else should know about how bad these panels are now and not later when you put the knobs on the fully constructed MB-6582. If it is not just me who feels the same way, then it would make sense to deal with it as a group.



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There must be done some manually changes to the originial design if the orig. was in perfect condition ´cause normaly u got the hole picture, "expose" it to film, than expose the silk and then print every color, (here only one), get a heading and then the next one.

For perfect condition of "lighter" color on dark ground I prefer high-pigmented-colors, but normally you got what you got and so an aceptable way is to print a second time after inter-dry off the print.

It seems that they don´t do this to our panels, as well as don´t check and clean the silk every few prints from dust or st like that "in" the picture so some people get "holes" in their screenings.

My own panel looks okay, little colourless at a few tiny locations, but quite aceptable at all so I thing only a few of all looks realy bad.

Maybe other "owners" can explain how their panels looks like!?

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