qwasq Posted March 13, 2010 Report Posted March 13, 2010 is someone else test it with more than one footpedal? it could be usefull to know that!!!!!!!! :flowers: Hi Tashikoma, tested with 8 pots and same problem here: all pots send same cc (that assigned to the 1st one). I dont know how to fix it. Quote
Durisian Posted March 13, 2010 Author Report Posted March 13, 2010 (edited) tested with 8 pots and same problem here: all pots send same cc (that assigned to the 1st one). Thanks qwasq. All my midibox stuff is in pieces - and development PC is still dead. I'll download my code from the wiki during the week and try to get a fix asap (it's most likely something very simple) As another test - can you wiggle a pot (any but number one) and then access the setup mode - i want to know if it says your configuring the correct input. Sorry guys edit: I checked the code for finding the right info - at a glance it reads as though it should work Could be the PC editor dumping the same info for every pedal onto the bankstick! A good test would be to export a sysex file of the master bankstick, and then import it back into the editor and see if all pedals are changed to the same as the first OK - think I got it! even if it doesn't fix the problem it's definately wrong (trying to pump a number thats to too big into an unsigned char - which is the all important value that points to the start address of the desired pedals settings) Try this - pbx.h line 30 void fill_found_control_info(unsigned short int offset, unsigned char master_entry, unsigned char master_entry_length, unsigned char skip_name_bytes, unsigned char sub_entry, unsigned char sub_entry_length); Replace with: void fill_found_control_info(unsigned short int offset, unsigned short int master_entry, unsigned char master_entry_length, unsigned char skip_name_bytes, unsigned char sub_entry, unsigned char sub_entry_length); and pbx.c line 467 void fill_found_control_info(unsigned short int offset, unsigned char master_entry, unsigned char master_entry_length, unsigned char skip_name_bytes, unsigned char sub_entry, unsigned char sub_entry_length) Replace with: void fill_found_control_info(unsigned short int offset, unsigned short int master_entry, unsigned char master_entry_length, unsigned char skip_name_bytes, unsigned char sub_entry, unsigned char sub_entry_length) Edited March 13, 2010 by Durisian Quote
qwasq Posted March 13, 2010 Report Posted March 13, 2010 OK - think I got it! even if it doesn't fix the problem it's definately wrong (trying to pump a number thats to too big into an unsigned char - which is the all important value that points to the start address of the desired pedals settings) thank you Durisian! all pots working ok, with different names and cc now. The pots were configured with setup mode with no trouble. Quote
Durisian Posted March 15, 2010 Author Report Posted March 15, 2010 (edited) Finally got a new PSU for my PC today with it i've got some updated software http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=pedal_box:pbx_2.5b3.zip Fixed critcal analogue input bug Fixed startup display giberish Added better relay support (hard code only - pbx_relay_config.h) - Virtual polarity (on when off, off when on option) - Relays can be named - When relays switch - can display something meaningful (like Input 1, Input 2 instead of just on, off Probably some other stuff - I just can't remember Edited March 16, 2010 by Durisian Quote
Durisian Posted March 16, 2010 Author Report Posted March 16, 2010 (edited) Alpha version of the new pc editor available OUTDATED No midi support as yet - but you can load and save pbx, syx, and rbs files For getting data to your box you can either load up your saved files into the currerent pc editor. Or use syx files with midiox or MIOS Studio 2 Still a bit of work to do - namely MIDI support and simpler device value map authoring This is alpha - better keep a backup of any save files just in case Enjoy! edit by nILS: I attached the file, offsite doco bad... edit: thanks nILS - all uploaded to wiki nowPBEditor2_v0.8a.zip Edited April 13, 2010 by Durisian Quote
tashikoma Posted March 18, 2010 Report Posted March 18, 2010 (edited) thanks qwasq for the test..... :thumbsup: and a very big thanks to durisian for the solution and the new version of pbx editor....... :thumbsup: yeah!!!!!! :w00t: and special thanks to PC PSU!!!!!!! :frantics: Edited March 18, 2010 by tashikoma Quote
Durisian Posted April 13, 2010 Author Report Posted April 13, 2010 (edited) All round update 2.6beta1 Fixed critcal rig control bugFixed lagging with MIDI input while in Pedal Board mode. (May have wrecked led indicators in the process though)Relays can now be labeled and polarity set from the PB Editor softwareReduced max cuelists to 20Added MIDI as AIN feature - allows a recieved CC to be translated as if it were an analogue inputAdded PedalSwap feature - temporarily change the settings of expression pedal Pedal Board Editor 2 Software has been completed (including MIDI upload support) and is now safe and stable. The old java PB editor is no longer 100% compatable. But it can be used PROVIDED - you don't use more than 20 cueslists, you don't use relays and you don't want to use PedalSwap. I've also whipped up a more complete usage manual All downloads can be found in the wiki - http://www.midibox.o...al_box#download Edited April 13, 2010 by Durisian Quote
bagong Posted May 25, 2010 Report Posted May 25, 2010 Hi durisian, i am really interested to build this pedal board. i don't have any background about electronics, i just have bit knowledge of programming. i just moved to perth for my study. i have several questions for you, hopefully is not bother you to answer it. where can i find the part for PIC based core, lcd, and other stuff in australia? do you have the whole schematic for this project? because i don't how to connect mbhp core to the relay system and the lcd. sorry for my poor english and poor knowledge of electronic.. thanks for sharing this project... Quote
Durisian Posted June 16, 2010 Author Report Posted June 16, 2010 Hi bagong Most of my parts come from Rockby Electronics in Melbourne. However most of the parts are available at Jaycar at a higher price. PIC's are hard to find. I recommend getting parts kits from Smash TV's store in the US. You need to order the PCB's from here anyway - so you may as well save some time and hassle. LCD's I get from a few places - Rockby, Futurlec (I have had no probs with futurlec over 20 or so orders, but a few people here have reported very bad service - lost shipments etc). And a local importer of displays to get a large character display, but I can't remeber who that was. Some harder to find parts (ULN2803 IC's for instance) I had to buy from Mouser in the US. $60 to deliver, but was here the next day. Awesome footswitches can be found at Banzai Music in Germany. (Delivery was much more reasonable here) There are some great soldiering guides in the wiki, along with connections and information about what each module does and how it connects - It's the same for all midibox projects. If you need a DIN module for a project, it hooks up the same in every project. Smash TV's site also has PCB layouts and jumper descriptions, so you can find where plug each module in You need to do a lots of reading, and plan it all out on paper - then you can ask questions as you get stuck, before you blow a whole lot of money on parts you don't need Quote
alexglvr Posted September 3, 2010 Report Posted September 3, 2010 Hello, My name is Alex, and I am working on a Midi Pedal Board project. For this, I get an old ENGL Z12 midi footswitch, that I emptiied to keep only the enclosure and the switches ! As I do not have much room in the enclosure, I will go for a custom PCB made with CMS components... Here is what I have : - 1 MIDI in PORT - 1 MIDI out PORT - 4 analog inputs (for external expression pedal / switchs, 2 TRS jack) - 12 input switches : 10 for midi message, 2 for bank up/down - 8 relays : 4 for external switching (2 trs jacks), 4 for 2 FXLoop (2x 4 TS jacks) - 16 Leds : 10 for midi switches, 4 for the relais, 2 for the FXloop - 2 seven segment digit that will be used to show the current bank number As I am making my own PCB, I thought adapting the Core whilestaying as compatible as possible with the original design... Here is what I was thinking : Schematic Is it a good configuration? Thank you for your help ! Alex Quote
levon Posted September 4, 2010 Report Posted September 4, 2010 For anyone wanting to get some SPST momentary footswitches, i have a bulk buy going Quote
Victor Posted October 19, 2010 Report Posted October 19, 2010 PB Editor i cant download this app Quote
tashikoma Posted December 1, 2011 Report Posted December 1, 2011 pedal board V2 4 foot pedals + 4 internal pots 4 relay loops (bypass + bypass + parallel + a/b box) internal power supply for fx pedals 15 switchs (8 banked 5 fixed) again: thanks to Durisian!!!! :D Quote
Durisian Posted December 10, 2011 Author Report Posted December 10, 2011 Awesome work tashikoma!! Can you post details on the box and other hardware - what you used? where you got it? how you made it? any problems you came across and solutions... Cheers!!! Quote
tashikoma Posted December 25, 2011 Report Posted December 25, 2011 (edited) THX Durisian so after building the "mini" pedalbox i was thinking building a more complex and versatile solution.... the front is a piece of 1cm aluminium previously it seems to be a walk up for truck but my friend use it to be a below of hot dish! after a good meal my friend offer me the frontpanel... i drilled and cut the frontpanel switch are momentary from BANZAI music,dpdt relay from futurlec other component from reichelt (reichelt have now 20e limitation for export ,i'm french) the core was an old core from my stock rearpanel is 1,5mm aluminium drilled by myself the rest of the box is 5mm plywood 1 transformer for pbx 1 transformer internal power supply for external stompbox a lot of brainstorming :logik: problem was the digits i had in stock 2 digit common anode the good way is common cathode! (it was the first time that i use digits) another problem with the bankstick .... you've got to program the bankstick before load the application (i'm not sure of the method i don't remember!!!!!! :frantics: ) i build 2 midibox sid ,1 MB64 ,1 MBCV ,1 MBseq, 1MiniPedalBox I am a bit stupid but its starting to enter in my head :sorcerer: PBX software is a long-scheduled!!! but after all value edited it's cool!!!! :thumbsup: i'm a bit confused between rig and gig.... it works good :whistle: THX to TK and you :w00t: Edited December 25, 2011 by tashikoma Quote
madz Posted February 16, 2012 Report Posted February 16, 2012 I've made pedalboard fully from scratch. But got several problems: 1. After uploading bankstick data LCD shows some strange characters and core reboots. Software shows "Complete" status. Is it normal behaviour for core to reboot after bankstick data upload? 2. LCD backlight level pot does not affect anything. 3. I've got random DIN data when DIN module is connected (checking schematics) 1 Quote
madz Posted February 18, 2012 Report Posted February 18, 2012 DIN fixed. This article was helpful: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=din_module\ Using some multimeter diagnostics found two places with bad soldering. After fixing everything worked perfectly! Banksticks looks to work like it should. Quote
marcosdearaujo Posted January 15, 2013 Report Posted January 15, 2013 Hello. First congratulations for the project and its facilities as well as documentation. Based on your project, I intend to build a simple version of the FLOOR BOARD to command a rack BOSS SE-70. It allows the change of 4 parameters addressable via MIDI. I wonder if there is how to optimize the use of interface DIN and DOUT because I have something in mind with 8 buttons: - 4 buttons fixed. - 2 Bank to function UP / DOW. - 2 for Bank Stick UP / DOWN. - 1 LCD Display of BIG Number would need only one mbhp_dinx1 and a mbhp_doutx1... Is that possible? How would the file pbx_config.h? I also plan to use only 1 potentiometer and for that I need to use the interface AIN or can connect directly in module processor? I remember that in applying MIDIBOX_LC, there was this possibility ... limited to 5 pots .. Is that possible? How would the file pbx_config.h? grateful. Hello, friends. First congratulations for the project and its facilities as well as documentation. Based on your project, I intend to build a simple version of the FLOOR BOARD to command a rack BOSS SE-70. It allows the change of 4 parameters addressable via MIDI. I wonder if there is how to optimize the use of interface DIN and DOUT because I have something in mind with 8 buttons: - 4 buttons fixed. - 2 Bank to function UP / DOW. - 2 for Bank Stick UP / DOWN. - 1 LCD Display of BIG Number would need only one mbhp_dinx1 and a mbhp_doutx1... Is that possible? How would the file pbx_config.h? I also plan to use only 1 potentiometer and for that I need to use the interface AIN or can connect directly in module processor? I remember that in applying MIDIBOX_LC, there was this possibility ... limited to 5 pots .. Is that possible? How would the file pbx_config.h? grateful. Quote
Teig1 Posted April 14, 2013 Report Posted April 14, 2013 (edited) Hi. I descided to reuse my "old" mbseq v3 boards on this project. I´ve done nothing to the setup (all board are still inside the mbseq box with all the buttons encoders etc).... uploaded the pbx program, and the box reboots.... I use a 2x16 lcd (replaced the dual 2x40 lcd with a singre 2x16lcd) after boot, the display only shows the info; Pedal Board Error 245 After reading this thread and looking at the error codes, the error 24x indicates the bankstick has not been formatted for PB.... how can I format the bankstick? (In mbseq v3 I used a menu to format banksticks) Brgds Ole Peder Edited April 14, 2013 by Teig1 Quote
Teig1 Posted April 16, 2013 Report Posted April 16, 2013 (edited) . Edited December 17, 2013 by Teig1 Quote
Teig1 Posted December 17, 2013 Report Posted December 17, 2013 I'll answer my own post..... I had a faulty bankstick in position 5 (thus the error message 245). Edit: No no no.....Not the correct error description.... Bankstick ID5 is not configured for pedalbox Sorted the bankstick problems.... I had to export master & devices manually from PBEditor2 manually to sysex files, then use MIOS studio to upload the info. Not a trivial task to get the bankstick uploaded... This is what I had to do (after xxx tests) 1: do all needed basic configuration in PBEditor2, I chose to use Midi channel 16 for master BS, check that all your devices have their individual unique Midi channel. 2: pull out all banksticks except master BS in ID0 position. upload the master 2.1: swap BS in ID0 position to one of the device BS. Upload this device BS with the correct sysex. -repeat 2.1 for the remaining device BS´s 3: insert all you BS´s (Master in ID0 pos, devices in the remaining positions) Woilaa no error reported, works 100% Quote
Teig1 Posted February 14, 2014 Report Posted February 14, 2014 (edited) Up´n running, relays not implemented yet..... Great midi switcher!!!! Edited February 14, 2014 by Teig1 1 Quote
Danny1107 Posted December 17, 2016 Report Posted December 17, 2016 (edited) Hi, I'm just building the Pedal Board, but I have some trouble with the Pot/Pedal Input. If I set AIN to 1 and set a 10K Pot to AIN A0 from the Core PCB I receive many Midi Data see in the picture. On the display it's swapping to many messages but turn the Pot doesn't effect anything. I post my pbx.config.h file, so I hope anyone can help me. OK, problem solved, a had a bad PIC, there was AIN 0 channel broken, POT in AIN1 set the Analog Input 1 and 2. Now with a new PIC it works fine... Best regards Danny pbx_config.h Edited December 23, 2016 by Danny1107 Quote
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