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MB6582 Supply


5Volt DC 3Amp - 9Volt AC 3Amp pover supply for MB6582

From the album:

Antix MidiBox SID

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also nice to see the crowbar circuit :-)

Could you do an A-B listening test with your old C64 PSU, if you have one?

I seem to have slightly more noise with this PSU (like a 50Hz hum, but don´t know where it comes from- the components are all top-notch and the capacitators should work their ripple-softening magic...)

Greets, Peter

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I dont understand ; do you have noise with C64 PSU or with this new PSU?

Yes I have an old C64 PSU for comparison but I will be able to do the test when I will finish the MB6582.


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Hi Antonio,

I feel to have a little bit more noise with the new PSU... but not really very well audible, i´d be interested if you hear it, too - but no hurries... have fun building the rest of the MB6582 :-)



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OK now is clear :)

It is strange as you used modern el-parts.

may the crowbar section insert some noise ?

This is the first time I use it in my linear supply ( usually I trust in 78xx ).



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Hi Antonio,

I am not good enough in electronics to guess what is exactly wrong... but I somewhere read, that ground-hum can be because of the ground connection between different audio gear, that have different PSUs.. gotta read more regarding this... and test, if the hum also occurs, if I only plug head-phones into the MB6582...

Other possibilities would be the crowbar, as you mentioned (could deactivate that subcircuit for a test)... or wrong filtering capacitators....

but I don´t have a oscilloscope to have a peek, yet :-)

But it is not really problematic, just barely audible, and am interested, if you hear it, too ;-)

Greets and have a good time!


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3 Ampère ? and you use Vregs in TO-220 package !!

please please which Vreg are you using? i just know the 78Sxx / 79Sxx type that can deliver a max of 2A.

but i need moar :rolleyes:

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