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  1. Last week
  2. Sure, will send PM later today. For sammichFM I have the project but not the bare PCBs. Can order them though
  3. Hi, I am interested in buying bare 2 pcs sammichSIDs PCBs. I am also interested in buying sammichFM PCBs if it is possible. Best regards Rafal
  4. It's no problem to sell on the facebook marketplace or on ebay. Best regards, Peter
  5. i have two different versions of the sid, whole c64, a couple different midibox projects which were working but have been used for spare parts on other projects... a sid seq v2 is one of them, i forget the other, lol. i wanna sell the boards if anyone would be interested is it ok to post on ebay or facebook marketplace?? i'm in myrtle beach, south carolina, usa thanks, -J
  6. Earlier
  7. Yes, clock stretching slows down the clock line for I2C communication. Some of the boards I use with I2C do not work because the clock rate is too high. With clock stretching it works but I don't know how high the clock rate is. But it must be below 400 kHz (this is the limit that is noted in the specifications of one of my external hardware). For SPI communication, one of my boards is limited to 1Mhz. So it would be good to know some specifications about the core8 board.
  8. Hi, Can you explain my what did you do with the clock stretching ?
  9. Here we go, I made a topic in fleamarket for sammichSIDs:
  10. Hi everyone, For a long time I see that there is a constant demand for sammichSIDs, however there are only replicas from Hong Kong. I made my own sammichSID-compatible boards. I know that Midibox project is sort of non-commercial, so I do not plan to make huge profit, its just my hobby, and I want to make donations from sales. It would be better to completely agree with community and authors that I can make this synths as many as possible (and of course offer them for a good price) Everything is negotiable, I can donate and support the Midibox project from the sales - I really like it, I follow Midibox from 2008 Thus, I think I should give some life to this project again, so here is what I can offer now: - sammichSID compatible and looking like sammichSID synthesizer in red-black acrylic enclosure. Here are some photos: Price: 250 EUR with KungFuSID chip emulators(https://github.com/Sgw32/KungFuSID) 290 EUR with ArmSIDs Synthesizer is fully functional and was assembled 2-3 weeks ago. Features: - Glowing fluorescent buttons - Black-red stylish enclosure - Red LEDs - Engraving on acrylic top - Power supply is included I want to donate 10% from this amount(and from each sammichSID sale) to authors or to Midibox project. Please write to this topic, I'll contact you. I can make more of them if needed, please write in this topic if you are interested. I also have bare sammichSIDs PCBs for 15 EUR Also I am interested if there is any demand for MB6582 synthesizers and sammichFM. I have their designs too.
  11. Cool! :) Btw.: meanwhile "gputils" is part of Homebrew: https://brew.sh For those who know this package manager: just enter "brew install gputils" Best Regards, Thorsten.
  12. Hello, about 10-15 years ago I built some MIDIBox projects and adapted the respective setup file (e.g. setup_8580.asm) and compiled a hex file from it. Since I was working on Mac OSX, Thorsten helped me to set up the whole thing so that I was able to do it myself. Unfortunately I have no experience with programming and compiling. These were the instructions at the time: 1. install Xcode 2. download gputils 3. open the terminal and go to the directory where gputils is located (e.g. Downloads) 4. enter “tar xfv gputils-0.13.6.tar.gz.tar” 5. tar file is now unpacked 6. use “cd gputils-0.13.6” to change to the gputils directory 7. enter “./configure” 8. enter “make 9. enter “sudo make install” 10. enter the root password 11. change to /Users/<name> with “cd” 12. touch .bash_login 12. open .bash_login 13. Insert “export PATH="/usr/local/bin:${PATH}”“ 14. save and close Setup completed 15. to create the hex file, change to the MIDIBox directory with the software in the terminal 16. enter “make“ 17. new hex file has been created Unfortunately the download of gputils at Sourceforge doesn't work (I tried Mac/Windows and different browsers) and I don't know which version I currently need. I also can't find a working download of SDCC anywhere. I was able to download “gputils_1.4.0.orig.tar.xz” from another site and install it successfully. I get as far as point 6 of my instructions, but nothing happens when I enter “./configure”. The terminal says “zsh: no such file or directory: ./configure” I myself use a MacBook Pro (2021) with mac OS Sonoma 14.6.1. Does anyone know what to do or where I can get the correct versions? Would other solutions (Xcode or MPLAB X IDE) be alternatives? I have already looked through countless pages and YouTube videos, but most of the explanations are far too old and no longer work or are no longer available. Thanks a lot! Oliver EDIT1 : By the way, I want to use a PIC18F4685 for a MIDIBox SID V2. EDIT 2: A friend helped me to install Gputils 0.13.7 correctly. Now it works without any problems on my MacBook Pro M1 Max 2021 with macOS Sequoia. So my question was answered outside the forum.
  13. Is it possible that j14 can be configured programmatically as an output pin and if so, how can the pin be set to high or low?
  14. Short feedback to 1): Regardless of the IIC clock rate (must be below 400khz), my solution now works with clock stretching. if anyone knows more about the SPI clock, please let me know.
  15. I still have a MBHP AOUT_NG lieing around and it's open for sale. Make me a reasonable offer.
  16. Try to replace sids with cheaper alternatives like swinsid
  17. I Now try to bulid my own console and I think I will have lot of questions?! Does anyone answer this???
  18. My old friends, i see it's fixed, happy to donate too.
  19. More like 7 years later :D Update 2024 I wanted to use my MIDIbox SEQ V4 more, in different situations, and make it more portable. I have made a new case in aluminium, so I can move all the modules, the CS frontpanel and the MIDI socket panel from the suitcase to the new case easy, and connect all the in's and out's on the new case to the modules.
  20. Heya! I was wondering if it is possible to have DIN sync clock out or even (one) CV/Trigger/Gate per sequence with the seq v4 lite. On the project page it is stated "working, but configuration is too difficult, therefore not documented." From how I understand, DIN sync can be achieved via a DOUT sihft register with 5V logic levels in the stm32f4 core. I assume the complication in the v4 lite project comes from the fact, that there is no display and thus no way to configure/set the clock/start/stop signals? Maybe someone can shed a light on how it could be achieved? I'm happy to change the software to make it work if that is necessary but would need some hints. Best regards, stahl
  21. Hi Thorsten, thanks for you quick reply, yes, the follow mode is what I was looking for. Have a great time until next time. Best wishes, Michael
  22. Thx tk, for finding out. So only the last note is missing in the changelog ;)
  23. Upgrade is in progress, could you please check if problems are solved? If not I can request support from Invision Best Regards, Thorsten.
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