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MIDIbox Newbie

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  1. Who's coming to town for the GDC this year?

  2. Hey SF, Got nothing to do this fine Tuesday night? Come see Collective W, Rx Nightly and Animal Super Species The Hemlock Tavern. Doors are at 8:30. $6

  3. I'm using the PSU Wilba links to on his page. The Jameco 12vdc 1A regulated psu. http://www.jameco.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?freeText=1953663&langId=-1&storeId=10001&productId=1953663&search_type=jamecoall&catalogId=10001&ddkey=http:StoreCatalogDrillDownView
  4. When I was doing step 2 of the voltage test I heard a pop and saw smoke. Then started problem solving to get figure out what caused the smoke. The over heating bc337 seemed the problem. I don't think the 3 pads should trip continuity on my multimeter.
  5. So after installing all components and a voltage check on the base I installed the CS. There was a pop and smoke. I've been checking parts and levels over and over, during which I noticed the T1 was getting hot. I replaced it and tried the brightness test Wilba described in another post by putting an led in the b+ and b-, this didn't work. I removed the T1 and tested around and discovered that all three pads are shorting to each other. What now?!? :sad:
  6. All Voltages on Base PCB fine. What should I be measuring at T1 and P1? Voltage or Resistance? I got a new PSU. The 12VDC 1000mA Regulated one Wilba links to and I'm waiting on a new LCD screen.
  7. So I had the same experience as MOP. Installed everything. Voltage checks across the base PCB all fine and stable 12.3V for the JBL right pin. I then put the JBL shunt in for 12V and the J4 assuming I had a high-powered LCD screen. My PSU is labeled 12VDC 1.25A Regulated. But like MOP I turned the brightness clockwise and heard a small pop and saw smoke. I tried taking the J4 shunt out and tried again, more smoke. I moved JPL to 5v, screen lights up, contrast works but brigthness doesn't. I think the smoke and pop came from the left side of the board. Is the 1.25A of my PSU too high? Cory
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