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Posts posted by Kike

  1. I have the same problem too but not with the sammichSID, I have build the stereo setup myself.

    And my right channel is dead from the beginning.

    I have burn the bootloader, mios and the application again, didn't help.

    I think there is something wrong with the pin 27 of the pic (J14). 

    When I replace connections between pin 27 and 24 of the pic the left one is not working but he right does work

    I am going to buy another pic and try.


  2. Since nobody replied me I did a little research and stumble upon this post 

    I was not in the sid forum but in testing/troubleshooting so I didn't see it before.

    Is it possible that the problem is with the burner? Mike burned it. I think that he knows what is he doing.

    I have uploaded the mios again and the sid app again and the problem is still here.


    Other thing,

    I played with the sid a little, and the sid is not responding to keyboard like it should. On bass patch it is all fine,

    but on any poly patch, when I press a chord, the first time it only plays one note, second time three notes.

    I still don't have control surface so I don't know is the sequencer or the arp on a patch, maybe is that.


    Thank you


  3. Hi, 

    I tried to build a twinsid from yodabe and I had problems with it. This is a link to the previous post: 


    Now I have etched my own board and I am having problems with the Right channel.

    Left one is working fine.

    I have tested the right channel (connected with the j14 of the core module (pin 27 of the pic) with the testtone app and it works. 

    It has passed all the tests with the interconnection_test_v2 except the pin8 of the sid chip, it's not giving me the right voltage. 

    It should be 0V when I press the Key on midi controller but the voltage is changing between 0.3V-0.9V

    It should be 5V when I don't press a key but it stays the between 0.3V-0.9V

    The pin 8 is connected to j14 of the core module (pin 27 of the pic) and I have tested the solder joints, it is all fine. There is no shorts or anything.

    I did another test and connected the pin 8 of the right sid module with the pin 24 of the core module and it works.

    What could be the problem?

    I have attached my board. stereo sid SILK 01.pdf

    This guy seems to have the same problem but his worked for a while 



    Thank you 




  4. Hi Janis

    Thanks for the help. 

    I have checked everything. I am using  8580 chips, put a 22nf caps on the  pins1/2 and 3/4. Put a pullup resistor on the lcd

    Voltages are fine, 9V and 5V. I bypassed power from the TWINSID board and build power supply that was suggested by Thorsten.

    I have tried yesterday the socket that worked the first time and now I hear very high noise on the output, SID works

    Noise changes when using midi keyboard in mios studio. It is some kind of flickering noise. 

    I am going to etch another board, going mad with this one.



  5. Hi 

    I am trying to build a SIDv2,  actually a TWINSID from yodabe.

    I have build only a main board for now, and the sid worked, when I tried the sid tomorrow there was no sound.

    So I have tried the testtone app to find out Is there a problem with the output amp.

    I have connected the 8 pin and the 27 pin and there is no sound but when i touch the wire with my hand there is a sound, What? Strange.

    Can someone give me an advice what to do, what to replace, what to check?


    I have put the sid to other socket on the board and it works like a charm.

    this is the link of the project:


    By the way, the left sid on the main board is not working




  6.  Hi everybody!

    I am building a 808 with microlarge pcbs and mb808seq
    I have uploaded the default mb808 hex file and everything works,
    but I need to replace some dout triggers and enable the swingpot.
    I have changed the asm files to do that but I don't know how to compile it to hex.
    I have read the wiki page about that, installed needed apps,
    struggle it for hours but i didn't manage it to work.
    Even asked a friend to do that for me, he also didn't succeed.
    Can someone see if I have done it right in the asm file and compile that to hex, please?!
    I have attached the asm file  setup_808_kike setup.asm
    I have changed triggers to shift registers 1 and 4, added external triggers,
    and enable the swing pot. 
    I want -  bd to trigger from pin7 of shift register 1
               - sd  to trigger from pin6 of shift register 1
               - lt  to trigger from pin5 of shift register 1
               - mt  to trigger from pin4 of shift register 1
               - ht  to trigger from pin3 of shift register 1
               - cp  to trigger from pin2 of shift register 1
               - ma  to trigger from pin1 of shift register 1
               - rs  to trigger from pin0 of shift register 1
               - cb  to trigger from pin7 of shift register 4
               - cy  to trigger from pin6 of shift register 4
               - oh  to trigger from pin5 of shift register 4
               - ch  to trigger from pin4 of shift register 4
               - ext1  to trigger from pin3 of shift register 4
               - ext2  to trigger from pin2 of shift register 4
               - ext3  to trigger from pin1 of shift register 4
               - acc  to trigger from pin0 of shift register 4
               - and enable the swingpot
    I have uploaded the mb808 app with swing pot but the lcd doesn't show changes of the swingpot.
    Is that OK or is it something wrong with the swingpot?
    I can't test it yet because the microlarge pcbs are in soldering status.
  7. i have try more things


    I have downloaded sysex box and try to request sysex dump


    MIOS program memory - It receives sysex dump, bytes 22496, blocks 19

    MidiBox 64 bank - it don't receives sysex dump

    MidiBox 64 Patch - It don't receives sysex dump

  8. I have build PIC18F


    Query detects midibox


    It says:


    Operating System: MIOS8
    Board: MBHP_CORE or similar
    Core Family: PIC18F
    Application is up & running!
    when i send sysex it sends it, it goes to 100%
    But nothing change.
    When I pres "learn pot" in midibox editor, and when i move pots on midibox, pots move on virtual midibox, and I see changes 
    in pot properties.
    When i press "learn button" in midibox editor, and when I press a button, virtual midibox don't show that I pressed 
    the button but I see the changes in button properties. 
    When i send sysex file to midibox, should i see any change on the lcd.
    I don't have banksticks. 
    I am going to try once more, if nothing, I am going to keep it like it is
  9. I have tryed to configure my midibox with the midibox editor but it did'nt worked.

    I have changed the button type to controller, send sysex to midibox but nothing happend. Everyrhing is the same. I have stored the sysex file to disk and try to upload it with mios studio and again nothing.

    Mios studio is receiveing midi from the midibox, everything seems to be in order.

    What now?

  10. Hi Everyone


    I have build Midibox 64 a few years back, I am using it constantly, there are no problems with it.


    But, some of my push button are configured to play a key (example: button 33 plays C3)


    So, for example, when I connect midi box to a midi in on a soundcard, and the midi out of the soundcard to a synth, midi box is playing notes on the sinth.


    I don't want that to happen.


    So my question is this, can I program midi box to add a different control to that buttons and if I can, how.


    I am not a programmer, when I have build a midibox, I've just taken a precompiled hex file and imported it with mios. 


    I don't know how that works, but it does.


    Btw, I am using it with ableton, and ableton do not support SysEx









  11. Hi Thorsten


    Thanks for the fast reply

    I am not going to touch anything, it's working, that is fine for me.


    I am aiming for the Sid next.

    But then I am going to read everything before I start :-)



    Best Regards, Kike 

  12. Hi Everyone!


    I have build my first midibox64 some time ago with a big help from igi, on the forum.

    Everything is working like a charm, i am controlling ableton with it.


    It has 64 pots, 53 buttons, and no leds.


    Now, what is bugging me. The LCD. 


    I am not a programmer, I dont know C, I have used precompiled Hex file and upload it into the midibox.


    But I want now that LCD is showing little more than just numbers. I think that is possible, I have search trough the forums

    and didnt find how to get that.


    I have put an image for you to see how my LCD looks:




    I dont have any leds on the midibox but the LCD thinks that it does. This is probably because of the hex file.


    Can anyone explain how can I change the look of LCD to be a little more fancy, 

    I dont use the LCD, but it would be great that he looks like I use it.







    Thanks, Kike

  13. Hi!

    Ok, i have upload the application, but, nothing happen. again.

    Maybe it's the problem with the windows and the firewire.

    I am going to borrow another midi interface from my friend, even try to do everything on mac, joust to be sure.

    This is going to take few days, because it's summer season over here and everybody is working few jobs.

    I will post as soon as i do that,

    Again, thanks for the support.


  14. Hi

    I have Focusrite Saffire Pro 24, that souncard is not in the blacklist

    The mios studio is receiveing every second this message:

    [10429.773] f0 00 00 7e 40 00 01 f7

    [10431.666] f0 00 00 7e 40 00 01 f7

    [10433.558] f0 00 00 7e 40 00 01 f7

    [10435.450] f0 00 00 7e 40 00 01 f7

    [10437.342] f0 00 00 7e 40 00 01 f7


    Operating System: MIOS8

    Board: MBHP_CORE or similar

    Core Family: PIC18F

    Bootloader is up & running!

    Then I upload this:

    C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\MIDI BOX\mios_v1_9g\pic18f452\midi\mios_v1_9g_pic18f452.hex

    Reading mios_v1_9g_pic18f452.hex

    mios_v1_9g_pic18f452.hex contains 12826 bytes (52 blocks).

    Range 0x00000000-0x00002fff (12288 bytes) - MIOS8 area

    Range 0x00003000-0x000033ff (1024 bytes) - PIC Flash

    Range 0x00007c00-0x00007fff (1024 bytes) - PIC Flash

    Press start button to begin upload.

    Then I press start...

    Trying to contact the core...

    Upload in progress...

    When it comes to 100% :

    Upload of 13312 bytes completed after 832.00s (0.02 kb/s)

    Then nothing happens, The led still still shows blocks,

    What to do next?


  15. Hi ilmenator

    Thanks for the fast replay,

    No, I have pic 18f452. I have uploaded the hex file that is for that PIC.

    But there is two hex files that comes fore that Pic.

    The readme says that I don't need to upload the bootloader_v1_2b_pic18f452.hex if I have bought

    PIC from Mike or Smash that I did.

    MIOS Bootstrap Loader for Newbies

    Note: please never try to upload the .hex file of Bootloader V1.2 via MIDI, there are cases

    which can lead to a permanent failure, so that the PIC needs to be reprogrammed.

    I didn't read that in time :)

    I think the best for me is to order another PIC from Mike and solve the problem, if the problem is in that.

    it is only 10$.

    Can you tell me what else can I try, and what come next, I am good in Hardware stuff, but programming is not my best side.

    When I upload Mios(Hex file), than comes sysex? Or?

    Do I need to configure the Syex file to my own setup (64 pots, 22 buttons, 22 leds) or can I joust upload one of the

    sysex that comes on ucapps.de.

    I am planing to use It in midi learn function in ableton, so I dont need syex or?


  16. Hi Guys!

    I have build the Midi Box 64, for the first time.

    64 pots, 22 buttons, and 22 led.

    My led display shows black squares, nothing else.

    In tutorial I have read that is because I haven't Uploaded Mios.

    I have uploaded the hex file that is in the folder burner and it's named bootloader_v1_2b_pic18f452.hex.

    I know now that I have uploaded the wrong file, I have tried to upload another hex file, but nothing happend.

    Mios Studio is telling me: application is up and running

    "Midi In window" in Mios Studio is receiving midi messages.

    Is there anything i can do without pic burner?

    Otherwise, I need pic burner to start from the beginning.

    Can anyone help me, I will sent him the pic by mail, so that he can upload the bootloader for me.


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