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Posts posted by docljunior

  1. Hello you guys!

    I've read your posts with great interest and I do have some thoughts.

    1. It should fit in a 3u Eurorack.
    2. I agree with TK concerning encoder behaviour and layout - touch an encoder and the apropriate menu page pops up. Works like a charm on Audiothingies P6 and Shruthi XT (wich is more similar - dedicated buttons for instant access and the value displayed + a clean user interface with a few buttons and encoders for navigation etc). Changing several layers that alters the behaviour of all the encoders can be very confusing - like the LXR or even worse the desktop Evolver. Although I do see the need for layers in order to implement all theese features.
    3. Same front panel and pcb for whatever use you have. Custom labeling/screening.

    Anyway. Good work both of you ;)

    The only MB-project I have built is the SeqV4l and that is four years ago. I'm currently in the process of building a two or pherhaps three story 19" desktop eurorack case and I have been searching for a decent and flexible sequencer to put in it - so I obviously had to check in to see what was going on over here :)

    Here's a (very) raw and unfinished sketch...


    Finally I must say that I really find the v2 concept interesting and just perfect for my setup.

    Best regards


    Eurorack Modul32.png

  2. Hi There.

    I have built a Seq v4 Lite with the LPC17 core. The core seemes fine. I get past all the midi tests, the led on the expresso is flashing three times when booting and everything seemes right in Mios Studio. The Sd-Card is working and has been "formated" by the core. However the panel is not working at all. When I fired it up the first time there was no light at all :( When I tried the pushbuttons I got feedback in Mios Studio. If I remember correctly it told me exactly wich button I pressed, but after a while it reported buttons only occationally and randomly. Now it does not give any feedback at all.

    I have changed all four of the cables between the panel and the core, I have tested all the components on the panel and found nothing wrong (that I can spot with my limited knowledge), and I have preformed the midi loopback tests with expected results.

    Any thoughts about this would be very appreciated.



  3. First I want to say Hi all you fantastic builders - scince I'm totally fresh in this forum. I am in the process of building my first MidiBox project - Seq v4 Lite - and I am so impressed by the effort from all of the contributors to this project. I started building last night and I'm enjoying every moment of it (so far...:).

    I'm wondering if it is very difficult to implement the Aout_NG module to the lite sequencer, and if anyone has done so. I tried to search the forum for this answer, but ony came to the conclusion that this was work in progress. Am I right? Hope this isn't off topic or that I have missed a thread concerning this...


  4. I would be supprised if they have all of it.

    My experience with Elfa is that it is impossible to say whether they have all we need or not. Their web site sucks and so does their search engine. When I tried to order the parts for Core lpc17 ande Seq V4 lite I found 3/4 of the parts, and ended up with only one of each of the parts because of some %$# bug in their ordering system. I got for instance ONE 3mm led packed in a huge plastic bag and cardboard box ( I took a screenshot of my orderlist before I paid for it where all the parts are there). Ended up with Reichelt and money transfer. And one more thing - the prices at Elfa are insane. Some of the parts are 10x the price on other international online shops - identical brands...

  5. Ihvertfall en midiboxer i Tromsø. Holder på med SeqV4 lite (med planer om en Aout NG om det lar seg gjøre i fremtiden). Mangler en del deler fordi det skjedde en feil i bestillinga fra ELFA - fikk bare en av hver del jeg bestillte (?!?) - så nå har jeg bestillt resten fra Reichelt (og de tar hverken Visa eller PayPal - man må betale faktura før de sender). Hadde heldigvis en del komponenter liggende, så jeg er godt i gang.

    Dessuten har jeg en Mutable Shuruti-1 + polivox-filter i bestilling (og satser på at et ms-20 filter blir designa i løpet av sommeren - mye tyder på det...)


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    Og snart en MidiBox Seq v4 Lite

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