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Posts posted by Giovanni

  1. I'm trying to control a midibox sid v2 that i built years ago with ctrlr. My machine is a literal black box, it has no controls nor display, just a power switch and input/output connections. I would really like to be able to load ctrlr as a vst inside of my daw (reaper) and control the synth as any other virtual instrument, but, so far, no luck. Here's a list of what i've tried:


    -Latest version of ctrlr, running standalone, load the panel, set midi input, control, output -> everything seems to work. Specifically, activating the midi monitor in ctrlr i can see that for any knob or parameter that i tweak in the panel, a correspondig amount of midi data is sent to the machine, and obviously changing parameters affect the sound.


    -Latest version of ctrl loaded in reaper as either vst 86, vst 64 or vst 3, either allowing ctrlr to directly control midi in/out or routing them through the host -> no luck. Checking with the midi monitor, only the buttons on the left side of the panel, (init, receive, SID1-4, link osc, link stereo, play) generate a midi output, while all the knobs and buttons of the various engines generate nothing. I can play notes just fine, but no matter what i click or turn the sound doesn't change.

    run the same thest with the Ctrlr_ac6a3185 version, got pretty much the same result. So I'm curious, has anyone managed to run the panel in ctrlr as a vst and got it to work?



  2. ok, Maybe i 've got it...

    since i don't have the control surface, i can't access the internal settings of the synthesizer, hence i can't set the parameters in the AOUT page of the menu :sweat:


    all the parameters in the AOUT page have an initial value that is written somewhere in the source code of the application, so it should be possible to set them properly once and for all and get my CVs working. But where should i look exactly? :huh:

  3. to check if my aout_lc modules are ok, i have downloaded the aout test project from the svn (/trunk/apps/troubleshooting/sdcc_aout_test/)

    modified the main.c to output a saw wave, set the pin for the aout the same as in midiboxfm directly into the 74hc595 driver, compiled and it works as supposed, so the problem is not in the circuit.

  4. Now that my midiboxfm works fine, i want to add 4 cv outputs to control 4 lp filters (one for each output) but i'm having a lot of trouble just trying to make one cv out work by itself. The problem seems to be located at the very start of the chain: the pic core is supposed to output some signals (called SO, SC, RC in the schematic, corresponding to data input, shift clock input pin and chip select inside the code) but according to my DSO nothing at all is coming from pins 15,16 and 18 of the PIC :sad: . Inside setup_pic18f452_mbfm_v1.asm i set AOUT_INTERFACE_TYPE 2 and all four AOUT_LC_RESOLUTION_OPTION_Mx to 1.

    I think i have done everything correctly, but clearly there is a mistake somewhere, could anyone please help me track it down?

  5. Recently i put together my midibox fm, in the same basic configuration TAG used; trying to upload the provided setup_pic18f452_mbfm_v1.hex inside the 1.4e release, i got the same error as TAG. Since i don't use any control surface i tried to disable it in the asm file and then recompile as explained here, but MAKE gave back the following error:

    src/main.inc:384:error 113 symbol not previosly defined(CS_MENU_MATRIX_handler)

    so i opened main.inc, deleted the offending line (my programming skills are at "butcher level", wich is just beyond the "hello world" grade :sweat: ) and recompiled

    no error this time, and the compiled code was quite smaller and was uploaded with no problem at all into my 452, wich now runs properly

    hope this could help as both a bugreport or workaround

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