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sound warrior

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Posts posted by sound warrior

  1. hey jullian thanks for your help am i corect in thinking you could make me the top pannel but not the hole case? also please could you link me to the thread you menssioned? i should be able to find the info do you know how many posts are in the thread? also would you be up for consaulting with the person who's helping me about this matter? some dots may help to :) to duggle i'm using the smashed tv pcb's thanks for all your help guys kind regards trey.

  2. hey all its trey from the uk here i'm blind and ive managed to find some one to help me give the seq v4l a second shot but i have 1 question and a request that i need help with. firstly is it possible to have different shaped rubber buttons on the seq v4l to represent its various functions? for example triangles for the  16 step keys  circles for the transport keys and a square for the mode key? 

    secondly are there any aluminium case experts that would be prepared to assist me and the person helping me build the midi box sauce an aluminium compact rugged case that covers all the working parts of the device? thank you for taking the time to reed this i hope i havn't upset any one please bare with me as i'm still new here :smile: your help with these matters would be grately appreciated kind regards trey.

  3. hey all i'm trey from the uk and i'm toatly blind i'm interested in the midibox seqv4l but i want to know if it is possible to add the following controls to make it easier to use for me. 

    fi want to add latching switches for each of the 16 steps so i can feel my way around my pattens i would also like to add big knobs that click when you turn them (i don't know the technical term) for selecting the modes chiewsing the track and channel and moving around the bars in the pattens is this possible? 

    i found  a person in the uk who can build me a midibox would it be ok if he came on here to ask for help and advice? 

    also is there any on here who is an expert in aluminium or steal cases or aloominim cases? 

    your help with these questions would be most welcome kind regards trey.

  4. Martijn could sell you a ready-made MIDIbox SEQ V4 Lite.

    In order to establish the communication channel, I passed him your email address, so that he can directly contact you.


    Yes, arpeggiator (resp. transposer) and live recording are standard.

    The complete documentation can be found under: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_seq_lite.html


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

    cool tk but does the seq v4 light come with the ability to sequins cords in step time as standard? kind regards trey.

  5. hey guys thanks for your help guys you've been grate i have a question where can i buy a complete kit from with all the parts and cables? if this is not possible please could you post me a link to the product page of each part? thanks for your help every one also does the midi box seq v4 light come with arpeggiater polyphonic step sequencing and real time recording as Standard? and how good do you guys think the full midi box seq v4 would be for a totally blind person? and is it menu based? kind regards trey.

  6. thanks for your kind help tk since your the inventor of the project i think would you be prepared to sell me one or except a compensation payment or a donation to the project in general? this also goes for any one els who's thinking of helping me i like your idear of the  button conbo i'll let you know if i think of any thing els. thank you all for your kind help its really hart warming! kind regards trey.

  7. thank you for your kind reply well the features i would like are as follows:


    midi arpagator that can be used with external Devices. 


    the ability to program cords in step time. 


    the ability to sink it to other hardware and software. 


    and all the other standard features of the seq v4 light :) 


    and it must not be menu based. 


    i also know that paying for a midi box to be built for you is not allowed but if some one out side the uk would be prepared to build one for me i'm more than happy to pay the shipping costs i hope that offering to do that doesn't brake any rules kind regards trey.

  8. hello every one, my name is trey i'm a totally blind electronic musician from england and i'm doing djing and electronic music production in college. 


    i've been on a quest to find a polyphonic hardware midi sequencer that has an arpagator  that is tactile and  is not menu based. after much discussion about this over on gear sluts  see this  thread for more info: 




    i came to the conclution that the midi box seq v4 light would be just perfect. 


    how ever i have a big problem i  know nothing aboutt building electronics or programming, i also have cerebral palsy which means i have only the use of one hand. this means i'm unable to build a midi box v4 light for my self so would it be possible for some one prefibly in the uk to build one for me? i know that asking this is not the done thing in this community and i appoligise if this request offends any one. but i feel that because of the nature of my disabilities i have no other option but to make this request if any one has any other ideas please let me know i hope you can help me and i really hope i haven't upset any one kind regards trey.

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