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Posts posted by pre55ure

  1. Hi Thorsten, I uploaded "V4 .089_pre6_undo_disabled" and made some progress, (though I don't know if the OS made any difference.)

    I was able to get the sdcard recognized and got the "valid" response in MIOS, but with some strange behavior. I am only able to get the sequencer to recognize the sdcard immediately after uploading the OS to the LPC17xx. If I upload the OS with the card connected, then when the sequencer boots for the first time, it will find the card and load the necessary button/led/encoder settings. However, as soon as I turn off the sequencer, it fails to find the sdcard/load the frontpanel settings on every subsequent boot, and the only way I am able to get the seq to recognize the card/load the frontpanel settings is to reload the OS via MIOS.

    I have ordered another SD card and connector, as I'm hoping that perhaps It is just something card related.

    I uploaded a pic of my MIOS screen after uploading the OS, if there are other files or pics that would be helpful to you, please let me know.



  2. Hey Starspawn, I actually spent quite a bit of time looking through your posts last night. It does sound like we have/had very similar issues. I checked the regulators again today and they are both in the right place, I also double checked their output to make sure they were supplying the correct voltage. I also checked the voltage available at the sdcard and it is getting 3.3v as expected. So I can't find anything hardware related that could be interfering.

    Starting to wonder if it's more likely on the software side (as in maybe I didn't format the card properly or something?) But it's weird because if I open the MIOS file browser, I can connect to the card and see the file there, and can click the "edit text" button and can read stuff off the card, so it seems like the data is on the card and the core can access it. but the command "sdcard" still fails.

  3. Hi all, new member here.

    I just recently picked up a midibox seq v4 from a friend who never managed to complete his build.

    So far everything seems good, except- I can't seem to get the sdcard working as expected.

    I have MIOS 2.4.6. running under osx 10.7.4 and the seqv4 running from a powered usb hub. the sequencer is using the lpc1769 board.

    I formatted the sdcard as fat32 and uploaded the MBSEQ_HW.V4 to the card. 

    I'm pretty sure that the wiring (to the sd card) is ok (I do a lot of DIY and I continuity checked everything, and checked for shorts as well). When I plug in the card after power up, MIOS sees it and says "Sd Card connected" and then "Loading Session DEFAULT"

    So far all seems good, but when I type "sdcard" into the command line on MIOS, I never get anything that says "valid" just a whole string of files that are listed as "doesn't exist" and then it ends with

    "[30901.389] File /MBSEQ_HW.V4: doesn't exist or hasn't been re-loaded"

    I'm a bit lost about where to go with my troubleshooting efforts from here and was hoping that someone here might have some thoughts on what to try.



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