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Posts posted by BEBDigitalAudio

  1. On 1/31/2021 at 1:35 AM, Smithy said:

    Here's a tip for anyone who wants an easy way of having raised lettering on their 3D prints with a different colour to the case itself.

    Print the case with lettering with the same colour filament you want the raised lettering to have.

    Wow, that's really a great idea ! Never thought of having the text like this.

    By the way, if you use this method, I have a question : what software do you use to produce the text to be printed in 3D ?

    I am using Freecad, but I never found a good way to generate 3D printing of text from it


  2. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... :whistling:

    I bought a sammichFM kit without the case (the reason was I did not like how the laser cut box was looking). I installed my machine in a Teko box, making it even uglier :blush: The poor machine was forgotten a few years in a cupboard, and thanks to the lockdown in France, I found it a few weeks ago, covered in dust.

    As the original case made by Wilba has disappeared from the Web a long, long time ago, I decided to make a 3D printed case for the machine. As you can see, result is not bad (and much better than this awful Teko enclosure)...

    The files have been created with FreeCAD, I put the STL files here if someone wants to use them.

    I found some possible enhancements (like having holes to reach the trimmer for contrast and backlight level), but I did not want to print the box a second time (more than 7 hours to print both parts).

    The source file in FreeCAD format are available, just ask me if you want them.




    SammichFM Bot.stl SammichFM Top.stl

    • Thanks 1
  3. And after a long silence (being VERY busy with other stuff....), here are some news of the project to turn the ASX/X-Synth into an open DSP platform for music.

    But first of all, I have to report some of the bad news about ASX/Plugiator : Use Audio is now completely dead and silent. The website is closed. It is now handled by a company who wants to sell the domain name to the highest bidder (I hate those companies who want to make money with "well known" domain names). Since Use Audio was the only source for Prodyssey, Pro12, FMagia and Drums&Bass plugins, the ASX is little by little getting the status of abandon-ware. Moreover, we tried to get in touch with inDSP in India, and the answer we got was "all developments of the ASX/Plugiator is completely stopped"

    In other terms, the only available board is now the X-Synth from iCON, for which it's very hard to get a clear status. It's still existing on iCON website as an active product, and they sell it with 300USD off (see here https://www.icondigitalusa.com/shop/xsynth), but it seems out of stock. And at the same time, it can still be found on various places on the web, but with crazy prices (I saw some over 400 USD !!)

    Software support from iCON is simply non-existing, since the software they provide is not even branded "iCON" but "Use Audio" (the name appears on all plugins in the Manager). That means that iCON does not even probably know that there are other plugins (and does not probably even want to deal with the licensing issues with inDSP)


    Now, the "good" news : after countless hours of experimentation on my ASX boards, I think I have finally found a way to inhibit the local microcontroller and be able to download DSP firmware directly from an external board through the SPI link. The process involves to solder two connectors on X-Synth boards (SV1 and SV3) and place a jumper on SV1. It's also needed to solder a wire directly on U204 (pin 11) to get access to the SPI CS line to the DSP. Soldering this wire is quite difficult by the way, and requires serious soldering skills.

    Apparently, inDSP has implemented a special mode in the ATMega32, probably for DSP debugging on something like that. This mode is activated by shorting pin 1 and pin 2 of SV1.

    But take an extreme care if you start experimenting with that : shorting the wrong pin on SV1 will activate the ICSP mode (In Circuit SPI Programming) mode of the ATMega. That means that you can format the microcontroller Flash memory through the ISP connector!! And there is NO WAY to recover the ATMega32 program in that case (in other terms, your synth board will be DEAD!!)

    I will post more details on the forum as soon as possible, but I think I am on a good way now.

    Once again, if you decide to experiment with the DSP SPI link, note that you need to know exactly what you do and you take the risk of erasing the microcontroller memory in case of any failure.

    In other terms : don't tell me I did not warn you about risks :fear:

  4. On 28/02/2017 at 8:11 AM, jelise said:

    Sounds good :cheers:.

    Thank you Benoit.



    Hi Joel,

    apparently, the alert system with the private message is failing (it failed for me)... but I think that you will get an alert with this message in the forum. Please check your private messages :happy:


  5. 10 hours ago, jelise said:

    Hello guyz,

    I'm looking for a faceplate of the ASX board (the red one, for the VX keyboards, if I can choose).

    If someone can give up one of his own, let me know please.

    Thank you.



    I think I still have one somewhere, that I don't use. Let me check, if I find it, I will send it to you


  6. 11 hours ago, jelise said:

    Hi guyz,

    I received the iCON x-synth I ordered at amazon.de (curiously, it ships from Italy).
    The user manual says to connect the 8 pin FRC connector from the keyboard to the 16 pin FRC connector located on the board.
    The connector from my CME VX is 8 pin but it's a JST type.
    I wonder if I can just connect the keyboard to the x-synth...

    Regards... from Martinique ;)

    Hi Jelise,

    as somebody was saying still recently in USA : yes, you can :happy:

    It's just a question of making an adapter between the two connectors. Look at picture from Pasbel, it tells how to do it.

    I am not at home right now, but if you need a more detailed schematics, I can send it to you (since there is a risk that I completely forget this meanwhile, don't hesitate to send me a message as a reminder)


  7. On 04/01/2017 at 10:22 PM, Zam said:


    I'm back on this...

    I think what I want to achieve request 4 session with 4 endpoint at kissbok dialling with 4 SPI midi at midibox side...





    Hi Zam,

    sorry, I completely forgot to answer to this post.

    You don't need 4 SPI to do that, nor you would need 4 endpoints. It would be possible to do that using the CableID to identify the session partner. Don't forget that a single endpoint in the KissBox can support multiple sessions in parallel. I would need to update the software to report the session partner using the CableID, but this is feasible (I already talked about this option with Thorsten a long time ago, but we never went further)

    Sharing the same endpoint between various session is the key to save a lot of memory (something that Hugo106 did not seem to understand when he said that there was not enough memory in the OEM CPU :fear:)

  8. On 15/01/2017 at 5:17 PM, jelise said:

    Hi guyz,

    I read this topic from A to Z and found it very interesting.

    I own a couple of CME keyboards with a NeoSynth board in one of them. I've been proposed the ASX Plugiator instead but, as I didn't know it much, I prefered the NeoSynth.

    Now, i'd like to add an ASX board in the second keyboard but I can't find one for a decent price. I found some bargains on iCon x-synth. So, I wonder if I could install one in a CME VX controller.

    The second solution is to purchase an ASX board. Is anyone willing to sell one of his own ?

    Let me know ASAP please.

    Regards... from Martinique ;)

    Hi Jelise,

    the ASX (and iCon) are very different from NeoSynth. The NeoSynth is based on DREAM chipset (DREAM is a subdivision from Atmel based in France) and is mainly a sample player (sample player followed by DCF/DAC chain). The ASX and iCon are based on SHARC DSP, and they run "virtual analog" synthesizers (not based on samples)

    The sound you get from each of them is then very different, since they use completely different synthesis algorithms. In my humble opinion, they complement nicely each other.

    Now, about the fact you can't find ASX anymore, the iCon X-Synth is exactly the same board except from the connectors used to interface with the keyboard. In other terms, you need just a an adapter (just connectors and wires, no electronic components). I can give you details about the wiring you need to make. So, if you find a X-Synth rather than ASX, do not hesitate, they do the same thing.


  9. I finally solved the issue :happy:

    I just updated my SVN snapshot completely. Don't ask me which file was different, but once I got a fresh view, I just recompiled the application and it worked.

    And finally, there is no bug on my side, it's just something related to MIOS32 source code, like a file which was not updated on my computer to the last version (probably in the USB enumerator).

    Now, the application works like a charm both on XP, Win7, Win10 and Mac without changing even one line of code on my side :rolleyes:

    And thank you a lot for your time and investigations, Latigid.

    At least, we know now what to do when we see such a behavior on Win10...

  10. I tried the app_skeleton on Win7 : it works, the USB MIDI interface is recognized. So there is an issue in my code that blocks the Win7, I will look to that

    But there is also clearly a Win10 issue. If I go to configuration panel when app_skeleton is running, here is what Win10 tells me



    (Ok, it's in French :fear: sorry)

    The MBHP does not appear as a MIDI interface but as a composite device (so, there is an enumeration issue. The MBHP is composite : MIDI + Audio, both should appear here)

    And the status reported below is "driver error" (while everything works fine on Win7...)


  11. And small update : I made a test under Mac OS (10.9) and it works too. MIOS Studio finds a "USB MIDI Peripheral" (generic name). When I check in Audio/MIDI Configuration, it is also displayed corectly (as coming from midibox.org). So the more I look in that, the more I think it's a Win10 related issue, not a MIOS32 problem itself.

    I will make a test today at work with a Win7 machine, just to be sure


  12. Hi Latigid,

    thank you for your help

    forgot to say : this is a MB997C board (previous version of Discovery, not the new one). I tried to install the GM5 driver, but it fails (it says "Contact manufacturer : error 0x0006")

    I did not try to update the ST LINK for now, I will try later today (normally, it's not related to that, since it's not the new DISCOVERY board)

    I send you here the HEX file I used for the test. The application is empty, it's just the basic core (so I am sure it's not a bug crashing the board)





  13. Hi all,

    I am facing a very, very strange problem with MIOS Studio under Windows 10. I have created an application using Eclipse with MIOS32 on my Win10 machine, but when this application is loaded in the STM32F407 via MIOS Studio, I loose the USB connection between MIOS Studio and the MBHP. I thought first it was my application, but when I upload it with MIOS Studio on a XP machine, the USB connection works :pout:

    Here are the steps I follow :

    - installation of MIOS Bootloader V1.0.18 on the MBHP using ST LINK

    - I start MIOS Studio 2.4.6 : the USB MIDI port appears and MIOS Studio displays the bootloader message

    - I select the HEX file compiled from Eclipse and upload it into the board : application is uploaded correcly. MIOS Studio looses the USB connection when the STM32 restarts (normal behavior up to now)

    - if I scan now the MIDI devices on the computer : no more MIOS32! I can try anything from disconnecting USB, power supply, etc... It never appears again

    I then reloaded the bootloader using ST LINK : USB connection to MIOS Studio works again. At this level, I thought it was an error on my side, blocking USB.

    I connect now the MBHP to a WinXP machine and I take the HEX file compiled on the Win10 machine. The bootloader appears as expected and I am able to upload the HEX file into the MBHP.

    But now, when the MBHP restarts (with the application compiled on Win10 machine), it works perfectly with MIOS Studio under XP!

    If I connect it to the Win10 machine again : fail!

    So the problem is clearly not in my code, nor in the toolchain being run under Win10.

    Did somebody already saw that?



  14. On 23/08/2016 at 10:04 PM, latigid on said:

    Nice job!

    I managed to do it the old fashioned way the other evening, just setting environment variables by hand and invoking "make" from the project directory. But this looks easy enough for anyone to try :). With Eclipse are you able to set different "presets" for distinct build environments? I know you can run into trouble with multiple toolchains etc.

    Hey Latigid

    By the way, I just forgot to tell you : you can create as many "presets" as you want, with different toolchain configuration, just by creating as many workspaces as you want. For example, on this computer, I have one MIOS32 configuration for the "pure" MIDIBox projects (the projects presented on the website), and I have another one, located in a different directory, with its own SVN image for my HorusDSP projects (since there is a MIDIBox version of it). Each workspace has its own build environment configuration, defined in the Preferences.

    When you switch from one workspace to another, Eclipse takes care to point to correct source code folder and toolchain folders.

    If you need more help with this setup, just tell me, I can explain more in details

  15. 8 hours ago, latigid on said:

    Nice job!

    I managed to do it the old fashioned way the other evening, just setting environment variables by hand and invoking "make" from the project directory. But this looks easy enough for anyone to try :). With Eclipse are you able to set different "presets" for distinct build environments? I know you can run into trouble with multiple toolchains etc.

    Hi Latigid,

    thank you for your comment.

    About the "presets": they are already included. On this PC, I have different toolchain installed (one for Intel Galileo, one for MIOS32, one for XMOS, etc...), they all run under Eclipse and they do not conflict each other. The reason is simple : every instance of Eclipse saves its own settings in a separate directory. Eclipse does not know the concept of Windows registry (not portable), so there is no common place where configurations would conflict between each others.

    However, you have to take within Eclipse about paths, because this may lead Eclipse to scan the wrong directory when it executes the makefile. That's why I never declare paths to toolchains directly in system's path environment variables, but directly within Eclipse


  16. Hello all,

    I noticed that the MIDIBox DokuWiki is a little bit outdated (still based on XP screenshots) and not necessarily easy to understand for true beginners.

    I have written the small guide here to describe step by step as best as possible the installation and configuration of Eclipse for MIOS32 projects.

    All comments are welcome of course (and if somebody wants to try to make sure that nothing is missing or is wrong, he/she is welcome :cheers:)


    (EDIT : due to an update, the first version of the file has been deleted from this message to avoid any mismatch. Please see below for the updated version)

  17. Hi Zam,

    I am very sorry, I completely jumped over your post and I just realized today that you were expecting an answer. I will take a look to that today and answer as quick as possible.

    (To be honnest, the last two months have been an incredible race for me, because of this : http://www.imodular-synth.com)

    And if you take a look on bottom right of main page, you will see that this is also MIDIBox compatible :grin:


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