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Posts posted by johnnyfax11

  1. Hi Roel,


    I'm going to order the pic microprocessor and try this on breadboard, I still remember how to write hex files in microchip ucs and found my oldschool programmer!!! I Will try this like that before modifying source code, I only know basics of asm code and I vaguely understand the MB808 program. Your pdfs will be great help for sure, thank you.


    One last question, is there an electronic schematic to adapt MB808 to 808voices. It seems weird to trigger it with output ports directly because the original 808 service manual gives us a description of the input trigger which in fact is merged with the accent (4to15v dc) etc etc... 


    I found old posts with lots of great tips and it seems that there was a website called eight-oh-eight.org that could be useful but it is unfortunately down. Is this website accessible somewhere?


    Again, thanks for your help here!

    Nice build Roel, the case is cool!



  2. Hi,


    I've built three 808 modules some years ago (BD, SNARE, HATS) and they work really well !


    The only way to get sounds out of it is to connect trigger to a +5 or +15v. I'm using this a lot and planned to midi my little boxes. I've heard that the 9090 can input midi notes and velocity. That's exactly what I'm looking for. I suppose it's ok for 808clones applications.


    As I'm barely new to programming, I just wanted to start with a simple midi note/vel IN project to trigger my little boxes (with an external sequencer like my monomachine or my computer) to finally use them without sampling individual hits. I think building a complete sequencer with lcd and all will be way too complicated for me. Btw what you guys make here is totally awesome!!


    It would be cool if someone here could help me a little, and give me the right links or something to get started. There's cool links everywhere and I don't know where to start :)


    Thanks a lot for your advices and sorry for my english.







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