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Posts posted by DanLeuca

  1. Is anyone still alive on this forum?

    I have purchased all the parts, PCBs, etc. to bulid the SeqLite and

    gave up at the very end, when the LEDs would lit up in a certain

    sequence, then they would go off and that was it. I want to find

    someone to finish it for me, I would pay for it. Otherwise, is there

    anyone who wants to buy these from me? I wrote on this forum

    before but I did not get any help. 



  2. Hi everyone,


    I think it has been 2 years now since I have invested my hard earned money

    in this project. I have gathered as much information as I could and proceeded

    to build this sequencer. I bought all the parts, followed the instructions and in

    a week I have finished it. Powered it up and voila...All LEDs lit up in a certain

    sequence and the...stopped. Pressed few buttons, combinations, etc. Nothing

    has worked. Switched it off and on again...the same thing... Checked the software

    with the utility provided, all shows fine, checkksum, etc. The sequencer did not



    I have asked for help on this forum few times and so far no one helped me to

    make it work. The sequencer has been sitting in a box since more than a year


    I wonder if anyone of you is willing to help me. I can either send the whole thing

    to you, for you to check and make it work (I will pay for it) or if anyone is interested

    I will sell it (if allowed by whoever needs asking). I also have a second clear panel

    with all the holes drilled, etc. made by Ponoko. no inscriptions on it though!


    Thanks everyone...it's a pitty I could not enjoy using it this so far... :sad:

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