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Posts posted by Saschaaa

  1. Hey,


    i know the pics above may be a bit confusing so I took some new ones.

    At the moment, i'm trying to get the DOUT-Module (not the DIN) working.

    I measured the following on the 541:


    PB12, Slave/Chip-Select signal       D0

    PB13, SCK                                       D1

    PB15, MOSI -> data                         D2

    Y7                                                     D3

    Y6                                                     D4

    Y5                                                     D5

    PB14 MISO                                       D6


    Now connecting the core with the DOUT-Module results in an activated LED


    In pic 1, i played a G-0, which toggled the LED off 

    In pic 2, i played a C2, which resulted in nothing


    The things I don't get are the following:

    1) Why is a played G-0 such a long impuls ? That only happended at G-0. All other notes i played were just short impulses.

    2) Powering the core results in an activated CORE-LED. Playing Midi-Notes toggles the CORE-LED off, but normaly, it should be the other way around, shouldn't it ?  If i restart the core with the black button, this doesn't change. If i load the code again on the core via the MIOS-Studio, the CORE-LED goes off and behaves, like it should be(incoming Midi-Message ->LED ON). However, the  DOUT-LED is still ON.

    3) If only 1 595 is connected to the DOUT-Module, where should pin 9 (O8) go ?

    4) Why has the signal of the SCK pin so much bytes ? Because you could control up to 128 LEDs with it ? So 128 Bits ? What if i just want to control 16 LEDs? Is that changable ?








    I hope somebody can help me...


    Best regards,


  2. Hey, i think the same... the problem is located at the core.

    Therefore I used the LogicAnalyzer to visualize the Dataoutput of the 74HCT541, maybe you can see there something irregular.


    In every picture i took, the first 6 signals show the following: D0 = FirstPin 74HCT541 (OE#), D1 = 19thPin 74HCT541(OE#), D2 = 11th Pin 74HCT541(Y7), D3 = 12th Pin 74HCT541 (Y6), D4 = 13th Pin 74HCT541(Y5), D5 14th Pin 74HCT541(Y4)

    Pic 1 - 3 show additionaly on D6 = Second Pin(A0), D7 = Third Pin(A1)

    Pic 4 - 6 show additionaly on D6 = 4th Pin(A2), D7 = 5th Pin(A3)

    Pic 7, 8  show additionaly on D6 = 6th Pin(A4), D7 = 7th Pin(A5)

    Pic 9 - 11 show additionaly on D6 = 8th Pin(A6), D7 = 9th Pin(A7)


    On Pic 1,9,11 you can also see that I played a Note in MIOS-Studio (D2)


    Link: http://workupload.com/file/1oKw0gde



    best regards,


  3. Hey, it's me again...


    As the DIN-Module still isn't working, I tried to get the DOUT-Module connected.

    I soldered the DOUTX4_R5 Schematic with only one IC (74HC595) and left the 9th pin open(don't know if that's correct) ?!

    After that, I connected 2 LEDS to D0 and D1 and uploaded the DOUT-Tutorial (9)

    Now I can see the LEDs in full color, but I can't toggle them as i should be, while playing a C2 for example...


    Has anyone some suggestions ?

  4. Sorry again, i have 2 Encoders connected: 1 to 11/12 the other to 13/14

    The other 4 pins are connected to 10k resistors


    If i disable the encoder configuration and write :

    MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("Pin: %u", pin);
    MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("Value: %u", pin_value);

    in the DINN_Notify_Toggle App - nothing happens


    However, the DebugSection sent once the following(but now not anymore, don't know why):


























    (it continued with the following pins:55,85,62,21)

  5. Hi,


    sorry, typing error:

    they are connected at pin 11 and 12.

    MIDIO128 sends no output if i turn the encoder.

    And i think it's no format error like it the example above, because if it would be so, it would output anything.

    At the moment there is no output.

    Only If some of the unused pins aren't connected to their resistors, the Debug-Section outputs something like this:



















    As a result of this in the ENC-Notify-App:

    MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("Encoder: %u", encoder);
    MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("Inkrementer: %s", incrementer);
    MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("Value: %u", value);




    Any more tips ?

  6. Hey,


    I'm trying to get the DIN-Module working with some of my Encoders, but it doesn't work.

    I have 1 Encoder (EN11-VSM1BF20) connected to the 10th and 11th Pin (D0,D1) of the first SR. This Encoder is also connected to 2 10K resistors. The other Pins (D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7) are only connected to other 10k resistors.

    I use the following code:


      int enc;
      for(enc=0; enc<NUM_ENCODERS; ++enc) {
        u8 pin_sr = enc >> 2; // each DIN SR has 4 encoders connected
        u8 pin_pos = (enc & 0x3) << 1; // Pin position of first ENC channel: either 0, 2, 4 or 6

        mios32_enc_config_t enc_config = MIOS32_ENC_ConfigGet(enc);
        enc_config.cfg.type = DETENTED2; // see mios32_enc.h for available types
        enc_config.cfg.sr = pin_sr;
        enc_config.cfg.pos = pin_pos;
        enc_config.cfg.speed = NORMAL;
        enc_config.cfg.speed_par = 0;
        MIOS32_ENC_ConfigSet(enc, enc_config);


    NUM_ENCODERS is 1.


    And in the ENC_Notify_Change App it says:


     MIOS32_BOARD_LED_Set(0x0001, ~MIOS32_BOARD_LED_Get());

      // determine relative value: 64 +/- <incrementer>
      int value = 64 + incrementer;

      // ensure that value is in range of 0..127
      if( value < 0 )
        value = 0;
      else if( value > 127 )
        value = 127;

      // send event
      MIOS32_MIDI_SendCC(DEFAULT, Chn1, 0x10 + encoder, value);



    But if I'm moving the Encoder, nothing happens.

    If the other free pins aren't connected to their 10k resistors, the ENC_Notify_Change App is called randomly and sends random values over the DEFAULT Midi Port. Also the LED is blinking randomly....


    I soldered the Module twice, changed all the components, tried different tutorials(14, 15) but yet it still doesn't work :(



    Has anyone some tips ?









  7. Hi,


    sorry erstma das ich den Thread wieder ausgrabe, aber ich habe ein ähnliches Problem.

    Hab getsern dummerweise etwas in die App_Background-Funktion geschrieben, was mir nachdem ich den Code aufs Core geladen hab große Probleme bereitet.

    Bekomme nämlich, wenn ich einen neuen Code laden will, entweder die "Timeout on query request" bzw "No response from Core..." - Problem-Meldung.

    Geb ich ein paar mal help ein und versuche es erneut, stürzt MIOS komplett ab.

    Gibts noch einen Trick, den Code zu aktualisieren ?

    Hab auch schon versucht das Core zu resetten(blauer knopf gedrückt halten un den schwarzen dabei drücken)

    Bringt leider auch nichts

  8. Hey,


    I'm trying to build a Midi-Step-Sequencer to control a Synthesizer.

    The idea behind that is, that the Step-Sequencer has 16 encoders, each encoder stands for a single step. So the first encoder will always control the first note which sould be played, the second encoder controls the second note which should be played and so on..

    Each encoder gets a certain number(1-16) and can play either nothing or  a note(c0 - h5 for example). When i hit the play button, the sequence will start to play and you will hear the notes, which are twisted. So if i iwant to hear a sequence where the third, the 10th and the 13th notes should be heared loud, i have to twist the third, 10th and 13th encoder.

    Do you get the idea behind that ? I know, my explanation might sound strange...


    I've read the sequencer tutorial, but i don't think that this is the way i should do it, because the Notestacks only can add Notes add the beginning/end of a stack.


    Can somebody give me some hints for programming something like that ?



    Best regards,


  9. So,

    now they are working... At least one IN and one OUT Port. The other two aren't working...

    I can send Notes i played in the MIOS Studio via Midi to my Synthesizer, the debug_message for this port says: 10 in hex, which should be the USB0 port

    And when I play notes on the Synth the LED blinks and the debug-messgae says port: 21 . Which should be the UART1 port

    This only works for one in and one out port.

  10. Yes it does do something else

    For example the first tutorial works fine on the core. Playing some Notes on the MIOS32 results in a blinking LED on my stm32f4.

    So it should also blink, if i play some notes on my synthesizer or my ipad, which is connected via an USB-MIDI cable  to the MIDI-IN of the MIDI IO Module, right ?

  11. Hey,


    I just tested the whole day the MIDI IO Module with my STM32F4-Core-Module.


    First thing i tried was to display incoming midi messages with the 003_debug_messages tutorial. I connected the midi-out of my synthesizer to the midi-in of the midi-module and then the j1-interface of the midi-module to the j11e -interface of the core module. Playing some notes on the synthesizer didnt result in anything.

    Then i connected the midi-out of the synthesizer via an midi-usb-cable directly to my mac and started the mac-midi-monitor -> saw the incoming messages.


    Then i tried to send some messages via the core module + midi io module. For this, i connected again the core-module to the midi module (j11e to j1) and then from the midi-out either 1) to the mac-book via a midi-usb-cable or 2) to the synthesizers midi-in.

    After that i updated the 003_debug_messages-tutorial with some code


    void APP_Tick(void)
        MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(IIC0, Chn1, 1, 128);



    I tried all of the IIC ports, but none of them worked, which means, that i didn't get any messages from the midi-module.

    I also tried the iic_midi-troubleshooting code which showd me the following:


    IIC1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 NOT available.


    i doublechecked all the pins i soldered and they are correct. I also get 4,6 V on the midi-module which should be allright ?!



    Anyone got some suggetions how to test the midi-module or how to get it to work ?




    Best regards,


  12. Hi,


    got some strange result :)

    I used a LogicAnalyzer to check the waveforms again. I connected the datapins(d0-d7), e, rw, rs and the sclk pin on the hc595. After starting the Analyzer i suddenly saw the systemtime... Then i disconnected every wire except the one connected to the sclk pin and the systemtime was still visible. After disconnecting the wire from the sclk pin, the system time disappeared..

    So, the lcd is obviously working, but connecting the logicanalyzer all the time is no solution :D

  13. I tried the testlcdpin command after uploading the bootloader update application..

    And i dont get any result..

    I set the pin to 0 or 1, but the scope doesnt show any wave

    After uploading the lcd-tutorial app again, i was able to see the waves again..

    Any suggestions ?

  14. Hi Thorsten,

    i think it might be possible that I connected the LCD wrong or that some cable caused a short circuit, as this is my first project where i had to solder on my own..

    Nevertheless i will check the connections between the microcontroller, the 74HC595 and the LCD once again and I will try the "testlcdpin" command ;)

    thanks for your tips, i will test it out on Monday

    Best Regards, Sascha

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