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Posts posted by mrzottel

  1. It is 510mm wide, 300mm deep and between 40 and 90mm heigh. (40mm in front, 90mm in the back).

    It is a rather flat case, that is why I had to space it out a bit and could not just stack the modules. I could have probably gotten away with a smaller case, but without any experience how much space the control surface would require, I went for better safe than sorry. Also I like huge massive cases (this is made of thick aluminium). Also my first plan was to integrate the power brick into the device - but I scrapped that for an external brick, so the space where I placed the DIN/DOUT-Boards is free space. My current plan, as I have 5V + 12V and some space available is to fit an arduino in there with a couple of RGB LEDs to light a laser cut acryl glas plate which will be placed behind some holes on the back of the case. (I accidently cut 3 holes for midi and power a bit too big, so the connectors fell through. Placing some fancy lights there make it look like it was on purpose =D)

    And yes, the front plate will have quite a lot of spare space, but I will be limited on where to put it by the low height of the case, so I hope it will work out. I make it a bit wider than usual with a bigger LCD (4x40) and a couple of extra switches. Power to device, power to arduino/LED and maybe audio-out -> audio in chaining of the SIDs? Maybe a VU Meter.. who knows =D

    Best Regards


  2. Yes, MIOS is the basic OS for the cores, but for the SID Station, you need an application (MidiBox SID v2.044 is what I am using) - and there are setup_6581.hex and setup_8580.hex files inside - so I guess it makes a difference. Most likely for the filter settings, as they are quite different in those models.

    I decided to take a quite big enclosure and have some generous spacing (i.e not stacking the boards), as the MB SID is going to be used in a studio anyway. 

    This is a picture of the MB SID as it currently is spaced out in the case. You can see the 4 Cores I have already finished as well as two MB SID with 8580 in place, two MB SID without SIDs yet (but configured for 8580s and 4 unpopulated MB SIDs. They all sit on spacers inside the case (Hammond "Pultgehäuse"), the biggest one they had. ;)

    On the right side is the pile of DIN/DOUT which will go into the controll surface + a bank stick. The long board on the bottom was originaly planned as a power delivery board for the different modules, to make cooling easier by placing all 78xx on this board and connecting them thermaly to the case - but I scrapped the idea of having a central place for power in favor of 7809 on the MB SID boards and taking 5V and 12V from the power brick I got. (Not sacrificing my C64 brick for that, which might be underpowered anyway..). So the long board at the bottom now is only a simple power rail to have 5V and 12V available to the modules. ;)


    Best regards,




  3. Hi,

    I have just finished my 4 cores and 8 SID boards to work in a master/slave configuration to hopefully have 4 stereo channels of awesome. ;)

    The first (master) core is already set up with 2x 8580R5, and I am about to hunt a few more SIDs to put in there. Which brings me to my question:

    Is it possible to mix those 8580R5 with 6581 SIDs so I would have 2 cores running 4 x 8580R5 and 2 cores running 4 x 6581? I know about the voltages, but I am not sure about the software side:

    1. I have to put different software onto the cores for the different SIDs - I guess configuration is different. So on updates, the "copy" feature would not work. I can live with that, updating the cores manual if need to.

    2. Patches on the bank sticks are different for the SIDs as I read somewhere in the vast documentation. Only the master has a bank stick - so maybe this can become an issue?

    And last but not least: Is it worth the effort? 8580 are recommended on the page anyway...


    Thanks a lot!

  4. The core should start without a cs installed, at least it does for me. You should not omit the resistor and the diode, even if you have no other cores on your bus, as this would leave the pin floating, which is never a good thing. Simplified it would mean, that the pic does not really know which state the pin is in. Can be high, can be low, can be somewhere in between - and that can cause troubles. The pull-up resistor should pull the pin to about 5v, so it is in a predefined state. The diode does the same to the other pin at a slightly lower voltage. (Instead of a diode, it might work with a simple jumper, if you do not intend to use the CAN-Bus at all, but not 100% sure about that.) 

    In any way, your boot process gets further than mine did, so the missing diode/resistor is almost certainly something you want to check.

    Edit: You might also want to connect your display in 4-bit mode, as this frees up the pins for the CAN-Bus, so do not(!) attach the resistor and diode with the display still using those pins. This page has the necessary information for 4-bit display mode and CAN-Bus modification. Both seem to be required for MidiBoxSID to work.

    Btw: In my case, it was a short between two pins of the PIC. It seemed, that the socket of the PIC was damaged somehow. After replacing the socket, everything worked great. Sorry for the late follow up, but the forum seems to dislike my password. I have to do "forgot password" and set a new one each time to log in. ;)

  5. So after double and tripple checking every path, every solder point, voltages, resistances, diodes (at first I thought the diode for ecan is shorted, as it opens at 0.5V in the right direction, but also 0.8V in the other direction, but this was in circuit. Out of circuit, it works fine. So I guess there is another path through the PIC.) I gave up on finding an electrical issue, even though the board looks quite bad by now. ;)

    I tried the software side with merging hex files into a single one, removing overlapping segments by letting the "newer" hex file win, but flashing this did not help either.

    Now I ordered another PIC, which should arrive some time after christmas to test out the last option: Bad PIC. 

    I will let you know how it worked out ;)

    Edit: After my vendor send me the wrong PIC today (PIC16F877A) it will take a few days to get the right one... grrr...

    Best regards


  6. R2 and R12 are mounted, so IIC should be fine. The pull-up resistor between +5V and D3 as well as the diode between D3 and D2 is mounted as well. Both D3 and D2 measure at +5.15V while powered. (My C64 seems not to be too exact with the 5V rail).

    Edit: You asked for the not mounted parts, I forgot: The 7805 is not mounted, as I use the C64 PSU, but in/out are shorted, so that the caps are all connected. I did not ommit anything but the 7805, even the bridge rectifier is in place ;)

  7. Hi,

    I've done the following now: 

    * 25 Erase cycles using the picKit3-clone, flashing the regular hex (only bootloader), uploaded MIOS (came up good, READY. prompt), uploaded SID App - still not working.

    * Flashing your .hex with the picKit3-clone, came up with READY. prompt, uploaded SID App - again not working.

    (All of the above using the supplied picKit3-clone voltage set to 5V)

    * Using external power (5V) and switching off internal power from the picKit3-cone, flashed your hex, uploaded SID App - again not working.

    Symptoms remained the same - "Rebooting MIOS" shows up, and upload requests from the bootloader appear in MIDI in. 

    I will try some more stuff with the external power...


    Best regards


  8. Greetings and thanks for the quick response!


    Which display do you have? Is it 100% HD44780 compatible? If not, this might be a problem (maybe the other apps used 8bit mode for the display, which worked fine).

    I got this LCD which is supposed to be HD44780 compliant (Datasheet says KS0066 or equivalent controller) and 4/8-Bit compatible. It also does work, showing me either

    a black bar (only bootloader) or "READY." after uploading MIOS or finaly "Rebooting MIOS" after uploading midibox_sid firmware. When I reboot by turning it off and on again,

    it is back to black bars.


    * disconnect the MBSID module, check for success

    Without the MBSIDs no success as well. Uploading midibox_sid still "destroys" MIOS on the PIC and goes to "bootloader only" mode.


    * make sure, the display does work in 4bit mode

    It does ;)


    * in MIOS studio, after the MBSID app should have started, you can send some notes via the virtual keyboard (make sure, the PC MIDI out is connected to PIC MIDI in). If the SID module works, but the display does not work, you should hear some basic SID sounds :).

    The MBSID app never starts =(


    * measure voltages, the PIC should have at least around 4.75-4.8V, otherwise it might be unstable or the app could reboot/never start.

    Voltages seem to be fine:

    MCLR(1) - VSS(12) = 5.16V

    VDD(11) - VSS(12) = 5.16V

    VDD(32) - VSS(31) = 5.16V

    I also tried disconnecting the LCD now, and check if MIOS Studio tells me wether an app or only the bootloader is up and running after uploading the MBSID app, but even without a LCD, it is only the bootloader comming up.

    edit: added link to the LCD ;)

    Best regards


  9. Greetings!

    I am stuck at the Rebooting MIOS LCD output after uploading the MidiBox SID v2 hex.

    Setup: MBHP_CORE _V3 with PIC18F4685, 2x MBHP_SID_V3 for stereo SID, 2x20 CLCD, "PSU" with +5 and +14V like in this schematic, powered by a C64 PSU.

    What I have done so far:

    1. Burned the bootloader 1.2b with my own pickit on a fresh PIC18F4685. The LCD showed black bars - great.

    2. MIOS Studio displayed "Bootloader up & running", MIOS8 as OS, MBHP_CORE or similar as board and PIC18F as Core Family.

    3. Uploaded MIOS 1.9h for the PIC18F4685 using a MIDISPORT Uno and Windows 10 (64Bit) which worked like a charm. "READY." on the LCD and MIOS Studio tells me "Application is up & running!"

    4. Uploaded midibox_sid_v2_044/setup_8580.hex, LCD tells me "Rebooting MIOS", MIOS Studio goes back to "Bootloader is up & running!"

    5. Uploaded MIOS 1.9h again, tried different troubleshooting apps like LCD connecion test, SID connection test which all worked fine and came up after "Rebooting MIOS".

    6. Uploaded different midibox_sid_v2_044 like setup_6581.hex or setup_tk.hex - all failed like in 4.

    7. Tried mbsid_testtone_v3, which failed like in 4. too.

    8. As someone who does not like to bother others with his problems, I googled and searched the forum and double checked the manual and guides. I found out, that CAN bus was now a thing on D0-D3, which

    was at that time connected to my display. I disconnected D0-D3 from the LCD, connected D3 with a 1k resistor to +5V, and put a 1N4148 diode between D3 and D2 like shown in this schematic.

    9. Tried all the steps from 2. to 7. again with the CAN Bus set up - still same issues like in 4.

    10. Found note in the changelog of MIOS v1.9d, that D0-D3 should be clamped to ground. I have not done that, as it conflicts with the schematic from 8.

    So, I am fresh out of ideas now, besides from testing to clamp D0-D3 to ground now, as the schematic using a pull up resistor and a diode looks pretty much like a wired and to me.

    Suggestions are very welcome =D

    Edit: I have not connected any kind of frontend yet, so no DINX or DOUTX attached yet. Might this be a problem?

    Best regards


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