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Posts posted by brkl

  1. Hi! I have a few questions about the Midibox port of Goom:

    * Should I build an LCD module or will that display anything when running the Goom hex? What about a DOUT module?

    * If I wanted to control the synth through the same dials as on the Goom homepage, I suppose I would hook up an AINSER64 module with dials for the 25 midi CC Goom understands?


    Are there other modules I should consider building?


    Also, I'm having a terrible time trying to download the project.hex from SVN. I've tried two different SVN clients and I can see the file on WebSVN, but I can't find what address I should type into an SVN client in order to actually get at the file. Feeling pretty stupid about that. Thank you for any help or advice!


    EDIT: Sorry for not reading all of the thread before posting. So, building a midi controller with Arduino would be the way to go for me and there's no reason to build any of the Midibox modules. 


    Which version of the Goom port should I try? Yogi seems to be doing stuff that goes over my head, but some have been commenting on the tuning. I'd like it to be in tune, of course. Is dunne's version the one?

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