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Posts posted by andran

  1. Quote

    Another way to work within this structure is to set up two tracks both to the same midi channel/output of different lengths.  put note/gate info on one track, and velocity, etc info on the other.  loads of fun. This is how I work often, it leads to great sequences, uexpected results.

    That's a way to realize it. Thanks for sharing that idea. I will solve it that way!

  2. I am new here in the forum and new to the SEQ V4+ world.

    It's a really cool and unique concept and I have the greatest respect for the work that has been done here in this community. To be honest, I only found it out by reading an article last year on amazona.de. 


    I have a question to which I have not found an answer despite searching in this forum. If the question is wrong here in this section of the forum, I have no problem moving it to a more appropriate location, as it is actually not a "Construction" question.


    What I understood so far is, that a track consists on a number of layers. The number of layers depends on how you "format" the track at the beginning of working with the track.


    So the question I have is, if it would be possible that the layers could have a different length than the track itself.

    For example,

    you have

    Layer A which contains notes. Length of the layer is 16 steps and is repeating after 16 steps

    Layer B controls note velocity is repeating after 5 steps

    Layer C controls gate length is repeating after 7 steps

    and so on.


    Maybe there is also an other way to achieve the same result. For example I haven't fully understood the nth1/nth2 function yet...


    Don't kill me if it's a stupid question or if the question shows that I haven't understood the architecture of the SEQ :wink:


    Thanks for your support!



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