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Everything posted by pilo

  1. Yes! it's true! But we can also speak about something else! Our lives ect... I'm very interested in meeting other midiboxer ;)
  2. huuummm I've got some trouble understanding what you mean, but if you mean that there's no "transformer" in AT power supply, it's true... I don't know the English word for that... the efficiency is far better than a "classical" power supply... but harder to build due to the coil... So it's smaller, and less heavy!
  3. huuumm... the best way to make a good power supply : take a transformer, put the caps and the regulator (maybe 78S05CV is better because it can output 2A) for +5V regulated, and then plug it on J2 connector of each core.. and on the core you don't need the 7805, the diode bridge, and caps C5, C6, C4... so you make a big power supply for all the midibox! if you want to make it better, take a 2x8V transformer and make a double regulated +5V (with 78S05CV you get so +5V@ 4A). For the MF module : it's the same, but there you can keep the original schemtic and just plug a 12V transformer. Try to avoid using of multiple regulator, for exemple transformer -> 7812 -> 7805, you lost power in heat ! I think you can also use a AT power supply, wich is better , but you just have +5V and +12V, maybe not enough for MF... I'm going to make a schematic of a complete power supply for the midibox LC, but I don't konw where to find a transformer with 2x8V and 12V... Don't forget that if the inpur voltage of the regulator is too high, you will loose power! for example, for the 7805 the max in put voltage is 12V! it must be at least 8V. Take a 8V transformer, with rectified bridge and caps, you get 8V*sqrt(2) on the output so 11.3V which is good for 7805. I hope this can help!
  4. hhuuummm I'm on it but I'm alone! I'm on channel #midibox... I hope someone is coming this morning :)
  5. OH YES! you mean you can have P&Gs???? I'm very interested!!! I try to contact the french people who sold P&G product, but they didn't answer me...
  6. I'm in the same case! I start my LC clone, but I will buy the fader at the end... still lookign for P&G... or ALPS
  7. huumm great! is this include VAT? I ordered 128 encoder from mouser, and I pay about... $140 there was 20.6% of VAT that I didn't think about! (it make about $40 for shipping so)
  8. what I mean by emulator, is that you run the pic code on the computer, use the same interface as the currently existing virtual midibox, just run the program on PC. yes I konw that now we can upload the program via Midi, but maybe it can help in testing some design (for example, if you want to make weird design, I have no idea but...), so you don't have to build everything... A pic emulator is maybe easy to find in open source... I found a compiler for linux... and the guys are also making an emulator (try a search with gpasm)
  9. ;D lol yes now it's clear!!! Because in europe we can't order from allelectronics???????
  10. That's a VERY great idea! an irc chan maybe???
  11. I don't konw much about the virtual midibox, but I don't think it's hard to make! why not a Midibox emulator? with a PIC emulator and some mods to get it use the MIDI...
  12. weel... I don't know! lol I think they use the same because it's stupid to use another setup! (but maybe Steinberg want to bother Logic Control users! lol)
  13. huuummm it maybe sound crazy but : check that the connection to serial are good (on the pcb ans the cable you use!), and check that's you've got 5.1V and 8.2V (or 8.7V depend on which zener you have) on the zener diode... maybe check that all other diode are int the right way...
  14. I'm from france, and maybe I could make an order for you, and then send it to USA... but I don't know the shipping!!!! and why not make a big order and so you then send it to the american's people who want some...
  15. pilo

    Ou en est on ?

    oui! mais avec le mios, il y a l'application ki émule la LC héhéh elle fait 1500 euros environt neuves, j'essais de pas dépasser 150euros sans les fader motorisés... on verra bien!
  16. pilo

    Ou en est on ?

    oui! mais avec le mios, il y a l'application ki émule la LC héhéh elle fait 1500 euros environt neuves, j'essais de pas dépasser 150euros sans les fader motorisés... on verra bien!
  17. pilo

    Ou en est on ?

    Logic Control... moi aussi j'ai bien mis 2 moi a distingué MIOS, LC ect... et meme encore aujourd'hui j'ai des doutes!! lol mais la Logic COntrol c'est la surface de conrtol de emagic, et Mackie fait la meme d'ailleur (meme boiter ect)
  18. pilo

    Ou en est on ?

    Logic Control... moi aussi j'ai bien mis 2 moi a distingué MIOS, LC ect... et meme encore aujourd'hui j'ai des doutes!! lol mais la Logic COntrol c'est la surface de conrtol de emagic, et Mackie fait la meme d'ailleur (meme boiter ect)
  19. hheeeuuu it's an EEPROM? so as many as we want??? I think about a thousand if not...
  20. if you use only 9 or 8 bit, you will have only 512 or 256 step... I think, a mod could be to take 5V and -1V and a pot in serial with the fader for ADC... Thorsten? am I right??? to get 0V when the fader when it is at its the end
  21. Oh yes!! maybe just a transistor problem! I'm going to tell you something : yhe JDM is the first thing I build with transistor which work ;D I fix stuff with transistor, but never get something with it working (with chip no problem)... Why? because I think I took to much time to solder them!!! not more than 3 or 4s for a pin, and wait about 30s between soldering each pin...
  22. pilo

    Ou en est on ?

    hheeeuuu ben je fait un clone LC... et je me suis meme pas posé la question quant à la version final de l'emualtion LC....!! de toute facon au niveau matériel ca change rien donc bon... pour le MIOS, j'ai vaguement regardé les sources des application, ca a pas l'air dur du tout, j'ai quelque connaissance en assembleur x86, et en C/C++ ainsi que d'autre langage script, meme si l'assembler, surtout RISC, reste quelque chose de très spécifique, je pense pas qu'il soit très dur d'obtenir ce ke l'on veux! sachant ke le MIOS constitue une plateforme de developpement complet pour PIC : liaison série ( le midi), LCD, bouton...!
  23. pilo

    Ou en est on ?

    hheeeuuu ben je fait un clone LC... et je me suis meme pas posé la question quant à la version final de l'emualtion LC....!! de toute facon au niveau matériel ca change rien donc bon... pour le MIOS, j'ai vaguement regardé les sources des application, ca a pas l'air dur du tout, j'ai quelque connaissance en assembleur x86, et en C/C++ ainsi que d'autre langage script, meme si l'assembler, surtout RISC, reste quelque chose de très spécifique, je pense pas qu'il soit très dur d'obtenir ce ke l'on veux! sachant ke le MIOS constitue une plateforme de developpement complet pour PIC : liaison série ( le midi), LCD, bouton...!
  24. Well... that's why I think a debug manual could be a useful : If you build the whole midibox, and then power on it will probably don't work! I make DIY for about 5 years now, and one thing I learn is the murphy's law!! It won't work if you don't understand what you are really doing! Well, this is the advices I can give you : first, just build the JDM, burn the firmware in the PIC, see if everything is ok... Then, build the core (MBHP is easier to build since all module are "independant"), test the voltage on it, put the pic, see what's appening with midiox... And then build the DIN and DOUT module... That's why I think, even for small midibox, the MBHP can be the best solution. I know this site for 9 months now, but I only start to build the midibox last week! I made the JDM, it works so I build the core, it works, so I put the pot test program, solder pot, it works... oki! Just do it step after step (is this english???) and you'll see that it works! For the 7805 : it output 5V, but it needs more than 8V on input (5V + 3V), but less or equal than 12V (5V+ 7V).
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