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Posts posted by DrBunsen

  1. I'm very sure that I won't start with this - it's like opening pandoras box.

    BLM16x16+X is open source as well, it's well documented (MIOS API), users can "hack the firmware"

    That makes perfect sense.  I realise it's not a simple feature to add.

    Just out of curiosity, how much code space / CPU time is left over in the current BLM Core?

  2. Supported features by MIDIbox SEQ V4

    MIDIbox BLM doesn't provide any intelligence to play sequences by itself, instead it only acts as a control surface enhancement for the host application such as MIDIbox SEQ V4. This means in other words, that all features are implemented at the host side.

    Hardware and Connection to MIDIbox SEQ

    The MIDIbox BLM firmware is running on a MBHP_CORE module, and communicates with MIDIbox SEQ via MIDI.


    What I'm talking about is integrating a percussion sequencer - however limited - into any space that might be left on the BLM Core itself.

  3. Limitations:
    - USB hubs are not supported, the MIDI device has to be connected directly.

    I don't know if this will help or not, but recently I have been researching USB Host MIDI on Android platform. 

    I found a note on one software company's site that said a USB hub was needed that supports "Multi-Transaction Translator" (MTT or Multi-TT).  This will allow multiple USB MIDI devices to connect via the hub to an Android host.

    I've found hubs with those magic words in their description for around $20 on ebay, so perhaps this is worth trying out?

  4. I am so very impressed D:


    * synth patches to be loaded from sdcard and dumped to the synth

    * synth patches to be stored on sdcard

    YES!!  My Roland MKS7 can has user memory!!

    Now this brings an interesting thought to mind - if you hooked up some CV outputs you could have a patch memory programmer for an analog modular synth...

    One other thought - would it be possible to have a minimalist version with say two groups of [ 4 encoders + 1 OLED ] and a page/menu system to access different voice parameters?

  5. Hi Thorsten.

    Great stuff! I have been hunting all over for exactly this solution. I should have known to come check here first ^_^

    I'm keen to try this out. A question or two if I may?

    Do you have any ideas why USB hubs are not working? You mentioned power issues before - have you (or anyone else) tried a powered hub? Or do you have any other thoughts about how that might be fixed?

    If not, then I might try another board with more than one USB port, like say the new Raspberry Pi Model B+. Granted, that will involve porting MIOS :/ but I think FreeRTOS runs on it already at least.

  6. Well now, this could be interesting:

    Unofficial Behringer Control Development Kit


    The Behringer Control series are general purpose MIDI controllers. They are quite popular among users of digital mixing and synthesizer software. The firmware of these devices can be updated by sending special midi messages. This package contains the tools generate these midi messages from a firmware image and vice versa, and to upload them.

    Device hardware:

    • CPU: OKI ML671000* (ARM7) @ 12MHz
    • 512k of flash memory
    • 2MB of DRAM

    As the STM-Core is also ARM (although Cortex 3), is a MIOS port even slightly possible?

    NB: this is not a request. Just thought I'd list the project here for anyone interested.

    (Found via HackADay)

    * 32-bit ARM7TDMIâ„¢ CPU, DMA, serial, PWM, analog-to-digital, timers, internal RAM and external memory controller.

  7. You need a heck of a lot more than just a "pinout" to do this. You need a controller board which will cost you around $100. And it has to be compatible with that exact screen, and have the right cable. Pretty much, it's not worth it.

    I might be better off using the cheap 7" lcd I have with a video input already on it.

    Yeah, that's what I'd do, until you can afford a larger/better resolution one.

  8. What great hacking potential though! $50 for a monome-style 8x8 keypad and case with knobs

    That's certainly what caught my eye :D I was all "meh" about the unit until I saw the pricetag - and then my Dremel started buzzing :P

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