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Posts posted by FREON

  1. Hi Michael,

    To manage 22kz, I had to implement the engine in asm. The basic sequencer is in Spin. Current ADSR is a dummy 80%, 100%, 70%, 30%, 0% with tempo. Yep, it's currently clicking badly, but I'm planning to have this controlled by a core module, I'm sure I'm better of re-using some of the work you're doing  ;)

    MBNET will be manage by the core right ? So I just need to find a simple communication between the core and my Propersound. Looking at the current CORE schematic, I thought that using the same interface as for the SID module was good enough. I'm going to expose  my engine's register, just like the 6581 is doing. What alternative would you recommend besides J10 ?



  2. Hy Strid,

    Not sure it deserves a thread. Just found funny that mess was working on a similar idea.



    PS: 32 bits is for the math as I'm not using floating points, I agree a 32bits DAC is pointless, but well, it's available for free. 22050 is because the CPU is "lacking mutiplication" so a lot of CPU cycles are wasted there. Propellerv2 should have it.

    Regarding the interface, I meant from the core to the 6581. So yes, if the core support CAN, let it be with CAN.

  3. Hi Guys,

    I was browsing the forum today (it's been a while) and found your thread. That's kind of funny as I'm currently working (slowly) on a similar idea except that I'm using the propeller and I, indeed, considered as well that it would be better to dedicate the CPU purely as an audio engine and rely on the MidiBox to control the various sounds.

    As you may know, the propeller has 8 CPU built-in. My current implementatioin requires 1 CPU per voices (so  I can manage up to 7 voices + a controller/interface). One voice is a combination of 8 waveforms, with various modulation and a resonant filter.

    If some of you are interested, check on


    I published a diagram of the engine.

    If anybody is interested working on the application to be developped on top of MIOS that would be great. I was planning to make the communication interface compliant with the current SiD interface.

    Let me know,


  4. Hi,

    I'm one of the lucky guys that got these nice panasonic encoders ! 50pc for 12$ !!! Yooooouuuppppeeee !!!

    I've received them yesterday and modded one of them without any big issues and the feel is excellent as pointed by d2k, even when not modded. However, as I'm not 100% sure about what I did (I removed a little plate), would it be possible that someone (dan?) posts pictures of its modification ???

    Also, I don't know for you, but mine have an integrated switch, that allows to use the encoder as a push-button, still acting as en encoder. So I was wondering if it's possible to use this feature to assign to the encoder 2 variables, one when used in normal mode, another one while pushed...what do you think ????

    Tks and if you can get those, go for it...

    Relisted at http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2550409211


  5. Hi,

    I've just finished my SID Synthetiser and it rocks !!! Thanks Thorsen for sharing such a great DIY project with all of us !!!

    By the way, I have also built the minimal control surface, so-called step A. I guess I will not go further with the control surface (B, C & D) as this one is already flexible enough for my needs.

    However, I noticed a strange behaviour with the encoder (I'm using the Mouser ENC160-24p as recommended). When I'm editing some values (let's say the LFO rate), one detent on the encoder matches with one increment/decrement of the value, which is perfect. When I'm editing some other values (let's say the filter resonance) the value can get incremented/decremented only by 8 (but matching the number of detents :8). Also when using the encoder to move in the menu, I need 4 detents.....

    Could someone confirm if this is "normal" or not as I had some troubles to indentify which pins of the encoder was A, B & C.

    Also I noticed that I don't have access to the Rec waveform for the Oscillator.  Is it another "encoder problem" or something missing in the minimum control surface firmware ???

    Thanks for your help,


  6. Hi,

    I've just finished my SID Synthetiser and it rocks !!! Thanks Thorsen for sharing such a great DIY project with all of us !!!

    By the way, I have also built the minimal control surface, so-called step A. I guess I will not go further with the control surface (B, C & D) as this one is already flexible enough for my needs.

    However, I noticed a strange behaviour with the encoder (I'm using the Mouser ENC160-24p as recommended). When I'm editing some values (let's say the LFO rate), one detent on the encoder matches with one increment/decrement of the value, which is perfect. When I'm editing some other values (let's say the filter resonance) the value can get incremented/decremented only by 8 (but matching the number of detents :8). Also when using the encoder to move in the menu, I need 4 detents.....

    Could someone confirm if this is "normal" or not as I had some troubles to indentify which pins of the encoder was A, B & C.

    Also I noticed that I don't have access to the Rec waveform for the Oscillator.  Is it another "encoder problem" or something missing in the minimum control surface firmware ???

    Thanks for your help,


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