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Everything posted by nILS

  1. Macht Sinn: 230V fetzen schon ganz ordentlich ;) Hab's gestern gemerkt... Blöd, blöd,...
  2. I know that they are not momentary, but that's what I need =) Do you know any online shops that have those? Cuz if never seen them anywhere besides in my mixer...
  3. Anybody have any idea where I can buy switches like the one pictured below?
  4. Nah, don't think so. I'm using special mircophone jacks, that are quite short. The sticks are only going to stick out about 1 cm (0.4 inches).
  5. Oh, I forgot something about the film printing: Of course you could print the films yourself, but... Since my panels are 19" it's kinda hard to find a printer that prints that big a film. Besides since I plan on having a black panel, and most Inkjets or Laserprinters don't print white,... The film will either be under a *really* thin layer of plexiglass (the plastic glass stuff) or I might laminate it. That way you can use some of the screws on the panel to hold the film. That's all I think ;D
  6. I consider two ways right now. The first one would be to have some company print it on there. Would cost about 30 EUR for all three panels. Looks very professional and it is very durable as well. The other way would be to have some company print the layout on film. Like the film used for overhead projectors - but thicker and bigger. This is the more versatile solution since the three films would cost about 5 EUR and you can basically have a design for each mood. Which is not really necessary on a SIDSynth though. It's a great thing for a MIDIbox64 or any other stuff that needs different legends depending on the usage (Studio, live,...) Hope I made the idea clear ;)
  7. Man, I want my SID to be finished. I wanna join! I wanna join! ;D
  8. Da geh ich seit Jahren hin. C64s sind da nicht gerade selten. Hab mittlerweile ca. 15 Stück plus Netzteile und Floppies gefunden - zum Großteil hab ich die dann bei eBay für ~50 EUR verkauft ;D Und jetzt bräuchte ich die SIDs... :-[ Meine 3 C64s will ich nicht zerlegen. Die sind meine eiserne Reserve!
  9. True. The big one would cost about 100 EUR and the two small ones about 40 EUR each. If I don't eat for a month, I can have them lasercut =) But since there are basically only holes, I can do that myself, too. Lucky me, no sliders  ;) /edit: spelling ;)
  10. Reichelt /Germany) charges: 50x100mm : 0.61 EUR 100x100mm : 1.10 EUR 200x100mm : 2.05 EUR 500X100mm : 5.00 EUR
  11. Quite pink your site =) Gotta check some of the music, so I can write a reply that makes more sense that this one ;)
  12. Die Antwort darauf würde mir auch helfen - ein PC Netzteil könnte nämlich dafür auch ganz praktisch sein, oder? Bringt ja 5, 12 und 15 Volt. Und noch so ein paar andere Volts ;)
  13. Thanks ;D Well, I'm afraid, when I'm done with my SidBox, I'll have to build a MIDIbox64SEQ ;) Let's see how far my money will bring me. Not too far I guess though :-[
  14. Als ich Anfang der Woche zu Hause war, dachte ich, ich schau mal beim Recyclinghof vorbei - da findet man des öfteren LCDs, SIDs, coole alte Knöpfe, etc. Also nix wie hin bei 39,5°. Mit dem Rad... Als Dank für meine Strapazen durfte ich dann folgendes sehen: Ein paar Kiddies (ich bin mit meinen 21 ja schon alt ;)) treten wie die bekloppten auf "so einen alten Ranz-Rechner" ein - ein C64. Natürlich haben die genau den SID getroffen. >:( Hab die Pins aber wieder gerade gebogen gekriegt. Naja als Entschädigung meinte dann ein Kumpel am nächsten Tag, er habe doch noch einen C64 im Keller stehen, den ich haben könnte. Und der war noch originalverpackt ;D
  15. Poeloq: She didn't catch me ;D Hehe Ok. here comes my semi-final layout. It's going to be 19" with 1x 4 units and 2x1 unit. What do y'all think about it?
  16. nILS

    dB Meters

    Cool, excatly what I was looking for! Thanks!
  17. nILS

    dB Meters

    Hi! Not really a MB quiestion :-/ I just found some analog Pioneer dB-Meters :) They appear to be 2k Ohms. How would I hook that up to my Audio out? They seem to need quite a high amount of power to react at all... Thanks in advance!
  18. Trying to beat my designs  ;) Looks great so far!! /edit: da spelling...
  19. Hi y'all! Ok, I'm on vacation, but I found an internet access! Hope my girl doesn't find out ;) I have some new ideas. Can't wait to play around with them. Yippieh!
  20. Whoa, awesome! Ok, now you've got me speed up my work so much, that I'm probably gonna mess up ;)
  21. Gilles: Appears that you're just about as far done as I am = waitng for the sample order ;) Hehe
  22. I know, I was just too lazy to do all the work involved in making it look correct. You still got the idea, didn't you ;) Well, no :D I stole it from ROLAND. See: Ok, I'm off till Thursday, so no more pics till then ;D
  23. Well, actually, right now there's just a bunch of cables, microphones and guitar strings in it, but who knows ;D
  24. Ok, one last one for today  ;) This one illustrates, what I was talking about when I said "fold-me-up". What I think is cool about it: You have a huge amount of surface, while the unit is still not aking up that much space when packed together. I live in a 52m2 flat with my girl-friend, so space is important  ;) Ok, I'll shut up for today  :-X /edit: It's late. Put in the wrong link for the picture. *yawn* Gotta go sleep. Man I hate those MidiBoxes... ;)
  25. For creating basic ideas I use "Front Panel Designer 3.1". The more graphical stuff was done in "Micrografx Picture Publisher 10" and "Micrografx Designer 9". Pretty cool tools, all of them. :D
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